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A conceptual matrix for the development of professional identity as a counselor educator is presented as a method of promoting self-management for doctoral-level counselor education students. Seven areas of intentionality are discussed,... more
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      Professional DevelopmentHumanistic
A thorough observation of the African continent reveals a continent bedeviled with several vices covering its socio-eco political ambiance. The continent is bedeviled with unemployment, poor infrastructural development, poor work ethics,... more
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EJ900534 - Outcomes and Stages of Child-Centered Play Therapy for a Child with Highly Disruptive Behavior Driven by Self-Concept Issues.
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      Behavior ModificationSelf EfficacyInterventionHumanistic
In this article, the authors present an approach to developing creativity through meaningful learning relationships that involve art, literature, dialogue, and experience. They present a model of creative teaching, Person-to-Person... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationArtCreativityLiterature
The authors discuss effective rite of passage (ROP) programs as strength-based, culturally relevant interventions for African American male adolescents. They also highlight the ethnocultural strengths of this population from a resilience... more
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      Counseling PsychologyPoetryTeaching MethodsHumanistic education
An experiential workshop was offered to graduate psychology students at a major university in India.
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      PsychologyLeadershipExperiential LearningHumanistic
 born in April 1 in Brooklyn New York  Oldest of seven children of Jewish immigrants from Russia  He disliked his father; he hated his mother all his life  Grew up lonely and shy, took refuge in books and scholarly pursuits Schools... more
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The trust of this paper was to show the relevance of the development of the theories of personality to an understanding of consumer behaviour. The development and limitations of the psychodynamic theory, trait theory, behavioural theory,... more
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University of Minnesota Ph.D dissertation. November 2009. Major: American Stuides. Advisor: Elaine Tyler May. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 568 pages.
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      HistoryAmerican StudiesPhilosophyValues
retical, and methodological, to the spiritual, psychotherapeutic, and multicultural. Psychology is poised for a renaissance, and this Handbook will play a critical role in that transformation. As increasing numbers of students and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyHumanistic
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyHumanistic
Descriptions in this case study of child-centered play therapy (CCPT) for a boy referred for highly disruptive behavior include observations of his process through stages of CCPT, teacher and parent ratings on the Child Behavior Checklist... more
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      Behavior ModificationSelf EfficacyInterventionHumanistic
A Dios por darme la sabiduría, salud y fortaleza de alcanzar un nuevo logro en mi vida profesional, a mi madre, Lucrecia Mogollón, por darme la vida, por animarme en los momentos de debilidad, a mi esposo por ser el punto de equilibrio,... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologySociology of ReligionSocial Psychology
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      PsychotherapySpiritualityExistential TherapyEulogy
With the counseling profession's increased emphasis on developing brief therapies, applying innovative techniques, and measuring outcomes, helping someone feel understood is sometimes neglected. Three narratives by humanistic... more
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The study builds on the workplace spirituality and spiritual leadership literatures to revisit the Maslowian notion of eupsychian management. We show that the behavior of leaders has an impact on how people perceive the organization at... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyPsychological Well Being
La intención de este trabajo es analizar la importancia que tiene la formación humanística, ecológica, social y ética en la ingeniería actual inmersa en un mundo complejo, interconectado y globalizado. En este contexto se evaluarán... more
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A collection of multiple articles on social, political and humanistic sciences with topics ranging from Romanian minorities to security paradigms.
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      CreativityPolitical ScienceAgricultureSciences
Beginning in the last decade of the 20 th century, partially in response to widespread dissatisfaction with and in the legal system and lawyers, a new movement in law has emerged-a movement towards law as a healing profession. This... more
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      LawPublic OpinionLegal ProfessionDispute Resolution
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    • Humanistic
The concept of "calling" has evolved from a religiously oriented description of occupation to an integrated, broad, and multidimensional construct that is associated with optimal vocational outcomes, personal fulfillment and meaning, and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyFree Will
Jungian gender development theory affords a flexible lens through which to view the individuation process as it is influenced by gender issues. Variations of this gender-influenced individuation process are described. Counseling... more
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    • Humanistic
A collection of multiple articles on social, political and humanistic sciences with topics ranging from Romanian minorities to security paradigms.
