Recent papers in Hydrogeophysics
The study of groundwater potential in Wadi El-Assiuoti is of a prime importance for both current and future development. In this paper the groundwater occurrences are investigated using integrated; 1) geophysical well logging (Self... more
Ce travail concerne une étude géophysique de la nappe calcaire du Crétacé Supérieur de Sidi Ahmed (Béja, Nefza). Cette nappe est sous-exploitée (quelques forages) et peu développée (études fragmentaires). Cette étude a permit de cerner la... more
The time domain electromagnetic method (TDEM) is applied to monitor, to delineate and to map the saltwater intrusion zones in the Mediterranean Plio-Quaternary aquifer. Forty-two TDEM soundings were carried out in the coastal plain of... more
To understand the impact of sea level rise (SLR) and aquifer intensive use would cause to the groundwater level and saltwater intrusion, an integrated relationship between salinity and electrical resistivity of a Quaternary aquifer is... more
Egypt is one of the most densely populated countries with an annual high birth rate. This Middle Eastern country depends on a main source of water, which is the running surface water represented mainly by the water of the Nile River which... more
This study is a trial to predict the relationship between the formation resistivity data and some petrophysical properties of rocks in Tut and Khalda oil fields at the northern Western Desert, Egypt. First, the deep resistivity (deep... more
The antenna of a zero-offset off-ground groundpenetrating radar can be accurately modeled using a linear system of frequency-dependent complex scalar transfer functions under the assumption that the electric field measured by the antenna... more
The present study demonstrates the efficacy of electrical resistivity technique to understand the groundwater regime in coastal aquifers in parts of Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra. This helps to delineate the zones of seawater intrusion... more
An integrated hydrogeophysical inversion approach was used to remotely infer the unsaturated soil hydraulic parameters from time-lapse ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data collected at a fixed location over a bare agricultural field. The... more
In this paper an information management system used in Attica Greece that combines modeling with the integrated management of water, sewerage and storm water infrastructure is presented. From this information management system there are... more
We used integrated hydrogeophysical inversion of time-lapse, proximal ground penetrating radar (GPR) data to remotely infer the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties of a laboratory sand during an infiltration event. The inversion... more
Accurate estimates of surface soil moisture are essential in many research fields, including agriculture, hydrology, and meteorology. The objective of this study was to evaluate two remote-sensing methods for mapping the soil moisture of... more
This study aimed to identify potential subsurface water resources (underground river in Saleh Cave) on the Maros karst morphology. Identification of an underground river channel at Saleh Cave using resistivity measurements geoelectric... more
Accurate estimates of surface soil moisture are essential in many research fields, including agriculture, hydrology, and meteorology. The objective of this study was to evaluate two remote-sensing methods for mapping the soil moisture of... more
Groundwater, traditionally extracted from hand-dug wells and boreholes is the main drinking water source in the Northern Region of Ghana. Many boreholes have been constructed in the region to increase accessibility to potable water mainly... more
In this paper, we experimentally analyzed the feasibility of estimating soil hydraulic properties from 1.4 GHz radiometer and 0.8–2.6 GHz ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data. Radiometer and GPR measurements were performed above a sand... more
Water scarcity is one of the major concerns that people are facing worldwide. Although the liquid is absolutely abundant through the globe, its availability poses too much problems specifically to each region. Those problems can result in... more
The impacts would be very serious: Sea level rise would change the water quality.
In this study, two distinctive pollutants were identified and mapped around the dumpsites in Eneka Town, Obio/Akpo Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. These are zones of anomalously high resistivity, probably gases containing... more
The Quaternary aquifer of Wadi Ham, UAE has been overexploited during the last two decades to meet the increasing water demands. As a result, the dynamic balance between freshwater and seawater has been disturbed and the quality of the... more
In this study, two distinctive pollutants were identified and mapped around the dumpsites in Eneka Town, Obio/Akpo Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. These are zones of anomalously high resistivity, probably gases containing... more
This study reports a result of the hydrogeophysical survey conducted in the site of Hamzakoy (Gelibolu Peninsula-Northwestern Turkey) by using direct current resistivity method. The aim of the study is to detect aquifer boundaries of... more
In this paper, we experimentally analyzed the feasibility of estimating soil hydraulic properties from 1.4 GHz radiometer and 0.8-2.6 GHz ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data. Radiometer and GPR measurements were performed above a sand... more
The objective of this study is to perform a hydrogeological survey using remote sensing techniques in order to delineate target zones for groundwater exploration within terrains underlain by crystalline rocks. The study area is situated... more
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of... more
Page 1. 12 HYDROGEOPHYSICAL CASE STUDIES AT THE REGIONAL SCALE MARK GOLDMAN1, HAIM GVIRTZMAN2, MAX MEJU3, and VLADIMIR SHTIVELMAN1 1Geophysical Institute of Israel, Israel 2Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 3Lancaster University, UK... more
A talik is a layer or body of unfrozen ground that occurs in permafrost due to an anomaly in thermal, hydrological, or hydrochemical conditions. Information about talik geometry is important for understanding regional surface water and... more
Often in geophysical monitoring experiments time-lapse inversion models vary too smoothly with time, owing to the strong imprint of regularization. Several methods have been proposed for focusing the spatiotemporal changes of the model... more
Glaciers are widely spread on polar and sub-polar regions but also on middle latitude mountains, where cold-dry type glaciers, polythermal glaciers and temperate-wet glaciers are respectively present. Polythermal glaciers have a cold-ice... more
A Geoelectric survey involving Vertical Electrical Sounding was carried out with the aim of using the results to delineate aquifer and assess its sustenance for adequate water supply for irrigation work in Fadama parts of some villages in... more
Magnetic, geoelectric and seismic refraction methods are used to prospect for groundwater in basement terrains of Wadi Sibaiya and the upstream part of Wadi El Sheikh, south Sinai. The electric resistivity of the water-bearing alluvium... more
The remediation of petroleum-contaminated soil and groundwater is a challenging task. The petroleum hydrocarbons have a long persistence in both the vadose zone and in the aquifer and potentially represent secondary and residual sources... more
The Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain, an extensive and productive aquifer system in Iran, is located in the south Caspian Sea basin which is part of the Alborz tectonic range in the Alpine fold belt. A permeable aquifer system provides water... more
Accurate estimates of surface soil moisture are essential in many research fields, including agriculture, hydrology, and meteorology. The objective of this study was to evaluate two remote-sensing methods for mapping the soil moisture of... more
We applied inverse modelling of zero-offset, air-raised ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data to measure soil surface water contents over a bare agricultural field. The GPR system consisted of a vector network analyser combined with a... more
Low frequency electromagnetic induction (EMI) is becoming a useful tool for soil characterization due to its fast measurement capability and sensitivity to soil moisture and salinity. In this research, a new EMI system (the CMD... more
Precise measurement of soil hydraulic properties at field scales is one of the prerequisites to simulate subsurface flow and transport processes, which is crucial in many research and engineering areas. In our study, we numerically... more
The remediation of petroleum-contaminated soil and groundwater is a challenging task. The petroleum hydrocarbons have a long persistence in both the vadose zone and in the aquifer and potentially represent secondary and residual sources... more