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Pultrusion manufacturing process is a well established technique for the cost-effective production of high-modulus and lightweight composite materials having constant cross-sectional profiles. A study was carried out to analyze the effect... more
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    • Hybrid Composites
Aluminium Magnesium alloys reveals several specific and attractive properties that qualify them to be used in many automotive and aeronautical applications. Aluminium matrix composites have good mechanical and physical properties, when... more
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      Hybrid CompositesStir Casting
In this work, dry sliding wear properties of Al 7075 Al 7075+ 5 wt.% SiC, Al7075 + 5 wt.% SiC + X wt.% graphite (X=5-10) hybrid nano-composites were developed by the principle of powdered metallurgy (P / M). Al 7075 hybrid nano-composites... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine Learning3D printingManufacturing Processes
Oil palm trunk (OPT) is a solid waste obtained in large quantities after the felling of oil palm trees and is available year-round. Scientists and industrialists face difficulties in utilizing these solid wastes for different applications... more
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      NanocompositesNatural Fiber CompositesHybrid CompositesBioresources
In this work Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite have been developed using stir casting process for improving the Wear Behavior at lower cost. The silicon carbide (SiC) as one of the reinforcement used with 3% weight fraction and Alumina... more
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      Wearable ComputingGreek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)Hybrid CompositesAl2O3
The Flexural, Impact properties and Scanning electron microscope analysis of Bamboo/glass fibers Reinforced polyester Hybrid composites were studied. The effect of alkali treatment of the bamboo fibers on these properties was also... more
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      SEMFlexural PropertiesHybrid CompositesGlass Fiber
This paper focused on experimental study of hybrid composite specimens prepared according to ASTM standards. Composites are the formed by the combination of reinforcement and matrix, which exibits better properties compared to that of... more
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      EngineeringMechanical Engineering DesignHybrid CompositesCarbon Fiber Composites
Composites are one of the most widely used materials because of their adaptability to different situations and the relative ease of combination with other materials to serve specific purposes and exhibit desirable properties. Various... more
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      Composite MaterialsMetal Matrix CompositesHybrid Composites
The polymer matrix composites have been widely used for many applications. These are light in weight and easy for manufacturing. The hybrid fiber reinforced composites have been prepared to enhance the mechanical, thermal, damping... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite MaterialsHybrid Composites
This paper reviews the published and ongoing research work on kenaf/synthetic and Kevlar®/cellulosic fiber-reinforced composite materials. The combination of natural fibers with synthetic fibers in hybrid composites has become... more
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      Materials ScienceMechanical propertiesHybrid CompositesNatural Kenaf fibre
The physico-mechanical properties of lignocellulosic kenaf fiber reinforced polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) biocomposite films were investigated. To improve the properties of the biocomposite, kenaf fibers were chemically treated separately in a... more
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      Mechanical propertiesSURFACE MODIFICATION OF NATURAL FIBERSChromiumHybrid Composites
Strict requirements that are put on mechanical constructions from the aspect of increase of exploitation periods and reduction of their weights, therefore of their prices as well, implicate developments and applications of new composite... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAutomotive Systems Engineering
As auto manufacturers strive to meet imposed fuel economy and emissions regulations while producing vehicles with the quality and features that consumer expect, the industry needs to rely on advancements made in the field of metal matrix... more
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      CompositesComposite MaterialsAutomobileGraphite
The objectives of this work were to investigate the effect of kenaf fiber alignment on the mechanical and fatigue properties of kenaf/glass hybrid sandwich composites. Three types of kenaf fibers were used, namely, non-woven random mat,... more
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      Mechanical propertiesFatigue life assessmentHybrid CompositesNatural Kenaf fibre
Natural–synthetic fiber hybrid composites offer a combination of high mechanical properties from the synthetic fibers and the advantages of renewable fibers to produce a material with highly specific and determined properties. In this... more
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      FatigueMechanical propertiesHybrid CompositesNatural Kenaf fibre
The low-velocity impact behaviour of hybrid laminates reinforced with woven aramid and basalt fabrics and manufactured byresin transfer moulding was studied.Specimens with different stacking sequences were tested atthree different... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite MaterialsPolymer Composites
Hybrid materials with the metal matrix are important engineering materials due to their outstanding mechanical and tribological properties. Here are presented selected tribological properties of the hybrid composites with the matrix made... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