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      CreativityPolitical ScienceAgricultureSciences
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      PsychologyPersonalityInterventionAcademic achievement
This article is a lightly edited transcription of an interview conducted by Kirk Schneider, John Galvin, and Ilene Serlin with Rollo May at his retreat home in Holderness, New Hampshire, in the summer of 1987. Drawing from the influence... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyHumanistic
The concept of "calling" has evolved from a religiously oriented description of occupation to an integrated, broad, and multidimensional construct that is associated with optimal vocational outcomes, personal fulfillment and meaning, and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyFree Will
This two-part study investigated the effects of a particular approach to dream interpretation. In the first part, the Dream Interpretation Effects Questionnaire (DIEQ) was developed to assess both quantitatively and qualitatively seven... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyHumanistic
A collection of multiple articles on social, political and humanistic sciences with topics ranging from Romanian minorities to security paradigms.
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      CreativityPolitical ScienceAgricultureSciences
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      Computer ScienceCreativityPrivacyAgriculture
A thorough observation of the African continent reveals a continent bedeviled with several vices covering its socio-eco political ambiance. The continent is bedeviled with unemployment, poor infrastructural development, poor work ethics,... more
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The current study examined a group counseling intervention developed to promote wellness in adolescent girls at an alternative school. Findings indicated that the wellness intervention helped girls to broaden their ideas about wellness... more
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The proposed humanistic approach mapped the human character and behavior into a device 1 to evade the bondages of implementation and surely succeed as we live. Human societies are the complex and most organized networks, in which many... more
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      ArtCultureItalian HumanismHumanism
A collection of multiple articles on social, political and humanistic sciences with topics ranging from Romanian minorities to security paradigms.
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      CreativityPolitical ScienceAgricultureSciences
A collection of many articles on social, political and humanistic sciences with topics ranging from the Bologna process to the common agricultural policy and the current food crisis.
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      CreativityPolitical ScienceAgricultureSciences
A collection of many articles on social, political and humanistic sciences with topics ranging from the Bologna process to the common agricultural policy and the current food crisis.
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      CreativityPolitical ScienceAgricultureSciences
A collection of many articles on social, political and humanistic sciences with topics ranging from the Bologna process to the common agricultural policy and the current food crisis.
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Polish science quite rarely identifies the postwar period as well as the time of the Polish People’s Republic with modernity or modernization. More often the questions on succumbing and enslavement appear, in particular in recent years we... more
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      ModernizationPostwar PolandHumanistic
La gestión escolar en el marco de las políticas públicas educativas venezolanas. ¿Un Asunto Político?
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      EquityPublic policiesHumanisticJaz
The diagnosis of cancer has the potential to elicit positive change (post traumatic growth [PTG]) through the experience of trauma and adversity. However, psychology and clinical practices and most recently positive psychology have been... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePositive PsychologyBreast Cancer
Human society is a complex and most organized networks, in which many communities have different cultural livelihood. The creation/formation of one or more communities within a society and the way of associations can be mapped to MANET.... more
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      Computer ScienceArtCultureCommunity
This study builds on the workplace spirituality and spiritual leadership literatures to revisit the Maslowian notion of eupsychian management, showing that leaders' behavior has an impact on how people perceive the organization at the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyPsychological Well Being
A collection of many articles on international law with topics ranging from the applicability of laws on cyber attacks to discrimination, the civil rights movement and retirement in the education system.
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      Computer ScienceCreativityPrivacyAgriculture
A collection of many articles on international law with topics ranging from the applicability of laws on cyber attacks to discrimination, the civil rights movement and retirement in the education system.
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      Computer ScienceCreativityPrivacyAgriculture
HARRY HUNT received his Ph.D. from Brandeis University. He is profes-sor of psychology at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, and has published theoretical and research studies on states of conscious-ness. He is a student... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyHumanistic
This article is a lightly edited transcription of an interview conducted by Kirk Schneider, John Galvin, and Ilene Serlin with Rollo May at his retreat home in Holderness, New Hampshire, in the summer of 1987. Drawing from the influence... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHumanistic psychologyHumanistic
Humanistic-Existential (HE) and Feminist-Multicultural (FM) psychology both developed alongside the civil rights movement and converge in their upholding of human dignity and basic human rights for all people. Considerations of power have... more
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In the history of Sweden the years 1611–1718 are the so-called great power era (Swedish: stormaktstiden), the period of geographic and economic expansion, as well as the formation of a romantic image of own nation, state and language. In... more
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    • Humanistic