Hybrid Regimes
Recent papers in Hybrid Regimes
The article explores the conditions under which incumbent leaders in initially competitive political systems manage to offset democratic resistance and establish an authoritarian regime. Autocratisationthe transition from a competitive... more
The paper focuses on the unique, role model characteristics of the Hungarian hybrid regime, the Hungarian political system's new incarnation forged in the past years' democratic backsliding process. Following the short review of the main... more
Sāmoa has long been a beacon of political and societal stability in the South Pacific; however, despite being classified as a democracy there is mounting evidence of authoritarian tendencies in the society which would make it more apt to... more
Has economic development made Kazakhs more democratic? This article explores the effects of economic development on political culture of citizens in Kazakhstan. Drawing on the thesis of the modernization school that economic development... more
The text looks into the importance of sate capture for the stability of hybrid regimes from the Serbian post-2000 perspective. It argues for an integration of these two research fields. Part one gives a list extractive institutions... more
In this introduction into the special issue on state capture and security sector governance, we argue that state capture is a relevant concept that helps us understand the current autocratisation and the rise of hybrid regimes. We argue... more
This article investigates how hybrid regimes supply governance by examining a series of dilemmas (involving elections, the mass media, and state institutions) that their rulers face. The authors demonstrate how regime responses to these... more
This research project is about the processes and effects of strategic public elite communication in partial democracies, and Ukraine is used as a case study. This study is situated within the field of comparative politics that... more
Non-democratic regimes have increasingly moved beyond merely suppressing online discourse, and are shifting toward proactively subverting and co-opting social media for their own purposes. Namely, social media is increasingly being used... more
To analyze the Syrian Civil War, this paper discusses the reasons for the conflict in Syria by grouping them into two categories, followed by a discussion about the type of the conflict that the civil war transformed into. The paper will... more
The hybrid regime framework provides a useful approach for analysis of (post-)Third wave political regimes, yet there has not been sufficient effort to develop adequate systematic measure of ‘mixed’ regimes. Several measures that exist... more
Bu bölümde siyasal rejim tipleri tartışılmaktadır. İlk olarak, demokratik olmayan rejim sınıflandırmaları, daha sonra demokratik rejim tanımları, en son olarak da bu iki rejim tipinin arasında kalan karma rejimler (seçimli/rekabetçi... more
The article addresses the issue of hybrid regimes, specifically variety of concepts of democracies with adjectives, authoritarian regimes with adjectives and their typologies. The phenomenon of regimes between democracy and... more
The book is based on the author's recurrent guest lectures at the U. of Warsaw delivered throughout the past decade. It examines political processes in Eastern Europe after the fall of the communist system and collapse of the Soviet... more
Pakistan has had a chequered democratic history but elections in 2013 marked a second turnover in power, and the first transition in Pakistan’s history from one freely elected government to another. How do we best categorize (and... more
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing... more
ანოტაცია: ნაშრომში განხილულია ჰიბრიდული პოლიტიკური რეჟიმის ფენომენი, როგორც ცალკეული, დემოკრატიასა და ავტორიტარიზმს შორის არსებული შუალედური ტიპის .
The claim I defend in this letter is that the recent Southeast European post-communist experience changed our understanding of state capture. We are now able to observe and identify a new variant of state capture. To understand it, we... more
Economic sanctions achieve their intended political objective if the cost of defiance becomes greater than the cost of compliance for the target, forcing an alteration to the objectionable policy towards which sanctions were initially... more
In August 2012, the Indonesian parliament passed a law that confirmed the status of the province of Yogyakarta as a so-called Special Region. This status had been in place since Indonesian independence, however, decentralization policies... more
Abstrak - Lee Kuan Yew merupakan Perdana Menteri Singapura pada periode 1953-1990. Dalam masa kepemimpinannya, Lee menuai pro-kontrasi gaya kepemimpinan yang otoriter sekaligus demokratis, yang kemudian disebut sebagai mobokrasi atau... more
This article analyzes Myanmar's transition from authoritarianism and asks if it represents a transition towards democracy or a hybrid form of rule. Starting from theoretical debates about modes of transition, the article examines... more
The paper examines the nature and quality of democracy in Bangladesh. It argues that the democratization process since 1991 has engendered a 'hybrid regime' in Bangladesh.
