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      Chemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceNanotechnologyDrug Delivery System
a b s t r a c t 21st Century is treated as the century for highly branched macromolecules, because of their unique structural architecture and outstanding performance characteristics, in the field of polymer science. In the present study,... more
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      Hyperbranched PolymersBiobased Polymer
Commercially available Boltorn Hx (xZ20, 30) hyperbranched (HB) polyesters of different theoretical core/monomer ratio (1/12 for H20 and 1/28 for H30) were characterized with respect to molar mass, composition, and structure. The results... more
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      Hyperbranched PolymersCharacterization
The molecular dynamics of two polyurethanes with different architecture (linear and hyperbranched) and their blends with compositions 80/20 and 65/35 have been studied by dielectric spectroscopy and dynamic mechanical analysis yielding... more
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    • Hyperbranched Polymers
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      Artificial Neural NetworksHyperbranched PolymersResponse Surface Methodology (RSM)
In the present study, a high performance, tough, antimicrobial, hyperbranched epoxy nanocomposite is fabricated by the incorporation of neem oil-immobilized organo-modified montmorillonite nanoclay. The immobilization of neem oil with... more
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      ChemistryVegetable OilsHyperbranched PolymersAntimicrobial activity
Dendritic polymers (dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers) are becoming increasingly popular due to their vast range of uses. Due to their distinctive and novel qualities, they have demonstrated a strong interest. Since its discovery,... more
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      Drug Delivery SystemPolymersHyperbranched PolymersEnergy Storage