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Repeated military deployments have been a common experience for many military families in the past 15 years. While there has been an increase in research and intervention focused on the effects on families of military deployments, much of... more
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      Family studiesMilitary SociologyFamily PsychologyMilitary
The popular Samoan adage 'o le ala i le pule o le tautua' (the pathway to leadership is through service) is commonly understood by Samoans around the world as an important life value. Writings about tautua (service) have chronicled... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesFamily studiesPacific Island Studies
This study aims to explore the culture, Sasi Duka as the mentoring and counseling in Tanas village in Papua. This research was conducted in one of the local communities in Papua, namely in the Tanas village. In this study, the theory that... more
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      Family TherapyFamily studiesFamily BusinessFamily Law
What kinds of parents do South African gay men and lesbians want to be? What reproductive and parental decision-making challenges do they face in their families and communities? In this case study, we focus on the reproductive and... more
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      Religion and SexualitySocial and Cultural AnthropologyParentingGender and Sexuality
Le Congrès international des Jeunes, organisé pendant cet été (2012) par les Filles de Marie-Auxiliatrice de la province AEC, a rassemblé plus d'une soixantaine d'animateurs des différents pays de la province (sous-région CEMAC). Puisque... more
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      Developmental PsychologyAttachment TheoryHuman development and Family Studies
Filial Therapy has been shown through 55+ years of research and clinical experience to be an effective and efficient intervention for children and families experiencing a variety of social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties. This... more
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      Play TherapyChild DevelopmentMarriage & Family TherapyParent Child Relationships
Parental warmth is vital for child adjustment, but the expressive practices of parental warmth as gendered and cultural practices have remained understudied so far. The present study examines the expression of warmth among contemporary... more
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      Gender StudiesFamily studiesParentingChild Development
Pedofilia tidak hanya sekadar orientasi ketertarikan dan seksual terhadap anak-anak, ia muncul layaknya fenomena gunung es. Hanya sedikit kasus yang terungkap dan diproses hukum karena beragam alasan di tengah masyarakat. Memahaminya... more
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceHuman development and Family StudiesChildren and Youth at RiskPedophiles
This essay analyzes how the live performance of Story Pirates Radio created a community and documented a small but significant sampling of life in the United States during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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      Cultural StudiesAmerican StudiesMusic EducationEducation
This essay explains in details the relevance of education to family development, to do so the meaning of the terms education and the family is given, and it will further establish the meaning of education in relation to sociology.... more
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      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationEducational Sociology        First fed grant for yoga in youth lockup, homeless-mentally-ill, schools, $34M green project 20yr ago, Wittgenstein for therapists book, projects w HHDL BKSIyengar, SSRavi Shankar
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      Positive PsychologyGender StudiesSpiritualityAutobiography
This paper touches upon the life & work of Bertrand Russell, and of his being a member of the 'Inner-Circle' of people who, writing down through history had left us various hints and clues as to their knowledge of the creation of... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyClassicsEnglish Literature
I show how couples can go beyond the [misnamed[ hypothalamic Fight of Flight Mode to mature an innate, crossculturally referenced perineum-spinal-heart-hypothalamic-cerebral-puberty-of-entheogenic-hormonal-potencies. I name this... more
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      Yoga MeditationPsychology of ReligionScience and SpiritualityGender and Development
Majalah yang mengandungi beberapa bab. salah satu membincangkan mengenai kepentingan rakan kongsi dalam pembangunan komuniti dengan liputan istimewa kepada peranan UKMbikers.
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      Clinical PsychologySocial PsychologySocial WorkCommunity Development
al que se vuelve. Refle.norres sobre la familia, 2" ed., Eunsa, Pamplona, 2000. Es llamativo el hecho de que la primera consideración en un l:OnJUnto de ensayos sobre la farniha sea una cx.tensa referencia a su relevancia estética, como... more
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      EthicsEducationPhilosophical AnthropologyFamily studies
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      Developmental PsychologyFamily studiesChinese StudiesParenting
this is a work developed for parents school of a university in Spain.
