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Complementary analysis of satellite mission data (altimetry, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS)) and climate fields over 2000–2009 was conducted to investigate the variability of the water cover surfaces and the... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyEarth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGeophysics
The contribution presents a practical account of the techniques and systems for bathymetric survey which can be applied for the benefit of underwater archaeological research. Single-beam and multi-beam echosounder systems are compared as... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyArchaeologyBathymetry SurveyUnderwater Archaeology
Turkey has been divided into 26 basins for studies related to water resources development. Surface areas of the basins range between 6,300 – 127,500 km2, the average being approximately 30,000 km2. Compared with nested watershed... more
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La red hidrográfica de Caracas ha sido determinante para su desarrollo como ciudad desde el período colonial hasta el presente, en el abastecimiento de agua para el consumo, transporte fluvial de mercancías, regadío de plantaciones, canal... more
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      Urban GeographyHydrology/HydrographyHydrographyUrban Planning
ملخص بحث : الموارد المائية والتنمية المستدامة في السهل الساحلي الجنوبي الغربي لليمن مقدم إلى الملتقى الخامس للجغرافيين العرب الذي انعقد في دولة الكويت في ابريل 2009 م أ.د.قادري عبد الباقي أحمد نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي للجمعية... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographySustainable Development
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      GeographyEnvironmental GeographyRegional GeographyPhysical Geography
This article aims to characterize the National Seaboard of Angola. To this end, we analyzed the way in which the current NMR is constituted, how it works and, using recommendations, certain changes were indicated for its improvement.... more
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      Ocean EngineeringHydrology/HydrographyOceanographyHydrography
Cosa ci fa un geografo nella redazione de La Città? Provo a rispondere subito. L'idea di un percorso, un taccuino di viaggio a puntate nasce dal desiderio, connesso al mio campo di indagine, di condividere e divulgare gli aspetti meno... more
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      GeographyHydrology/HydrographyCultural HeritageCollective Memory
Lake Burrumbeet, which is located in the basalt plains of western Victoria, Australia, has a much lower salinity than other lakes in the region. To determine the factors causing the freshness of this water body, an assessment was carried... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyGeologyHydrogeologyClimate Change
Hydrograph separation is considered as the first step to catchment-scale water balance analysis. A wide variety of hydrograph separation methods exists ranging from empirical to analytical and physical. This study discusses a... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyRainfall-Runoff modellingBaseflow Separation Technique
The article presents the results of the research work "Water security of the Republic of Kazakhstan - sustainable water supply strategy", for the period 2015-2017 years under the subprogram "Strategy of sustainable water supply of the... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyWater resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementIntegrated Water Resources Management
Leonardo's enduring fascination with water―from its artistic representation to aquatic inventions and hydraulic engineering. Formless, mutable, transparent: the element of water posed major challenges for the visual artists of the... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyEarly Modern HistoryHydrologyEnvironmental Studies
The infrastructure of the original Guapo river dam project at El Guamito site (Miranda state, Venezuela), built and commissioning during the 1975-1977 period, collapsed in December 1999 as a result of the extraordinary rains observed at... more
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      Physical GeographyHydrology/HydrographyGeomorphologyHydrography
La red hidrográfica de Caracas ha sido determinante para su desarrollo como ciudad desde el período colonial hasta el presente, en el abastecimiento de agua para el consumo, transporte fluvial de mercancías, regadío de plantaciones, canal... more
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      Urban GeographyHydrology/HydrographyHydrographyUrban Planning
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      Hydrology/HydrographyRemote SensingHydrologyDisaster risk management
This essay examines the factors that determine water availability for Loreto, including climate, hydrology, potable water supply, and water demand and use. The study also explores options for increasing the water supply needs in the face... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyHydrologyCoastal ProcessesSustainable Water Resources Management
Surface runoff consists of that portion of the precipitation reaching the surface that neither infiltrates into the ground nor is retained on the surface. The quantity of surface runoff is controlled by a complex variety of factors.... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringChemical Engineering
Assignment Report of Data Analysis Technique Course
Analisis dan Prediksi Pasut Menggunakan Metode Analisis Harmonik
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      Hydrology/HydrographyHarmonic AnalysisOceanographyMarine Science
This hymn is often misused to claim some kind of geographical order of the rivers mentioned. This translation demonstrates that the said claim is false.
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
IL FIUME IRNO Se, certamente, di alcuni dei venticinque torrenti che attraversano Salerno e che stiamo passando in rassegna, ci sfugge il ricordo, lo stesso non vale per il fiume Irno, a cui dedichiamo interamente la terza puntata di... more
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      GeographyHydrology/HydrographyCultural HeritageCollective Memory
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      Hydrology/HydrographyLimnologyHydrologyWater Resources (Geography)
ve kıbrıs-Antakya transform Fayı'nın buluştuğu üçlü eklem noktasında yer almaktadır. Bu sebeple mineralli suların yüzeye çıkmasında büyük etkiye sahip olan kırıklı yapı ilin tamamında izlenebilmektedir. kuvaterner volkanizmasının da... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyWater resources
An American hamburger typically consists of a grilled or fried patty of ground beef served on a round bun. The beef patty is seasoned with salt and pepper, and sometimes other ingredients like onion, garlic, or Worcestershire sauce may be... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyGeodesyHydrographyOil and gas
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      Hydrology/HydrographyGeomaticsHydrographyAdult Continuing and Professional Education . The Vistre de la Fontaine is a karstic river whose the perennial source constituted the heart of Nîmes (France) since its foundation in the 6th century BC. The developer-funded... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyGeoarchaeologyHydrologyWater resources
Major river valleys (e.g. Ganga, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Godavari, Kosi etc.) of India have remained as cradles of human livelihood and achievements throughout the course of human history. In the same way, contributing with floods the... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental GeographyPhysical GeographyHydrology/Hydrography
Rapid urbanization has greatly increased the volume of runoff generated in many developed areas and subsequently resulting in flooding. This study evaluated the flood prone area of Igbokoda town in Ondo State and developed a flood risk... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringChemical Engineering
Positioning is considered one of the most important key in any hydrographic application. Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) technique has been commonly used in hydrographic positioning. However, the use of DGPS method is highly... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyGPS ApplicationsSurveying
Recommandations pour les bonnes pratiques en matière
de méthodes d’acquisition de données pour la gestion du
patrimoine naturel et culturel des zones humides
côtières marocaines. CBDAMM Project: Rabat/Esbjerg 97 pp.
