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"This dissertation presents results from four recently discovered archeological sites in southcentral Alaska. The sites range from the Younger Dryas to middle Holocene in age and provide valuable contextual information for the human... more
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      ArchaeologyClimate Change AdaptationHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyLithic Technology
El propósito de este trabajo es discutir la intensidad y redundancia de la ocupación humana en el sitio El Tigre durante el Holoceno tardío final a partir del estudio de los procesos de formación del sitio. En un trabajo anterior... more
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      GeoarchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyRadiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)
11043 Subadult (approx. 15-17 years old) based on unerupted lower third molars; Cranial reconstruction and fragmentary infracranial elements 27 LEHs, Carious lesion (LM 1 ) 11044 Adult; Probable female; Fragmentary maxilla with partial... more
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyNorth African prehistory (Archaeology)
"This paper presents a stylized bioeconomic model of hunter-gatherer foraging effort designed to study the process of intensification on open-access resources. A critical insight derived from the model is that the very success of an... more
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      Human EcologyHuman Behavioral EcologyHuman EvolutionResilience
This paper describes the results of the surveys carried out along Ras Muari (Cape Monze, Karachi, Sindh) by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Lower Sindh and Las Bela in 2013 and 2014. The surveyed area coincides with part of the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyCeramic TechnologyMangrovesHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
During the Late Holocene, important changes can be identified in the social dynamics of hunter-gatherer populations in different regions of the southern Andes. These transformations are associated with processes of demographic growth,... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyChilean and Andean Archaeology
In the south of Middle Siberia there are several dozens of locations that contain the materials of Early Holocene age. The concentration of the studying objects is fixed in South and North Angara, on the Upper Lena, in Western and... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyGeoArcheology
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyEnvironmental Archaeology
The Eastern Subarctic has long been portrayed as a place without history. Challenging this perspective, History in the Making: The Archaeology of the Eastern Subarctic charts the complex and dynamic history of this little known... more
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      Northeastern North America (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyNorth American archaeologyNewfoundland and Labrador
Capítulo 1 entre la caza y la pesca. variaciones en el consUmo de animales entre los pUeblos originarios del canal beagle en 6000 años de historia A. Francisco Zangrando 67 Capítulo 2 las aves en la alimentación y tecnología de los... more
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      ZooarchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyBone Technology (Archaeology)Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology
There are limited data on the health effects of the transition to food production in North Africa where Middle Holocene peoples adopted pastoralism to mitigate a deteriorating climate. Unlike other areas of domestication the advent of... more
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      BioarchaeologyDental AnthropologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyPastoralism (Archaeology)
This study evaluates the role of plant foods in the subsistence of hunter-gatherers that inhabited the Central East, Northwest, and Northeast Patagonia (Argentina) during the late Holocene (ca. 3,000-500 years BP). The goal of the present... more
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyDental AnthropologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
Las colecciones privadas o descontextualizadas pueden ser de gran ayuda en las investigaciones arqueológicas. Sin embargo, su estudio ha sido ha sido prácticamente ignorado por la arqueología, a pesar de que podrían aportar mucho más... more
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyLithicsHunter-Gatherer Archaeology
"This book provides a basic introduction to key debates in the study of hunter-gatherers, specifically from an anthropological perspective, but designed for an archaeological audience. Hunter-gatherers have been the focus of intense... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEthnographyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)
El presente trabajo describe un nuevo sitio con arte rupestre estilo El Médano identificado en el marco de prospecciones sistemáticas en la Depresión Intermedia de Taltal. El yacimiento, denominado Quebrada Portezuelo 22, se ubica a 37 km... more
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyPrehistoric Rock ArtLithic Procurement
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      GeographyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
The site of Wakrita is a small Neolithic establishment located on a wadi in the tectonic depression of Gobaad in Djibouti in the Horn of Africa. The 2005 excavations yielded abundant ceramics that enabled us to define one Neolithic... more
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      African StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental Science
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyIdentity (Culture)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyCaste and Untouchability
Jackson, D., R. Seguel, C. Méndez, A. Maldonado, I. Murillo, L. Núñez 2014. Geoarqueología en ambientes costeros y paisajes patrimoniales de la costa del Choapa. Guía de campo: II Taller de Geoarqueología de América Latina, editado por:... more
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      GeoarchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyCoastal and Island ArchaeologyLate Pleistocene to Early Holocene
For an Updated Paper, See "The chronology and history of Mount Taylor period (ca. 7400–4600 cal B.P.) shell sites on the middle St. Johns River, Florida by Asa Randall, 2013 Southeastern Archaeology"
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologySoutheastern Archaic (Archaeology in North America)Hunter-Gatherer ArchaeologyArchaeology of shell middens
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologySettlement PatternsHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyCoastal and Island Archaeology
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyLithicsUpper PaleolithicHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyAnthropologyCalifornia Indians
