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      Treatment OutcomeClinical Drug DevelopmentRisk assessmentHungary
The Three Seas Initiative (TSI) constitutes a project involving the cooperation of twelve European countries. Poland and Croatia, the founders of the TSI, are especially active in this respect. Even though Hungary seems the closest... more
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      HungaryHungarian Politics
This paper provides a detailed analysis of two institutional reforms, respectively put forward by the European Commission in March 2014 and by the Council of the EU in December 2014 – on how to tackle the problem of Member States’... more
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      European LawEuropean CommissionHungary
Chronic diseases like asthma have a great impact on the everyday life of patients. Evaluation of a patient's quality of life informs us about how the patient is feeling and whether or not he or she is able to function physically, socially... more
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      Research DesignQuality of lifeAsthmaExperimental Design
In English see here: Zárkózott, fojtott, szenvedélyes embernek írják le az emlékezők. Némelyek szerint folyton Monopol gyúrógumit,... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryPhotographyHungarian Studies
Fatty acid composition of human milk (HM) is known to change considerably during lactation. However, we were unable to find data on changes of fatty acid composition of HM during the very early phase of lactation, i.e. in the first week... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsLactationFatty acidsHungary
Jogszabályok magyarázata nemcsak civil szervezeteknek
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      Civil SocietyNGOs funding and managementHungaryNGO management
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of HungaryHungary
Funding models influence provision and development of palliative care services. As palliative care integrates into mainstream health care provision, opportunities to develop funding mechanisms arise. However, little has been reported on... more
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      Palliative CarePolandPalliative MedicineIreland
Slavs in the Making takes a fresh look at archaeological evidence from parts of Slavic-speaking Europe north of the Lower Danube, including the present-day territories of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and... more
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      Czech HistorySociolinguisticsMigrationEarly Medieval Archaeology
Legionella is one of the emerging concerns of water quality in built water environments. Premise plumbing systems are among the recognised sources of infection. In the present study, colonisation of hot water networks in health care... more
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      WaterWater PurificationBiologyMedicine
The chapter focuses on the rhetoric and logic of this ‘wall-building’ accross the Western world over year 2015-2016, in an effort to understand the emergence of these walls and its relation to the contemporary epochal crisis. It explores... more
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      Political AnthropologyLiminalityUkraineHungary
ABSTRACT. In the years following the end of the cold war in 1989, Western feminist scholars and activists expressed disappointment in the failure of the newly democratic Eastern and Central European countries to sustain mainstream women’s... more
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      European HistorySocial MovementsEastern European StudiesGender Studies
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      ImmunologyRheumatoid ArthritisHungaryThe
Csóti György (2018). Magyarok Európában -Egy nemzet küzdelme a századfordulón. Budapest: Kairosz Könyvkiadó Kft.
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      History of HungaryNational Cultural PolicyHungary
Inorganic arsenic can get easily through the placenta however there are very few human data on congenital anomalies related to arsenic exposure. Objective of our study was to explore the associations between arsenic content of drinking... more
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      ArsenicCongenital Heart DefectsPregnancyHungary
Cerebral state monitor (CSM) is a recently developed anaesthesia depth monitor based on EEG measurement. Medline search confi rmed that the accuracy of this monitor has already been compared with BIS monitoring; however, we did not fi nd... more
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      ConsciousnessElectroencephalographyBiological SciencesProspective studies
Az előadás tömören ismerteti Hadik-Barkóczy Ilona grófnő szabadkőművességbe való felvételének, majd a felvétel érvénytelenítésének folyamatát.
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      Gender StudiesHistory of HungaryFreemasonryHistory of Freemasonry
The paper aims at presenting and evaluating the conditions of access to the Hungarian Constitutional Court after the coming into force of the new Fundamental Law and Constitutional Court Act on 1 January 2012. The abolition of actio... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawEastern EuropeAccess to Justice
This article develops the argument that European Union (EU) intervention to protect its core values is likely to provoke unintended and undesired consequences at the domestic level. EU intervention will typically invite the accused... more
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      Public OpinionEuropean UnionDemocracyPoland
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      Central EuropeMultinational EnterprisesForeign Direct InvestmentPoland
Method: A group of psychiatrists from the region evaluated the status of psychiatry at the end of 2004 based on data from their countries and information available on WHO homepages. Results: There is a shift from traditional in-patient... more
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      PsychiatryEastern EuropeBulgariaMedicine
This paper presents an overview of the adoption of Adam Smith’s work in the Central European countries, namely the Czech lands and the Hungarian Kingdom in the last third of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. The paper is... more
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      History of IdeasHistory of Economic ThoughtAdam Smith19th Century Central Europe
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryLiteratureSexual Violence
Kántortól Columbóig-egy új és korszerű bűnüldözési, munkaszervezési modell A Kaposvári Rendőrkapitányság vezetői állománya évről évre újszerű megoldások kidolgozására törekszik, amellyel mind a múltbeli, mind a jelenlegi kedvezőtlen... more
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      HungaryPolice AdministrationPolice Work
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      AgricultureHistory of HungaryInterwar Period HistoryNazi Germany
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyEnergyGlobal Financial Crisis: energy and Finance
A globális környezeti problémák, az erőforrások szűkülése, a környezetszennyezés és az emberiség túlnépesedése posztmodern korunk legfontosabb kihívásait jelentik. A környezettudatos marketing - felhasználva más diszciplínák eredményeit... more
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      MarketingGreen MarketingConsumer BehaviorAttitudes (Social Psychology)
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      Constitutional LawEconomicsPublic FinanceSocial Rights
Work on this project started in 1981-82 following designs prepared by István Szabó. Structurally this church was completed, but it would seem never to be occupiable, at least for 30 years. Hence the idea that this church was unfinishable.... more
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      Contemporary Design (Architecture)History of architectureHistory and Theory of Modern ArchitectureContemporary Architecture
Studie byla publikována v roce 1904 v časopisu Slovanský přehled č. 6 /
The study was published in 1904 in the magazine Slavic survey no. 6 / A tanulmány megjelent 1904-ben a Szláv felmérés nem. 6
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHungarianHistory of Hungary
The author states that it is Ferenczi 's writings of 1931 and 1932 that exhibit the most conspicuous departures from Freud 's ideas and at the same time contain Ferenczi 's most original contributions. The texts concerned -Confusion of... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisMedicinePsychoanalytic Theory
There is an increasingly growing literature on the transnational flow of planning ideas that researchers attribute to the interconnected and globalised nature of political systems (Healey, 2013). It seems that ideas move from one place to... more
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      Urban PlanningStrategic PlanningRegional Planning/DevelopmentEuropean Union
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesSoviet History
A tanulmányban a legfrissebb információk alapján vázoljuk fel a Magyarországról kiinduló migrációs folyamatokat. Elemzésünk három részre osztható: az első részben a migrációs hajlandóság mértékének alakulását vizsgálva vázoljuk fel a... more
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      Migration StudiesHungary
Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el territorio del Estado como en frontera. Para ello se toman en consideración la normativa internacional sobre la materia, y la normativa de la... more
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      Refugee StudiesAsylum LawAsylumEuropean Immigration and Asylum Law
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentChildHungary
This article aims to provide a general picture of the patterns of regional inequalities in the Kingdom of Hungary before its dismemberment. It also compares the location of the economic peripheries with areas dominated by national... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyHistorical GeographyDemography
Telemedicine is used more and more frequently worldwide. It is increasingly popular in North America, Australia, South Africa, as well as the Scandinavian countries. However, it is not commonly used in Hungary despite various attempts,... more
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      Public OpinionTelemedicineMedicineBiomedical Technology
Michiel de Ruyter is a Dutch national hero. He is respected in Hungary as the liberator of the Protestant galley slaves. Since 1895, his name can also be read on the statue behind the Great Church of Debrecen. De Ruyter has appeared in... more
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      HistoryReformation HistoryDutch HistoryHungary
Since 2014, hundred thousands of migrants from the Middle East have arrived at the Hungarian–Serbian and Hungarian–Croatian borders. This paper discusses the unique phenomenon of what role the political debate about Islam, the... more
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      CommunicationInternational SecurityMigrationMigration Studies
The challenges that official migration statistics face in the 21st century are manifold. In line with intensifying globalisation processes, and new patterns and types of migration, new routes and new migrant identities... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyRegional GeographyEconomic Geography
Árpád Popély, Fórum inštitút pre výskum menšín, Šamorín, [email protected] POPÉLY, Árpád. The Czechoslovak-Hungarian population exchange and the list of names of Hungarians living in Slovakia assigned for re-settlement. Človek a... more
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      HungaryCzechoslovakiaHungarian minority in SlovakiaPopulation Exchange
Background: Regional variations in antibiotic consumption in outpatients have been reported previously, but nothing is as yet known about the regional distribution of antibiotic consumption in the hospital sector in Hungary. This study... more
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      Linear modelsHospitalsHungaryInfection
Objective: To assess the validity of the 24-item Leverton Questionnaire (LQ) in screening for postnatal depression (PND). Method: A two-phase, cross-sectional study was designed. Between January and October 2006, a sample of 1552 women... more
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      AdolescentHungaryPostpartum DepressionYoung Adult
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      European UnionBiopsyHungaryMultimedia Systems
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Előszó a körkérdésünkre érkezett hozzászólásokhoz - Hozzászólók: Albert Fruzsina, Antal Z. László, Balázs Zoltán, Barna Ildikó, Bozóki András, Czibere Ibolya, Csoba Judit, Dávid Beáta, Farkas Zsombor & Farkas Zsuzsanna, Füzér Katalin,... more
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      Social SciencesHungary