Hybrid Electric Vehicles

630 papers
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Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) are automobiles that combine an internal combustion engine with an electric propulsion system, allowing for improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. HEVs utilize both power sources to optimize performance and energy consumption, contributing to sustainable transportation solutions.
The Air Driven Engine is an eco-friendly engine, which operates with compressed air.An Air Driven Engine uses the expansion of compressed air to drive the pistons of an engine An Air Driven Engine is a pneumatic actuator that creates... more
c Learning rates for hybrid-electric and battery-electric vehicles. c Prices and price differentials of hybrid-electric vehicles show a robust decline. c Battery-electric vehicles may require policy support for decades.
Matthew is a senior Mechanical Engineering student at The Cooper Union who is heavily involved in the Formula SAE team. During the past four years his roles have included the team's Chief Engineer and most recently the lead of the Vehicle... more
The developing countries like India are facing energy shortage in production so many researches are concentrating on knowable energy sources. In renewable energy sources the energy extraction 100% not possible or notated one and in case... more
This paper presents a sensitivity analysis based on the Sobol indices which is an essential step "on the road of system optimization". Such analysis focuses on electrical propeller subsystem (propellers, gearbox, electric... more
This article presents the design of an Active Disturbance Rejection Controller (ADRC) for the permanent magnet Brushless DC motor (BLDC) to compensate the load torque variations in the rotor shaft, that does not requires the measurement... more
With the advancement in 21st Century, there has been increase in usage of Oil and Gas leading to problems like Global Warming, climate change, shortage of crude oil, etc. Due to these reasons Automobile Companies have started doing... more
A presentation describing the summary of technical requirements for an electric airplane design. Requirements mentioned at preliminary and concept phase.
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are living up to their claims as consumers choose them more frequently. The increasing demand for sustainable vehicles translates into the global need for specific components, materials, and... more
This paper aims at developing an elaborate system for forest fire detection. Disasters are one of the most important and a common type is forest fire. This particular application is chosen to overcome the shortcomings of MODIS and Basic... more
The growing interest in reducing fuel consumption and gas emissions provides an incentive for the automotive industry to innovate in the field of hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. The two embedded power sources in these... more
There are number of applications in the real-life scenario where one needs frequent start and stop of the machine running on electric motor. The motors in such machines continues to rotate even after the power supply is cut off due to... more
Battery electric vehicles' contribution to the viability of charging from below electric road system based on individual driving patterns. 4th Electric Road Systems Conference N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper.... more
Institutionen för Energi och miljö, Chalmers* * Avdelningen för fysisk resursteori (M. Grahn, M. Taljegård, S. Karlsson), Avdelningen för elteknik (J. Ehnberg) Varför elektrobränslen? I ett framtida energisystem med en större andel... more
This paper presents a simple overmodulation strategy to achieve high torque capability for a wide speed range using a hybrid DTC scheme. The hybrid DTC drive incorporates both DTC-hysteresis and Direct Self Control (DSC) operations. In... more
This paper presents a MATLAB/SIMULINK model of two multi-level inverter topologies. Algorithms based on space vector modulation (SVM) technique are developed in order to conduct a comparative study on diode clamped five and seven level... more
Elektrikli arabalar gündemimize ancak son yıllarda girmiş gibi görünse de aslında hiç de yeni bir fikir değil. Hatta tarihçesi hem benzinli arabaların hem de otomotiv endüstrisinin tarihçesinin öncesine uzanıyor.