Recent excavations (2006–2009) at the Mesolithic-Neolithic site of Vlasac in the Danube Gorges region of the north-central Balkans have focused on a reevaluation of previous conclusions about site formation processes, stratigraphy,... more
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      ZooarchaeologyMesolithic ArchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyMesolithic/Epipalaeolithic Archaeology
The ten thousand Islands region of southwest Florida contains extensive prehistoric shell midden sites called shell works that comprise some of the largest and most complicated prehistoric shell constructions in the world. these... more
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyFlorida ArchaeologyArchaeology of shell middensMonumentality
Wetlands, in their many different manifestations, have long been a significant feature in the global landscape. The term itself refers to a wide array of seasonally inundated and/or semi-terrestrial lands, including swamps, marshes, bogs,... more
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      ArchaeologyWetlandsLandscape ArchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
This dissertation examines changes in Haida economic adaptations during the late pre-contact and early contact periods in Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia). This was primarily achieved through the analysis of faunal... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyHistorical Archaeology
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyPitted Ware CultureNeolithic Europe
This study describes a whole pot found near Little Lake, Eastern California. Whole pots are rarely found in the region, usually just the broken fragments, or sherds, are found. Following a description of the pot, we then consider caching... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyGreat Basin Archaeology
Originally published in UNESCO's General History of the Caribbean. This section debates the use of continental models for hunters and gatherers in island biospheres and the subsequent pitfalls of a 'logical' progression of classifying... more
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      Cultural HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
The Indigenous Beothuk of Newfoundland disappeared as a cultural entity in the early nineteenth century. Prior to this, the Beothuk had few direct interactions with Europeans, and those that occurred were generally of a hostile nature. As... more
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyNortheastern North America (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
Archaeological data are most commonly applied towards understanding past human activities. However, these data can include environmental information such as animal and plant remains which offer insight into past environmental history.... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyHuman-Animal Relations
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyEthnographyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyPleistoceneThe peopling of the AmericasMastodon
This paper aims to present an overview of recent research on the Mesolithic lithic scatters in the Central Pennine area. In particular, it aims to exemplify a new analytical and interpretive approach to these lithic scatters by... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAnthropology of Mobility
Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к 50-летию яркого исследователя позднего каменного века Восточной Европы В.М. Лозовского. Представленные работы объединены проблематикой изучения взаимодействия человека и... more
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      FisheriesMesolithic ArchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyStone Age (Archaeology)
The hunting of wild animals for food, sport or for the defence of people and herds, was common in the ancient Near East, especially in early times. This paper gives a survey of hunting practices in pre-Islamic Arabia primarily from the... more
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      Ancient HistoryHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyAncient ReligionAnthropology of Hunting
Approximately forty contemporary hunter-gatherer societies survive in the increasingly deforested region of South East Asia. Despite the important place of hunter-gatherers in anthropological theory-making, detailed ethnographic... more
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      AnthropologyHuman Behavioral EcologyHuman EvolutionIndigenous Studies
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyAnimals in Art
been modelled as an opposition to the simple or generalised hunter-gatherer society perhaps best represented by the people of the Kalahari, who have often been assumed to form some sort of primordial human society. Each society has been... more
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic/Neolithic
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyEast Asian ArchaeologyX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy
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      HistoryEthnohistoryAnthropologyCalifornia Indians
Das Duvenseer Moor gehört zu den wichtigsten mittelsteinzeitlichen Fundarealen. Neue Forschungen an den exzellent erhaltenen »Wohnplätzen« befassen sich mit der Entwicklung des Subsistenzverhaltens am Beginn unserer heutigen Warmzeit. Und... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologySettlement PatternsHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyStone Age (Archaeology)
How do we take indigenous animism seriously in the sense proposed by Viveiros de Castro? In this article, I pose this challenge to all the major theories of animism, stretching from Tylor and Durkheim, over Lévi-Strauss to Ingold. I then... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionShamanism
Additional information is presented here that pertains to the Fenenga and Riddell article (this issue) documenting a Tübatulabal weather shaman’s bundle. This paper describes additional materials that were once part of the original... more
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      Native American StudiesAnthropologyEthnographyShamanism
En la última década, las investigaciones de las manifestaciones rupestres en América Latina revelan avances significativos tanto en la comprensión de sus significados como de las herramientas utilizadas para el registro, conservación e... more
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      ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Mesoamerican ArchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
This article tries to present the most important developments within rock art research in northernmost europe during the first five years of the new millennium. During this time span more than 500 articles, reports, debates, monographs,... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Prehistoric Rock Art