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Enhanced streamflow forecasting has always been an important task for researchers and water resources managers. However, streamflow forecasting is often challenging owing to the complexity of hydrologic systems. The accuracy of streamflow... more
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      Genetic ProgrammingWatershed HydrologyArtificial Neural NetworksPhD dissertation
Groundwater is the main available freshwater resource and therefore its use, management and sustainability are closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, Land Use Land Cover (LULC) and climate change are among... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyGroundwater rechargeHydrological Modeling
In this study, assessment of the amount of sediment inflow and the total quantity deposited in the kenyir reservoir was made. Kenyir reservoir is the biggest man-made lake in Southeast Asia. Kenyir dam and reservoir are mainly designed... more
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      Hydraulic and HydrologySediment transportHydrological Modeling
Στόχος του παρόντος βιβλίου είναι να επικεντρωθεί στις πληροφορίες του νερού που προέρχονται από τις παρατηρήσεις της γης και τα λογισμικά, τα συστήματα και τις τεχνολογίες για τη βελτίωση της μοντελοποίησης των πληροφοριών για τους... more
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      Climate ChangeWatershed HydrologyHydrological ModelingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Many watersheds experience scarcity of water for agricultural and domestic use for most part of the year. Ur river watershed in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, India, falls under a drought prone region of India. Water allocation and... more
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      Remote sensing and GISIntegrated Water Resources ManagementHydrological Modeling
Land cover refers to the physical and biological cover over the surface of the land and it is a term used for the human modification of the earth terrestrial surface. In Ethiopia studies on land use land cover pattern and its effect was... more
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    • Hydrological Modeling
Water resource management and catchment analysis are crucial aspects of the twenty-first century in hydrological and environmental sciences. Linked directly with studies and research about climate change effects in global resources (e.g.,... more
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      HydrologyFloodsUnit HydrographHydrological Modeling
The objective of this research work is to model stream flow at the outlet of the gauged Baro watershed and analyze the associated uncertainty that can affects the accuracy in estimation of the stream flow. The soil and water... more
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    • Hydrological Modeling
The paper presents water balance of Karup catchment, Denmark using integrated catchment modelling tool MIKE SHE. In the present study, water balance in saturated and un-saturated zone was investigated. Beside this, by changing land use... more
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      Decision Support SystemsSustainable Water Resources ManagementMathematical ModellingHydroinformatics
Especialistas cubanos en los últimos años han dado pasos en la aplicación del HEC-HMS para obtener hidrogramas de avenidas en algunas zonas del país, pero la experiencia de aplicación alcanzada es todavía insuficiente.
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    • Hydrological Modeling
Observed changes in precipitation patterns, rising surface temperature, increases in frequency and intensity of floods and droughts, widespread melting of ice, and reduced snow cover are some of the documented hydro-logic changes... more
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      Climate ChangeWaterHydrologyClimate Change Adaptation
For determining of Muskingum model coefficients, requires to an output hydrograph. Such hydrograph is not available in most rivers. In this research, the Muskingum's new coefficients are determined by the method that which is not require... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyHydrologyIsotope HydrologyHydrologic Modeling
Decision makers in the field of water engineering adopt models to support their decisions. These hydrological models are simplification of reality and therefore there is always some degree of associated risk or uncertainty. Proper... more
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      Earth SciencesStatisticsRemote SensingData Mining
The MIKE SHE model is able to simulate the entire stream flow which includes direct and basic flow. Many models either do not simulate, or use simplistic methods to determine the basic flow. The MIKE SHE model takes into account many... more
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      Watershed HydrologyHydrological ModelingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Mike She Model
Hydrological Hydrological Hydrological modeling tools have been increasingly used worldwide in the management of water resources at modeling tools have been increasingly used worldwide in the management of water resources at modeling... more
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    • Hydrological Modeling
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
With the objective of understanding the potential and limitations of available precipitation products for hydrological studies, this paper compares six daily and sub-daily precipitation datasets and their impacts on the water balance of... more
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      HydrologyWatershed HydrologyMultidisciplinaryWater balance
Recent updates to climate change scenarios developed under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) are used to compare water resources availability in an Andean mountainous snowdominated watershed, Maipo en San Alfonso,... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyWater AvailabilityUncertainty
La microcuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Curucutí se ubica en la vertiente norte del Macizo del Ávila (10º33’08”-10º36’23” LN y 66º57’38”-66º59’14” LO), en el sector centro occidental del estado Vargas (Venezuela). Este pequeño sistema... more
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Successful streamflow forecasts depend on an adequate performance evaluation of the hydrological model. In this study, the hydrological responses were compared using two hydrological models, physic-based and semi-distributed, Soil and... more
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      Performance EvaluationSWAT ModelHydrological ModelingVIC model
