Recent papers in Hussites
Studie byla publikována roku 2011 v knize ,,Slánské rozhovory 2010 : Česká husitská reformace historie, osobnosti, teologie, umění" / The study was published in 2011 in books ,,Slánské rozhovory 2010: The Czech Hussite Reformation of... more
The aim of the article is to show how the Hussites referred the apostolic pattern to themselves. One of the fields where such an attitude may be observed is the liturgy of the Hussite radicals described by Vavřinec z Březove – which at... more
This article focuses on John Wycliffe´s thought and aims at uncovering an inherent revolutionary potential of his philosophy. First, Wycliffe´s metaphysical realism that gave rise to a specific notion of truth based on the divine... more
Frontispiz: © Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdrucks, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung, der Wiedergabe auf... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1991 / The book was published in Prague in 1991.
Kniha se zabývá genezí rozsudku nad Janem Husem, přičemž hledá jeho příčiny v osobitých rysech Husovy životní dráhy a veřejného působení. Líčí jeho úspěch a pád: jakými cestami se mu podařilo získat si proslulost a vytvořit okruh... more
The volume contains papers selected from those presented during the Eleventh and Twelfth Symposium of the Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice held from 18–20 June 2014 and from 15–17 June 2016, i.e. series of biennial conferences... more
The first part of this chapter shows that although certain aspects of the course of the disputations de quolibet were similar in Paris and in Prague, there were substantial differences between the two university events, including the... more
The paper is the draft of an introduction (+ the Italian translation of the letters) for the letters written by Jan Hus in his detention (November 1414-July 1415) in Constance. Please get in touch for the text (still unpublished, to be... more
History of wagenburg tactics in Central Europe Warfare and Ottoman's Warfare (XVth-XVIth centuries). Bohemia, Poland, Hungary and Turkish military history.
This review provides a critical look at a new publication on the thought of John Wyclif and his successors. It highlights the papers of Mark Thakkar (Wyclif's logic) and Aurélian Robert (atomism), which bring new perspectives and change... more
Taborites ranked among the fiercest opponents of Emperor and King Sigismund. However, eventually both parties, having been exhausted by revolutionary wars, preferred political compromise. The King wanted to achieve the recognition by the... more
A powerful state church and respected social institution with extensive symbolic prestige at the beginning of the 19th century, the Czech Catholic Church succumbed to widespread secularization throughout the second half of the same... more
in: Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis 56, 2016, seš. 1, s. 65-80 = Leonard Huntpichler’s Instructions for the Preaching of the Cross Against Bohemian Heretics | This article deals with instructions... more
Kniha byla vydána roku 1928 v Praze / The book was published in 1928 in Prague.
Die Handschrift A aus der ehemaligen Bibliothek des Kartäuserklosters Salvatorberg bei Erfurt (heute Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz zu Berlin, Ms. lat. quart. ) ist in der Forschung nicht ganz unbekannt. Für die... more
La suddetta, diffusa -e non necessariamente eterodossa -critica sul piano teologico della presunta donazione è fondamentalmente diversa rispetto alle opposizioni che questa subiva in campo giuridico o politico-ecclesiastico a opera dei... more
The article presents two important hussite symbols of spiritual struggle. The first one is John Hus himself who was treated by different Hussites more like a symbol of the proper Christian attitude and martyrdom than as a teacher. As an... more
The article focuses on the structure and functions of the myth of the Hussite origin of (a part of) Slovak protestants. The narrative, based on claims of some earlier historians, started gaining momentum in the 18th century and fully... more
in: Böhmen und das Deutsche Reich. Ideen- und Kulturtransfer im Vergleich (13.-16. Jahrhundert), hg. von Eva Schlotheuber und Hubertus Seibert (= Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum 116), München 2009, S. 235-264
We have the knowledge of several persons born in the territory of today’s Slovakia which were actively engaged in Hussite movement. This article deals with one of them. Taborite priest Lucas came from Nové Mesto nad Váhom to Praha,... more
The paper examines the image of Hussite era as presented in the first edition of Daniel Adam of Veleslavín’s Historical Calendar (1578). It identifies sources used by Veleslavín for description of XVth century history in Czech lands,... more
A Brief Account of the Revolutionary Currents in Europe in the period 1350 to 1450.
The study deals with the historical research into the Gajary – Posádka through Austrian and Hungarian historical sources and the works of medievalists. It historically dates and throws light on the history of this fort and describes its... more
The article concerns the attitude of Wladyslaw Jagiello and Polish intellectual elites to Jerome of Prague, and his teaching. The main element of the author's analysis is a visit of the Bohemian reformer to the kingdom of Wla-dyslaw... more
Przedmowa do Czytelnika zaolziańskiego czyli czesko-polski i europejski aspekt zagadnienia / 7 Wstęp / 11 Rozdział I: Czesi na średniowiecznych drogach Europy i świata / 21 A / Rzut oka na mapę / 21 B / Pomiędzy Wschodem i Zachodem / 22 C... more
Published in: Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica 21 (2018), No. 1, pp. 107-112.
Nota, quod in opere isto in fine sermonum de ewangelio semper ponitur sermo super ipso ewangelio de pugna spirituali more belli secularis," the Utraquist priest, Mikuláš Mníšek, noted in a manuscript, in which he transcribed the Lenten... more
Русі наприкінці XV -у першій половині XVII ст.
in: Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 7, 2015, s. 249-288 = Some Texts from Prague Indulgence Scandal or, What Is New in 1412 | This article presents some manuscript texts that shed new light on the protests against the indulgence campaign... more
Drawing upon unpublished financial accounts, this article sheds new light on how an ecclesiastical institution in southern Germany navigated the tense military and political environment of the Holy Roman Empire during the Hussite Wars.... more
Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis 49, 2009 = Universitäten, Landesherren und Landeskirchen: Das Kuttenberger Dekret von 1409 im Kontext der Epoche von der Gründung der Karlsuniversität 1348 bis zum... more
The article (from Journal of European Baptist Studies 6 (2006), 5-19) summarises a contemporary state of Hus studies, it analyses the main themes in his theology, and rises a question concerning past and present non-doctrinal factors... more
The review of Jerzy Grygiel's book "Zygmunt Korybutowicz. Litewski książę w husyckich Czechach (ok. 1395 - wrzesień 1435), Kraków 2016.
This book deals with the Prague protests against indulgences in the Spring and Summer of 1412. Its focus is on the execution of three protesting young men, yet the genesis and aftermath of the controversy and the memory of the beheaded... more
The article shows the siege of Prague in 1420 as an example of the expected end of the world. The hussite ideology is confronted with reality and the basic elements of the vision are described and explained.