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    • Human development and Family Studies
Abstract Heightened sensitivity, heightened intensity, heightened awareness and advanced cognitive development, compared to chronological aged peers, distinguish the highly-profoundly gifted child and permeate their social, emotional,... more
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      Human DevelopmentGifted EducationGiftednessHuman Growth and Development
Family literacy education has arguably created change, ranging from a focus on sustaining informal family interactions among parents and children driven by the need to eliminate intergenerational cycles of poverty to more formal and... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationSocial Sciences
Siblings are the one who remains together throughout the lives and their relationship is a mixture of love, hate, jealousy, affection and every other emotion. An individual is usually like to imitate or idolize their elder siblings... more
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      JealousySiblings RelationshipsSiblingsHuman development and Family Studies
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      EducationChild and adolescent mental healthMental HealthPsychotherapy and Counseling
This study explored the relationship between self-esteem and internet addiction, and the indirect effect of shyness or self-doubt on internet addiction. We utilized two-wave design that consisted of 232 undergraduates from southeastern... more
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    • Human development and Family Studies
The article examines the identity of Oxford city based on a case study of the May Day festival. Drawing on the phenomenological approach and theoretical background of K. Lynch and A. Reed, particular attention is given to the image of the... more
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      Urban AnthropologyHuman development and Family Studies
A prism reflecting cultural assumptions about reproduction, identity, gender, and race, adoption as a practice of family-making prompts us to examine assumptions about what is normal and good, who is related, and how we should create—and... more
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesFamilyAdoptionAssisted Reproductive Technologies
Il volume presenta i risultati di una indagine sui profili giuridici dello scioglimento unilaterale del matrimonio, focalizzando l’attenzione sugli sviluppi avvenuti nell’arco di tempo che abbraccia il quarto e il quinto secolo d.C.... more
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      Canon LawHistory of ChristianityFamily LawRoman Law
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      EducationFamily studiesChild and adolescent mental healthMental Health
The manipulative wife is selfish and seeks to promote her self-interest through various means. Love and feelings are not important and may even not exist. There are some ways which she uses for manipulation. There are also ways which can... more
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      PsychologyFamily studiesFamilyMarriage and Divorce
Human children are raised by a variety of caregivers including grandparents. A few studies have assessed potential differences in direct caregiving, financial expenditures, and emotional closeness between biological and step-grandparents.... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyLife History EvolutionKin SelectionHuman development and Family Studies
Co-author: Prof. Michael E. Lamb, University of Cambridge
J. Roopnarine. (Ed.) Fathers across cultures: The importance, roles, and diverse practices of dads. New York: Praeger.
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      Family studiesChinese StudiesParentingChild Development
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      Family TherapyDeathDeath StudiesMarriage & Family Therapy
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative... more
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      Online CommunitiesVideo GamesFamilyMultiplayer Online Games
The present report illustrates how uncertointy, continued stress and the transient "commuter" role ol the soldier in the Yom Kippur War led to psychological disequilibrium on both the individual and latnilial lnel.
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      EducationChild and adolescent mental healthMental HealthWar Studies
The study addresses the documented problems in a rural community of Bukidnon Province in the Philippines on caring for their children along with securing livelihood for survival. Through capability-building, more than half were satisfied... more
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      Community DevelopmentHuman development and Family Studies
The present study was undertaken to find out the perceptions on the family climate of tribal adolescents who are residing in Adilabad district of Telangana State. A total sample of 120 adolescents out of which 60 boys and 60 girls in the... more
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      GenderHuman development and Family Studies
Most people have a vision of what they imagine would be the ideal family environment and society, for children to grow and develop in. Most of us don't have clear, specific ideas about this, or know if it's even possible, but we know that... more
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      Psychology of OppressionHuman development and Family Studies
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      Family studiesMental HealthPsychotherapy and CounselingTrauma Studies
Parents challenged Canada’s National Children’s Agenda (NCA)—a policy umbrella for neoliberal investments in early childhood introduced in 1999—for mobilizing a brain-focused conceptualization of child development they felt excluded... more
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      Medical SociologyCanadian StudiesDisability StudiesGovernmentality
Previous research suggests that empathy can be cultivated by social ideals and relationships with people. The current study examines family importance and religious importance as correlates of affective empathy, perspective taking, and... more
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      Community PsychologySocial SciencesEmpathy (Psychology)Diversity
Caring for individuals with disabilities can be a heavy responsibility that may evoke stress among caregivers. Hence, the main purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between maternal appraisal, social support and... more
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      Developmental PsychologySpecial EducationDisability StudiesHuman development and Family Studies
Translanguaging is seen both as a threat and as an opportunity for minority language development and transmission. While the theme of translanguaging has been explored especially in a context of migration, the novelty of this study lies... more
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      LanguagesRussian StudiesIntercultural CommunicationFamily studies
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative... more
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      Online CommunitiesVideo GamesFamilyMultiplayer Online Games
Objetivos: analizar los cuatro componentes del método de desarrollo familiar: teoría, práctica, reflexividad y producción de conocimiento, y su implicación en la práctica profesional. Metodología: esta investigación tuvo un enfoque... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeReflexivityTheoryReflexivity (Sociology)
La troisième lettre encyclique du pape François est son enseignement social sur la fraternité universelle et l'amitié sociale qui invite à une culture ouverte et inclusive respectant la dignité de la personne humaine en vue de suscité... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesGlobalizationSustainable DevelopmentCatholic Social Teaching
Background: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus epidemic continues to be a major public health problem worldwide. It has become one of the world's serious health and development challenges. In sub-Sahara Africa women accounted for 56% of new... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyChild and adolescent mental healthMental HealthPublic Health
Most research regarding the timing of first sex with a new romantic partner finds that delaying the onset of sex is associated with greater relationship satisfaction and stability. Although some studies suggest that this association can... more
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      PsychologyLongitudinal ResearchSurvey ResearchInterpersonal Romantic Relationships
The study provides an orientation about the major dimensions of the contemporary Muslim woman’s life. The article highlights Muslim women’s views, opportunities, and challenges to their career choices and education. Standing at a... more
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      Evolution of MoralityHegelEvolution of ConsciousnessFamily Psychology
This study investigated the effects of custodial mothers' anger on the adiustment of their adolescent children. High state anger (S-Anger) in these mothers, as measured with the Hebrew adaptation of Spielberger's State*Tiait Anger... more
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      EducationFamily studiesChild and adolescent mental healthMental Health