Composites have been widely used in applications where there is a risk of impact, due to the excellent properties these materials display for absorbing impact energy. However, composites during impact situations typically generate an... more
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    • Hybrid Composites
In this paper, fabrication of hybrid composites reinforced with sisal and glass fibers is treated form and are mixed in the proposition 1:1 in order to reinforce in epoxy resign. Mechanical properties viz., tensile, compressive and... more
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      Materials ScienceMechanical propertiesHybrid CompositesGlass Fiber
Civil and military structures, such as helicopters, aircrafts, navies, tanks or buildings are susceptible to blast loads as terroristic attacks increases, therefore there is the need to design blast resistant structures. During an... more
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      Blast and impact engineeringHybrid Composites
Polymeric hybrid nanocomposites, due to improved mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties, are key factors in recent technologies. Because of anisotropic characteristics of polymeric hybrid nanocomposites, mechanical properties and... more
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      Nanomaterials CharacterizationFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)NanocompositesHybrid Composites
In the present work, the natural composites based on sugarcane bagasse fiber and/or coconut shell powder were processed using hand lay-up technique. The matrix selected was polyester. Three different types of composites were considered:... more
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      CompositesNatural Fiber Thermoplastic CompositesNatural Fiber CompositesNatural fibre composites (Engineering)
Prediction of tribological characteristics of hybrid composites with A356 matrix using artificial neural networks (ANN) was performed in this paper. During experiment next parameters were varied: sliding speed, load, sliding distance and... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
This feasibility study investigates the flexural properties of biocomposites containing woven flax textiles (plain, twill, satin) and woven twill patterned hybrid textiles containing flax-/glass or flax-/carbon mixture for lightweight... more
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      Materials ScienceBiocompositesWeaving TechnologyFiber
Hybrid composites composed of neem fiber (N), banana (B) fiber and epoxy resin were fabricated by hand layup method.
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      Materials ScienceChemistryNatural Fiber CompositesNeem
Investigation of tribological behaviour of the hybrid composite, whose substrate is Al/Si alloy A356, reinforced with 10 wt. (%) of silicon carbide (SiC) and 0 and 5 wt. (%) of graphite (Gr) is presented in this paper by application of... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
In this work Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite have been developed using stir casting process for improving the Wear Behavior at lower cost. The silicon carbide (SiC) as one of the reinforcement used with 3% weight fraction and Alumina... more
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      Wearable ComputingGreek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)Hybrid CompositesAl2O3
In this work, mechanical and tribological behaviour of AA7075/Al2O3/graphite hybrid composite was studied. Pin-on-disc machine was used for the conductance of the wear test. The composites with 2–8 wt.% Al2O3 particles were processed by... more
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      GraphiteHybrid CompositesAl2O3Alloys
In the present study, the Al2219, Al2219/ B 4 C & Al2219/B 4 C/MoS 2 hybrid composites are investigated under dry sliding wear test as for ASTM G 99-95 standard. Al 2219 base matrix reinforced with B 4 C & mixture of B 4 C and MoS 2 are... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceHybrid CompositesWear resistance
Hybrid natural fiber composites made from the combination of natural fiber and synthetic fiber offers the performance solution while in the same time able to provide further balance between cost and sustainability requirements for... more
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      Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)Hybrid Composites
Oil palm trunk (OPT) is a solid waste obtained in large quantities after the felling of oil palm trees and is available year-round. Scientists and industrialists face difficulties in utilizing these solid wastes for different applications... more
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      NanocompositesNatural Fiber CompositesHybrid Composites
The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of hybridization of kenaf-glass fibers reinforced unsaturated polyester on fatigue life. Three types of composites were fabricated using hands lay-up method, namely, kenaf, glass, and... more
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      Mechanical Behavior Of MaterialsHybrid CompositesNatural Kenaf fibreFatigue Testing
Civil and military structures, such as helicopters, aircrafts, naval ships, tanks or buildings are susceptible to blast loads as terroristic attacks increases, therefore there is the need to design blast resistant structures. During an... more
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      Hybrid CompositesMechanical Impact
Laminated hybrid composites were prepared by incorporating dry bamboo strips and oil palm trunk veneer (OPTV) to form five-layer laminated composites. Two different species of bamboo were used including Dendrocalamus asper and... more