In modern civilization, water distribution network has a substantial role in preserving the desired living standard. It has different components such as pipe, pump, and control valve to convey water from the supply source to the consumer... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceOperations ResearchSoft Computing
Utilizing new approaches to accurately predict groundwater level (GWL) in arid regions is of vital importance. In this study, support vector regression (SVR), Gaussian process regression (GPR), and their combination with wavelet... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningSupport Vector MachinesSupport Vector Regression
Numerous palaeoenvironmental and archaeological studies from southern Arabia (Yemen and Oman) have revealed strong relations between phases of human settlements and climate change linked to the Indian monsoon system. Analyses on... more
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      Landscape EcologyHydrology/HydrographyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental Science
Urban flooding, caused by unusually intense rainfall and failure of storm water drainage, has become more frequent and severe in many cities around the world. Most of the earlier studies focused on overland flooding caused by intense... more
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      Environmental EngineeringHydrogeologyFlood Inundation ModelingHydrological Modeling
ABSTRAK Hubungan curah hujan-limpasan merupakan fenomena hidrologi yang kompleks, sehubungan dengan adanya proses yang tidak linier, bervariasi terhadap waktu dan merupakan distribusi yang spasial. Hubungan curah hujan limpasan ini sangat... more
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      Hydrologic ModelingHydrology, Floods, Hydrological Modelling, Hydraulics, Sediment Transport, Fish HabitatHydrological ModelingHydrologic Forecasting & Modeling
Para la estimación de caudales picos de crecientes como parte de la investigación que se lleva a acabo a través del Proyecto “Hidrogeomorfología de cuencas de drenaje de la vertiente norte del Macizo del Ávila, estado Vargas, Venezuela”,... more
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      GeomorphologyHydrologyFluvial GeomorphologyWatershed Hydrology
Hydrological droughts usually affect large areas and minimum river flow is an appropriate index for the study of hydrological droughts. are commonly used for analyzing multivariate data? This study considered 35 hydrological indicators... more
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      Hydrologic ModelingHydrologic ModellingHydrology, Floods, Hydrological Modelling, Hydraulics, Sediment Transport, Fish HabitatHydrological modelling
For the purpose of real-time dam operation in large river basins, an integrated simulation and optimization system (ISOS) has been constructed by combining distributed hydrological inflow predictions with rolling horizon decision making.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater Resources planning and managementHydrological Modeling
1] Accurate estimates of basin-wide water and energy cycles are essential for improving the integrated water resources management (IWRM), especially for relatively dry conditions. This study aims to evaluate and apply a fine-resolution... more
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    • Hydrological Modeling
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      HydrologyNumerical ModelingWater resourcesComputational Modelling
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      GeomorphologyHydrologyFluvial GeomorphologyGeomorfologia
Successful streamflow forecasts depend on an adequate performance evaluation of the hydrological model. In this study, the hydrological responses were compared using two hydrological models, physic-based and semi-distributed, Soil and... more
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      Performance EvaluationSWAT ModelHydrological ModelingVIC model
Simulation of large basins (over 1,000 km2) is needed for largescale water resources planning and management. Due to increased volume of calculations and increased heterogeneity, basin simulation is challenging. In areas with severe... more
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      Hydrologic ModelingHydrologic ModellingHydrology, Floods, Hydrological Modelling, Hydraulics, Sediment Transport, Fish HabitatHydrological modelling
The main objective of this study is to take advantage of spatial altimetry data to help monitoring river discharges in poorly gauged basins. A methodology is defined to obtain high accuracy relationships between water levels provided by... more
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      HydrologyMultidisciplinaryRainfallSatellite Radar Altimeter
Groundwater is the main available freshwater resource and therefore its use, management and sustainability are closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, Land Use Land Cover (LULC) and climate change are among... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeHydrologyGroundwater
Παρουσίαση πλαισίου υλοποίησης του έργου MEDAQCLIM: Το έργο εστιάζει στον προσδιορισμό των επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής στους υδατικούς πόρους σε παράκτιες ζώνες της Μεσογείου που επηρεάζουν την κοινωνικοοικονομική τρωτότητα και την... more
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      Coastal ManagementClimate ChangeRisk and VulnerabilityRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
Rapid glacier retreats due to rising temperatures have been predicted in the Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalaya (HKKH). Recent findings indicate shrinking glaciers in parts of the Himalayas, affecting ice storage and ultimately water... more
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      Civil EngineeringRemote SensingClimate ChangeAtmospheric Science
The Merguellil catchment (1183 km), whose runoff is a major water resource for the Kairouan area in semi-arid Tunisia, was equipped with water and soil conservation works (WSCW) during the 1990s, mainly to reduce soil erosion and silting... more
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      Environmental ScienceSoil and Water EngineeringTunisiaSoil and Water Conservation Engineering
Successful streamflow forecasts depend on an adequate performance evaluation of the hydrological model. In this study, the hydrological responses were compared using two hydrological models, physic-based and semi-distributed, Soil and... more
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      Performance EvaluationSWAT ModelHydrological ModelingVIC model
GA SAKe is an empirical-hydrological model aimed at forecasting the time of occurrence of landslides. Activations can be predicted of either single landslides or sets of slope movements of the same type in a homogeneous environment. The... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsGeosciencesCalabriaHydrological modelling