Recent papers in Humidity
This study was aimed to formulate and evaluate anti-aging effects of a topical cream (w/o emulsion) containig extract of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) versus its base. Formulation containing 4% concentrated extract of Foeniculum vulgare was... more
Background: The effectiveness of aerosol therapy is significantly reduced by the mucus layer covering the airways of the tracheobronchial tree. According to the present concept, drug particles are delivered to the lung together with the... more
Genetic, social and environmental factors affecting behavioral estrus were evaluated in Angus (n 10), Brahman (n 10) and Senepol (n 10) cows during a PGF 2a synchronized estrus and subsequent spontaneous estrus. Cows were equally... more
Male and female T. infestans were released on two consecutive nights in the salinas of Cordoba Province, Argentina, when air temperatures during the flying period averaged 28S"C. 136 males (43% of the total released) and 170 females (57%)... more
Understanding the impact on human health during peak episodes in air pollution is invaluable for policymakers. Particles less than PM2.5 can penetrate the respiratory system, causing cardiopulmonary and other systemic diseases.... more
In order to correct the altimeter range for tropospheric humidity, a microwave radiometer is added to altimetry missions. Over open ocean, the combination altimeter/radiometer is satisfactory. This is not the case in coastal zones, where... more
A year-long investigation of air change rates in an occupied house was undertaken to establish the effects of temperature, wind velocity, use of exhaust fans, and window-opening behavior. Air change rates were calculated by periodically... more
The mechanical reliability of fused silica glass fibers is significantly influenced by the properties of their polymer coatings. The primary coating, which is in contact with the fiber surface, is expected to control the chemistry there,... more
Damp and mould in homes have been established as risk factors for respiratory health. There is a need for a relatively straightforward assessment of the home that quantifies this risk. Using data from 891 New Zealand houses, the utility... more
Plastic electronic packages are known to absorb moisture when exposed to humid ambient conditions during storage in tape and reel in the factory. Reliability becomes a concern when packages are exposed to a humid environment for a... more
To evaluate the effect of an 8% arginine-calcium carbonate fluoride-free desensitizing paste on the surface roughness of resin composite, porcelain, amalgam, gold, and human dental enamel both prior to and following simulated... more
Mulching is a technique widely used to conserve soil and moderate its microclimate. Modelling transfer processes in mulches is limited by our lack of understanding of turbulent exchange within the mulch. This paper, the first of a... more
Background: Although multiple combinations of weather factors may contribute to an increased incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia, few studies have investigated the association between weather factors and cases of M pneumoniae... more
Objective: The objective of this paper is to analyse and quantify the effects exerted on summer mortality by extremes of heat, particularly among persons aged 65–74 and 75 years and over, groups in which mortality is higher. Methods: The... more
The potential of a ground-based microwave temperature profiler to combine full tropospheric profiling with highresolution profiling of the boundary layer is investigated. For that purpose, statistical retrieval algorithms that incorporate... more
Invasive rats (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, R. exulans) have large impacts on island habitats through both direct and indirect effects on plants. Rats affect vegetation by extirpating burrowing seabirds through consumption of eggs,... more
This work provides thermodynamic data, in particular, liquid-state saturation vapor pressures of three common slightly water soluble secondary organic aerosol components, namely, malonic, succinic, and glutaric acids. A modified tandem... more
A new capacitance sensor system was developed with a microcontroller, commercial humidity and temperature sensors, a capacitance-to-digital converter, and a custom-built capacitance sensor. The performance of the system was evaluated by... more
Rhinologists are often faced with the challenge of assessing nasal breathing from a functional point of view to derive effective therapeutic interventions. While the complex nasal anatomy can be revealed by visual inspection and medical... more
This paper presents an integrated stimulator that can be embedded in implantable electrode books for interfacing with nerve roots at the cauda equina. The Active Book overcomes the limitation of conventional nerve root stimulators which... more
Melibiose monohydrate has shown promise when employed as a pharmaceutical excipient, but its physical properties have not been adequately characterized. Therefore, two different melibiose monohydrate batches were analyzed as received or... more
The countries around the world are dealing with air quality issues for decades due to their mode of production and energy usages. The outbreak of COVID-19 as a pandemic and consequent global economic shutdown, for the first time, provided... more
Objective. Parental atopy and environmental exposures are recognized risk factors for childhood asthma. However, the relative contributions of specific risk factors and the overall contributions of indoor and outdoor exposures remain... more
Only limited research evaluates possible benefits of combined drinking and external cooling (by pouring cold water over the body) during exercise. Therefore, this study examined cold water drinking and external cooling on physiological,... more
ABSTRACT Reducing the amount of lost and damaged perishable goods (food and medicines) during transportation and storage represents a substantial global challenge, which imply the implementation of cold chain monitoring at all levels of... more
Eight competitive cyclists [mean peak oxygen consumption, ( O 2peak ) = 65 ml á min A1 á kg A1 ] undertook two 60-min cycle ergometer time trials at 32°C and 60% relative humidity. The time trials were split into two 30-min phases: a... more
Although natural ventilation plays an important role in the affecting greenhouse climate, as defined by temperature, humidity and CO 2 concentration, particularly in Mediterranean countries, little information and data are presently... more
The image quality of electro-optical sensors in the (lower-altitude marine) atmosphere is limited by aerosols, which cause contrast reduction due to transmission losses and impact on the thermal signature of objects by scattering solar... more
Polyurethane foams are widely present in museum collections either as part of the artefacts, or as a material for their conservation. Unfortunately many of PU foam artefacts are in poor condition and often exhibit specific conservation... more
The methodolw proposed in the paper deals with the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques in the modeling andl control of some climate variabiles within a greenhouse.
Background A previous study of homes in Wellington, New Zealand showed that having carpets on floors was the most important determinant of floor Der p 1 levels, but there was much unexplained variability between houses in carpet levels.
To determine the effects of exercise, high heat and humidity and acclimation on plasma adrenaline, noradrenaline, b-endorphin and cortisol concentrations, five horses performed a competition exercise test (CET; designed to... more
This research includes a study of the effect of four temperatures (25, 30, 35, 40m•) with relative humidity 65% on some biological aspects of the Bean beetle Acanthoselides obtectus on the Bean seeds under laboratory conditions. The... more
the water left in the humidifier was weighed, and this used to calculate the mean absolute humidity of the insufflated gas by the gravimetric method.
Halloysite clay minerals are ubiquitous in soils and weathered rocks where they occur in a variety of particle shapes and hydration states. When both halloysite and kaolinite are present in a given sample, differentiation between the two... more
This article deals with the development of a new composition of a polymer composition for dressing cotton yarn. The optimal concentration of the dressing polymer composition, which is 50 g/kg, against the starch-based dressing is 70 g/kg,... more
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling with the Eularian -Eularian formulation is used to describe the drying phenomena occurring in pneumatic conveying drying particularly in the U-bend. Two user defined scalar equations (UDSs) are... more
This review compiles personal and indoor microenvironment particulate matter (PM) monitoring needs from recently set research objectives, most importantly the NRC published ''Research Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter (1998)''.... more
The objective of the study was to compare the effectiveness of trehalose with that of melibiose in protecting a monoclonal antibody (rituximab) from aggregation, fragmentation, and secondary structure alterations during processing and... more
This paper presents a study on the deformation of anisotropic fibrous porous media subjected to moistening by water in the liquid phase. The deformation of the medium is studied by applying the concept of effective stress. Given the... more
The objective of this study was to identify environmental and management factors that are associated with the frequency of fatigued, injured, and dead pigs on arrival and in resting pens during lairage at a commercial Midwest abattoir.... more
In this paper, the architecture of a new analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a piecewise linear characteristic (PLADC) is proposed. In this device, some discrete points of the characteristic can be modified to fit a requested profile.... more
India's population is achieved 1.2 billion and the population rate is increasing day by day then following 25-30 years there will be not kidding issue of sustenance, so the improvement of farming is essential. Today, the agriculturists... more
A bidimensional finite element model that predicts temperature distribution and moisture migration of wheat stored in silobags due to seasonal variation of climatic conditions is described. The model includes grain respiration and... more