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      Industrial DesignBiocompositesMechanical propertiesHardness
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of alkali and SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) treatment on Banana/Kenaf Hybrid composites and woven hybrid composites. The fibers are treated with 10% of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and 10%... more
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      Materials ScienceChemistryPolymerKey words
In this investigation, the dynamic mechanical properties of Indian almond – Kenaf fiber composite were investigated and the effect of stacking sequence was analyzed. Four types of composites viz. kenaf, Kenaf/ Indian almond/Kenaf, Indian... more
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      Natural Fiber CompositesDynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)Hybrid Composites
The fracture toughness and strength of materials are adversely affected by the cracks in the materials, which can be induced during manufacturing, assembly, and usage. In this study, the effect of crack length and crack location on the... more
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      Fracture MechanicsHybrid CompositesLaminated CompositesGlass Fiber
This work investigated the influence of fly ash and sic on the wear behavior of Al 7072,5 and 10 wt. % of hybrid composites. Research reveals the effectiveness of incorporating Sic into the compound to obtain reduced wear. The Al 7072... more
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      StressAnsysFly AshHybrid Composites
Tribological behaviour of a hybrid composite with the aluminium alloy base A356 reinforced by 10 wt. % SiC and 5 wt. % of graphite is treated in this paper. The optimization of tribological behaviour was conducted through the application... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
This paper presents tribological characteristics of hybrid composites with aluminium matrix, reinforced with silicon carbide (SiC) and graphite (Gr). Newly formed Al/SiC/Gr hybrid composites are the combination of the two different... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceComposite Materials and StructuresCeramics (Ceramics)
The influence of silane treated aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3) and molybdenum disulphide (MoS 2) microfillers on three-body abrasive wear behaviour of carbon fabric reinforced epoxy (C-E) composites was evaluated using a rubber wheel abrasion... more
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      Nano CompositesPolymer CompositesMechanics of fiber-reinforced polymer composites for constructionHybrid Composites
composites with different volume fractions of fiber up to 0.7 using micromechanical approach. Two ways for calculating the material properties, that is, analytical and numerical approaches, were presented. In numerical approach, finite... more
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      CompositesMicromechanicsFinite Element Analysis (FEA)Polymer Composites
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of alkali and SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) treatment on Banana/Kenaf Hybrid composites and woven hybrid composites. The fibers are treated with 10% of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and 10%... more
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      Materials ScienceChemistryHybrid CompositesSLS
word count: 250 Word count (Introduction-References): 5927 Abstract Background: Intramedullary nails are the primary choice for treating long bone fractures. However, there are still complications following nail surgery including... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringComputer Aided DesignTitanium
Plate and shell analysis using classical plate theory (CPT) has a lack of accuracy in predicting the influence of transverse deformation, because of its assumption that the line normal to the surface remains straight and normal to the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceStructural EngineeringSpatial Analysis
Numerous research studies are carried out in order to investigate various properties and implement the potential of hybrid carbon/flax composites for technical applications. This review aims to present a summary of materials and... more
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      BiocompositesHybrid CompositesCarbon Fiber CompositesFlax Fibers
Polv mer composites are prominent miterials for numerous industrial applications and they are utilized for bearings, rollers, seals, gears, cams, wheels and clutches. These materials are subjected to wear and much of the research carried... more
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      Hybrid CompositesNanofillersVinyl Ester ResinGlass Fiber Composites
Screw withdrawal and flexural strength were evaluated for Dendrocalamus asper and Gigantochloa levis bamboo species to explore the possibility of their use as structural material in place of wood. Dry bamboo strips and 4-mm-thick oil palm... more
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      Materials ScienceBiomassBiocompositesBamboo
The low-velocity impact response of a range of fiber metal laminate (FML) panels was investigated through testing and finite element simulations. The objective of this study was to understand the impact-damage resistance of these novel... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringComposites
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of alkali and SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) treatment on Banana/Kenaf Hybrid composites and woven hybrid composites. The fibers are treated with 10% of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and 10%... more
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      Materials ScienceChemistryMaterials PhysicsHybrid Composites