Planetary gears (PGs) play a critical role in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) by combining the output torques of different powertrain components and delivering the resulting torque to the wheels. Whilst previous studies show that the... more
Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) issues pose considerable challenges for electric vehicle powertrain engineers. Gear vibrations generate an intrusive gear whine noise, with significant impact on the sound quality of electric... more
Technology has enabled the mass production of hybrid and electric vehicles. Interest in these alternative-energy vehicles has been heightened due to air quality concerns in urban areas. However, these vehicles are capable of very quiet... more
Conventional vehicles are creating pollution problems, global warming and the extinction of high density fuels. To address these problems, automotive companies and universities are researching on hybrid electric vehicles where two... more
This paper describes the creation of novel propulsion system architectures using algebraic design techniques. The objective is to create novel arrangements comprised of one or more planetary gear sets, an internal combustion engine, a... more
Conventional vehicles play an important in transportation in ancient times. As they run on fossil fuels emission of CO2 and various hazardous gases takes place which gets converted into environmental pollutants. But nowadays the cost of... more
Özet Tekerleklere ne kadar tork uygulanabileceğini belirleyen iki faktör vardır. Bunlar, donanım ve çekiş gücüdür. Kuru yolda çekiş gücü yüksektir. Tekerleklere uygulanan tork miktarı, motor ve vites tarafından sınırlanır. Buzda sürüş... more
As the globe is experiencing a rise in new technology of transportation so are customers’ expectations from the new transportation modes. Indian auto industry is not different. Government of India have already asked automobile industry to... more
Bu calismada tasitlarin farkli yol sartlarindaki fren‐suspansiyon testlerinin laboratuvar ortaminda yapilmasini saglayacak bir tasit test cihazi tasarlanip imal edilmistir. Literaturde tasit testleri konusunda onemli calismalarin... more
Previous research undertaken by the authors revealed car purchasers generally claim fuel economy is important, but do not refl ect this in their car choice. Th is was termed the 'mpg paradox' (miles per gallon (mpg) being the custom... more
The increasing use of electric vehicles worldwide is increasing the demand for high voltage traction batteries, which are the main sub-component in their design. This situation is expected to improve the secondary life and recycling... more
The next generation of military vehicles will require new and improved power systems. As fuel prices continue to rise and as power draws become greater on tactical wheeled vehicles, the performance and efficiency of the power system... more
Güç sistemlerinde, 2 kHz ile 150 kHz aralığındaki bozulmalar "Supraharmonikler" (SH) olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Supraharmonikler yeni bir kavram olmamakla birlikte; araştırmacılar, mühendisler ve son kullanıcıya yönelik cihaz... more
Perioden med att skriva detta Examensarbete har varit väldigt lärorikt och roligt och många personer har bidragit med synpunkter och expertis. Först och främst vill vi tacka vår handledare Mats Jarlros och grabbarna på Autotech för deras... more
Bu calismada, Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi (ESOGU) kampusunde elektrik tuketim maliyetinin azaltilmasina yonelik fotovoltaik (FV) guc uretim birimi ve enerji depolama biriminden olusan bir alternatif akim (AA) mikro sebekenin optimal... more
Several challenges are facing road transport including the depletion of cheap oil reserves, increasing congestion, localised pollution, the need to reduce carbon emissions and develop sustainable transport solutions. A long term transport... more
The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP URL' above for details on accessing... more
The paper studies the merits of a 1-∅ induction motor powered by a Trina Solar's module TSM-250PA05.08 that employs the perturbs and observes (P&O) technique, utilizing two types of controllers, FOC and DTC. The merits of the two types of... more
The paper studies the merits of a 1-∅ induction motor powered by a Trina Solar's module TSM-250PA05.08 that employs the perturbs and observes (P&O) technique, utilizing two types of controllers, FOC and DTC. The merits of the two types of... more
This paper presents and exemplifies a novel methodology to perform simulation-based automated testing for verification of complex chassis-control systems. The methods are derived from computer-game principles and regard the system under... more
Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) are widely used in the automotive industry for electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) propulsion systems, where the trend is to achieve high mechanical speeds. High speeds... more
The noise and vibration behaviour of electric and hybrid vehicles is dramatically different from conventional vehicles. The noise and vibration mechanisms of the individual components (combustion engine, electric motor, transmission etc.)... more