Turkey’s ‘authoritarian turn’ in recent years indicates a democratic breakdown that can best be analysed by analytically distinguishing between two simultaneous developments. The first is the reproduction of Turkey’s long-existing... more
A tanulmány megjelent a Bakk Miklós és Gagyi József által szerkesztett "Minden másképp...?" című kötetben. Kiadta a Scientia Kiadó (Kolozsvár) 2021-ben.
This article addresses the conceptual challenges involved in mapping political regimes. The first section offers a critique of regime typologies that adopt a uni-dimensional approach to differentiating between political regimes. The... more
The research field of regime theory has seen a proliferation of different approaches and typologies to explain the ever-changing reality. This paper has created a typology of these regime typologies and their respective datasets in order... more
The paper focuses on the unique, role model characteristics of the Hungarian hybrid regime, the Hungarian political system's new incarnation forged in the past years' democratic backsliding process. Following the short review of the main... more
Burni događaji opisani i analizirani u ovoj knjizi govore o dramatičnom usponu i padu demokratije posle Petog oktobra – u svega deceniju i po. Posle masovnog otpora izbornoj krađi i sloma nedemokratskog režima uspostavljene su dinamične... more
In a clear delineation to the mainstream EU rule of law compliance literature that is dominated by a legal approach, the paper argues that first and foremost not the deficiencies of the existing legal framework contributed to the... more
“Neformalʹni instytuty ta neopatrymonialʹna demokratiya v Ukrayini (Informal Institutions and Ukraine’s Neopatrimonial Democracy),” Agora, No. 17 (2016): 9-13. Стаття присвячена аналізу українського політичного розвитку після... more
The article approaches the concept of structural violence by elaborating on the idea of fear as an indicator of social or individual self-destruction. It argues that learning to read fear is an important skill for individuation and,... more
How do discontented masses and opposition elites work together to engineer a change in electoral authoritarian regimes? Social movements and elections are often seen as operating in different terrains – outside and inside institutions,... more
Özet Seçimli otoriter rejimlerin, seçimlerle demokratikleşip, demokratikleşmeye-ceği yakın dönemin popüler konularından biridir. Literatürde seçimli otoriter rejimlerden, rekabetçi otoriter olarak anılanlarının, seçimlerle... more
An election is an irreducible and legal process in a democracy where political parties choose their next leader for political institutions to govern. It is a nonviolent resolution of societal difference. But elections in some countries... more
Książka jest pogłębioną analizą trajektorii ustrojowych Indii i Pakistanu, pozostających ze sobą w przewlekłym konflikcie państw nuklearnych. W kontekście bieżących tendencji autorytarnych w Azji Południowej i poza jej granicami, wskazuje... more
Religion has influenced Ugandan politics ever since colonial times. While the interrelations of religion and politics have altered since the coming to power of president Museveni’s National Resistance Movement (NRM), religion continues to... more
This article examines the characteristics of the current political regime in Turkey in an attempt to classify it on the democracy-autocracy spectrum. Borrowing the definition of competitive authoritarian regimes from Levitsky and Way,... more
The object of this paper is to determine what kind of state is being built in Ukraine: a liberal-democratic or an authoritarian one. This article gives a brief overview of the concepts of the ‘rule of law’, ‘liberal democracy’, and... more
Abstract: Originally the linkage & leverage theory was conceptualized by S. Levitsky & L. Way to measure and analyze democracy promotion by the West. J. Tolstrup updated their model, making it neutral by adapting the Western-centered... more
This article challenges the use of diminished subtypes as a strategy for avoiding conceptual stretching in the conceptual construction of hybrid regimes. The popular adoption of this strategy is based on its perceived ability to increase... more
How do the survival incentives facing incumbents in hybrid regimes affect the engineering of bureaucratic reforms? This article tackles this question by departing from the literature on competitive authoritarianism and with the help of... more