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      Marine BiologyHydrology/HydrographyMaritime ArchaeologyCoastal Management
"El mayor museo de Colombia esta en las profundidades del Mar Caribe". El articulo, ademas de mostrar la motivación personal del autor y sus vínculos durante los últimos años con el Galeón San Jose, presenta una breve explicación del... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyOceanography
Ocean floor and the shape of the shoreline are major influencers of the changes in tidal propagation. Bathymetry; a survey operation aimed at determining the nature of the underwater level and topography of a water body’s bed level plays... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyGeomaticsWatershed HydrologyBathymetry Survey
For determining of Muskingum model coefficients, requires to an output hydrograph. Such hydrograph is not available in most rivers. In this research, the Muskingum's new coefficients are determined by the method that which is not require... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyHydrologyIsotope HydrologyHydrologic Modeling
Au cours du mois de décembre 2016, des chutes de pluie imposantes sont tombées particulièrement sur la Tunisie orientale et centrale, 3.5 fois supérieures à la normale. Elles ont provoqué un gonflement impressionnant des oueds causant des... more
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      CartographyHydrology/HydrographyRemote SensingField Work
It is understood that the flow of water in coastal and ocean area are due to various factors and tidal stream identified as one of the factors. The tide generating force is produced by the movement of celestial bodies and its attraction... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyTidesHydrographic Surveying
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) provides legal value in presenting historical and existing facts to judicial bodies in their efforts to achieve the peaceful use of the seas, consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyArtificial IntelligenceInternational Relations TheoryMaritime Law
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Mounding often occurs beneath engineering structures designed to infiltrate reuse water. AQTESOLV software and a spreadsheet solution for Hantush, together with soil moisture water balance (SWAGMAN farm model), were used for... more
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      Environmental EngineeringHydrology/HydrographyEnvironmental ScienceHydrogeology
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      Hydrology/HydrographyGeologyVisualizationEnvironmental Geology
Faylar yer kabuğundaki dislokasyon hatlarıdır. Buralar, yer kabuğunun formunda ve yapısında değişikliklerin oluştuğu jeomorfolojik birimler olarak da değerlendirilebilir. Kaynaklar ise, yeraltı sularının yer kabuğunun yüzeyine çıktığı... more
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    • Hydrology/Hydrography
It has become necessary to estimate the quantities of runoff by knowing the amount of rainfall to calculate the required quantities of water storage in reservoirs and to determine the likelihood of flooding. The present study deals with... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyHydrologyWater resources
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      Civil EngineeringHydrology/HydrographyHSS
The allocation of groundwater resources has been a challenge for many years due to its unforeseen side effect and lag time issues, which are often overlooked. The full impact of groundwater utilization/abstraction takes time to realize... more
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      Environmental EngineeringHydrology/HydrographyEnvironmental ScienceHydrogeology
Projet de M1- 2014
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      GeographyPhysical GeographyHydrology/HydrographyGeology
A groundwater resources assessment has been carried out for the Lake Nyasa Basin east Africa, with reference to sub catchments further to the whole basin wise analysis, including quantification of potential yields from the aquifers.... more
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This paper introduces a new approach for determining the most likely initiation points for landslides from potential instability mapped using a terrain stability model. This approach identifies the location with critical stability index... more
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      GeographyHydrology/HydrographyEarth SciencesGeomorphology
Hand-dug wells are widely used in developing countries and in many areas for hundreds of years. There are also a large number of donor-funded rural water supply projects based on the construction of hand-dug wells. Hand-dug wells are... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringChemical Engineering
A method is presented to analyze the interaction between groundwater and Lake Linlithgow (Australia) as a case study. A simplistic approach based on a " node " representing the groundwater component is employed in a spreadsheet of water... more
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      Landscape EcologyHydrology/HydrographyHydrogeologyClimate Change
In pursuit of Nigeria's international obligations on maritime safety, the elimination of dangers to search and rescue efforts in our coastal waters, environmental pollution and destruction of maritime habitats, and hide-out for sea-borne... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyHydrographyGovernmentMarine Engineering
Anche se questo dato non gode di una grande risonanza, Salerno è uno dei capoluoghi italiani che conta il maggior numero di corsi d'acqua sul proprio teritorio: circa venticinque, quasi tutti di dimensioni modeste, ma di cui molti a... more
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      GeographyHydrology/HydrographyCultural HeritageCollective Memory