Recent papers in Hybrid
The novelty of the peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm relies on two main concepts: cooperation among users and resource sharing. There are many applications based on peer-to-peer paradigm, but the most popular one is the file sharing. We can... more
The goal of this study is to propose a new classification of African ecosystems based on an 8-year analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data sets from SPOT/VEGETATION. We develop two methods of classification. The... more
One of few limitations of remote laboratory technology is the fact that access and usability of such laboratories depend largely on the existence of favorable bandwidth conditions between the remote user and the system under test. This... more
Although there is a large amount of experimental data available on the fiber-reinforced polymer ͑FRP͒ strengthening of concrete structures, a full understanding of the various debonding phenomena is somewhat lacking. As a contribution to... more
Discovery of the optimal best possibility of location for facilities is the central problem associated in logistics management. The optimal places for the distribution centres (DCs) can be based on the selected attributes that are crucial... more
Application of the thermal sum concept was developed to determine the optimal harvesting stage of new banana hybrids to be grown for export. It was tested on two triploid hybrid bananas, FlhorBan 916 (F916) and FlhorBan 918 (F918),... more
When nonnative species become established within new communities, competition may play a role in determining the persistence of ecologically similar native species. In western North America, many native cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus... more
The mechanical characteristics of an external fixator determines the biomechanical environment of a fracture , osteotomy or non-union treated by the external fixator Two main categories of fixators are in popular use. The more... more
The researchers examined responses from 862 faculty members at 38 institutions nationwide using the blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) to supplement their face-to-face instruction. The four research questions addressed the... more
Production of Florida red tilapia seed (eggs, sacfry and fry) in 34-m' above-ground tanks using recirculated brackishwater (12 ppt) was studied over a 5-month period on Lee Stocking Island (Exuma Cays, Bahamas). Four tanks were stocked... more
This chapter reviews some of the recent developments in the use of nanoparticles as adjuncts to boron containing compounds in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) or, in the cases of boron nanotubes (BNTs) and boron nitride nanotubes... more
We investigated and compared economic performance of auction, negotiation and hybrid mechanisms of the Negotiauction software. With the auction mechanism, bidders are required to submit bids consisting of quantity needed and other... more
Two distinct genetic groups (Saaz and Frohberg) exist within the hybrid Saccharomyces pastorianus (S. cerevisiae  S. eubayanus) taxon. However, physiological/technological differences that exist between the two groups are not known.... more
In this paper, the performance and durability of hybrid PEM fuel cell vehicles are investigated. To that end, a hybrid predictive controller is proposed to improve battery performance and to avoid fuel cell and battery degradation. Such... more
Hybrid materials derived from a thiol-ene and cationic polymerization were obtained from concomitant polymerization. The hybrid materials were cured by both photopolymerization and thermally induced polymerization. The kinetics of the... more
Hybrid System Vessel akhir-akhir ini sedang menjadi bahasan yang sering dibicarakan di dunia pendidikan dan teknologi permesinan. Teknologi Hybrid System Vessel yang dimaksud adalah kapal yang berjalan dengan dua sumber tenaga, mesin yang... more
In this work, typical polybenzoxazine, as new class of phenolic resin, has been used as a matrix for preparing a series of high performance hybrid materials using various amounts of titanium carbide (TiC) ranging between 0-10 wt% as... more
This study presents a design of internal parameters of supercapacitor using charging/discharging characteristics of a battery. We aim at investigating the optimal supercapacitors-battery combination .This investigation is twofold first,... more
Hybrid entities give rise to international tax problems and opportunities. Different countries tax systems treat hybrid entities in fundamentally different ways, allocating income to different parties. The tax consequences of this... more
This paper is concerned with the application of a GRASP approach to a nursescheduling problem in which the objective is to optimise a set of preferences subject to a set of binding constraints. The balance between feasibility and... more
The present study describes an event-speciWc quantitative Real-time PCR detection method for the transgenic Bt rice line Kemingdao 1 (KMD1). This rice line which is not approved in any country so far is likely to be approved in China in... more
Image retrieval is used in searching for images from images database. In this paper, content – based image retrieval (CBIR) using four feature extraction techniques has been achieved. The four techniques are colored histogram features... more
In the present scenario, numerous applications perform on solar energy for cooking, heating and cooling, and power generation, globally. Solar air heaters are one of these applications purposely used for, drying, timber seasoning and... more
Hybrid carrageenans gain more and more attention in the scientific world as well as in industries. The relation between molecular structure and functional properties is a major research theme within the area of carrageenan research. This... more
Pollination effectiveness was evaluated for pollen (pollinia) from two Dendrobium hybrids, ‘Sena Red’ and ‘Mini WRL’, submitted to cryopreservation using a vitrification protocol. Parameters evaluated included pollinia exposure to a... more
The effects of temperature, pH and sugar concentration (50% glucose + 50% fructose) on the growth parameters of Saccharomyces cerevisiae T73, S. kudriavzevii IFO 1802 T and the hybrid strain S. cerevisiae × S. kudriavzevii W27 were... more
Exploring how the themes of liminality and hybridity resonate within two key post-colonial texts.
Petri nets (PNs) are widely used to model discrete event dynamic systems (computer systems, manu- facturing systems, communication systems, etc). Continuous Petri nets (in which the markings are real numbers and the transition firings are... more
The article "Creation perspectives of new F1 hybrids of tomatoes with heterosis effect in accordance with the soil and climate conditions of our country" of M. Adigozalov and S. Adigozalova in connection with environmental degradation and... more
Motion comics can be considered as an emerging form of digital animation that typically appropriates and remediates an existing comic book narrative and artwork into a screen-based animated narrative. One such example of motion comic... more
This article offers a theoretical perspective for understanding leadership of minority groups by exploring the unique challenges and strategies of formal leadership of minority populations. One challenge is to negotiate the tension... more
Alternative vehicle powertrains (hybrid, hydrogen, electric) are a right answer to the emissions problem in very congested urban areas. The most effective alternative choice is surely represented by fuel cell vehicles. The design and... more
An experiment was conducted at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, for 54 days to investigate on the effect of pond water filtration and aggregates (hydroponic substrates) on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production, nutrient... more
This study presents a design of internal parameters of supercapacitor using charging/discharging characteristics of a battery. We aim at investigating the optimal supercapacitors-battery combination .This investigation is twofold first,... more
Initiating good quality nursery is one of the basic factors affecting the success of tomato plantation. Good nursery would be required to ensure the production of good and healthy seedlings from a nursery in order to achieve early bearing... more
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is a subclass of Mobile ad hoc networks. It is a developing new technology in which vehicles interchange the information from one vehicle to another vehicle within a network. VANET is responsible for... more
Özet Abstract Son yıllarda, çeşitli gelişmelerle birlikte kültürlerin iç içe geçtiği ve disiplinlerin birbirlerine hızlıca yaklaştığı görülmektedir. Bu yakınlaşma sonucunda " şey-ler " " saf " lığını ve tekilliğini kaybetmekte olup... more
Arabic Translation of the Article entitled: Hybrid vigour characterized Nature 537, 620–621 (29 September 2016) Published online 07 September 2016 doi:10.1038/nature19433 . أنباء وآراء علم النبات: ظاهـرة قـوة الهجيـن يُعَدّ تهجين... more
Blended or hybrid course offerings in higher education are commonplace and much has been written about how to design a blended course effectively. This study examines publically available guides, documents, and books that espouse best or... more