Human Mobility
Recent papers in Human Mobility
People move, finances move, so does the cultures, artefacts, goods and food. Remittances literature expanded significantly in the last two decades to cover more of what we refer to as social remittances. Social remittances refer to often... more
Information and communication technologies (ICTs), particularly the adoption of large-scale databases play a crucial role in border management and mobility governance. On April 6, 2016, the European Commission launched a second edited... more
This is the first volume of the Proceedings of The Migration Conference 2020. The Migration Conference 2020 was held online due to COVID-19 Pandemic and yet, in over 80 parallel sessions and plenaries key migration debates saw nearly 500... more
ISBN nº 978-65-89485-03-2 DIREITOS AUTORAIS: É proibida a reprodução parcial ou total desta publicação, por qualquer forma ou meio, sem a prévia autorização da ESENI Editora. Referida vedação se estende às características gráficas da obra... more
The Marshall Islands is a nation of widely dispersed, low-lying coral atolls and islands, and with climate change causing sea levels to rise and shifting weather patterns, the Marshall Islands is faced with flooding, heat stress and... more
Special Issue: Tracking Stone: Recent Approaches to Reconstructing the Transport of Lithic Raw Materials and Artifacts - Edited by Kane Ditchfield and Karen Borrazzo. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports... more
This paper explores the rhythm of temporary mobility experiences of young Eastern Europeans in Spain, after the European Union (EU) enlargement towards the East. Following Lefebvre's rhythmanalysis approach, and drawing on 60 in-depth... more
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Starting from the diachronic impact of salt on humanity's numerous activities and spiritual reflexes, the author calls for establishing a new humanist discipline: the anthropology of salt. This first exertion lists the themes developed... more
It is hard to talk about human mobilities without taking into consideration how mobility is being shaped by and shaping processes of imagination. The key concepts of imagination and mobility have rich and complex genealogies. The matter... more
This is a literature paragraph on the concept of family and household to be included on a work on migration in Namibia.
Comments and critiques are welcome
Comments and critiques are welcome
The Marshall Islands is a nation of widely dispersed, low-lying coral atolls and islands, and with climate change causing sea levels to rise and shifting weather patterns, the Marshall Islands is faced with flooding, heat stress and... more
Neanderthal shell tools have been discovered in several coastal sites along the Mediterranean Sea in the past 50 years. These technological artefacts have rarely been investigated, and only typological considerations have been published.... more
This article addresses how gender norms impact the process of migration, and what this means for the use of migration as an adaptation strategy to cope with environmental stressors. Data was collected through qualitative fieldwork, taking... more
The concepts of migration and mobility clearly intersect, but they are not synonyms. While migration by definition entails mobility, migration studies has privileged studying other aspects of the migratory process. This article analyzes... more
This policy report highlights the main findings of the research project by the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) and the AXA Research Fund. The research explores the connections between the... more
All’interno del quadro delle strategie internazionali e delle politiche dell’Unione Europea − che riconoscono il contributo positivo della migrazione per la crescita inclusiva e lo sviluppo sostenibile dei paesi − il saggio si sviluppa a... more
We present isotopic and morphometric evidence suggesting the migration of farmers in the southern Andes in the period AD 1270–1420, leading up to the Inka conquest occurring ~ AD 1400. This is based on the interdisciplinary study of human... more
Data volume grows explosively with the proliferation of powerful smartphones and innovative mobile applications. The ability to accurately and extensively monitor and analyze these data is necessary. Much concern in cellular data analysis... more
This paper has been published as part of an independently funded project into migration, migration theory and nationalism carried out and funded by The Academic Antidote at
"The purpose of this article is to investigate temporal shifts in skeletal robusticity to infer behavioral changes in two populations (Neolithic, NEOL and Medieval, MED) settled in the same geographic area but involved in different... more
The impacts of disasters are increasing due to climate change and urbanization. Big and open data offer considerable potential for analyzing and predicting human mobility during disaster events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to... more
When is overstaying too long? This paper interrogates the paradox of the super overstayer – or those with inordinately extended tenures as migrants without legal status. Some value (however defined) impels the migrant to stay on even... more
Este artigo trata de resultados parciais de um estudo sobre publicações em periódicos brasileiros acerca dos fluxos migratórios internacionais e gênero, considerando os impactos destes nas pesquisas e publicações em periódicos... more
In Part 1 of this volume, James Carrier argues that anthropology finds itself in the midst of two crises. The first is internal, emerging from concerns over the future of our field and the role anthropology can play beyond the academy.... more
Göç Dergisi (GD) göç araştırmaları alanında uzman bir süreli yayındır. Göç Dergisi insan göçü, göçmenler ve göçmenlik ile ilgili bilimsel çalışmaları ve tartışmaları yayınlamayı amaç edinmiş hakemli ve uluslararası disiplinler arası bir... more
This paper examines the role played by human mobility as a climate change adaptation strategy in Zimbabwe’s small-scale farming areas. Livelihoods in Zimbabwe’s small-scale farming areas are mostly agriculture-based and have long suffered... more
Many environmental justice studies have sought to examine the effect of residential segregation on unequal exposure to environmental factors among different social groups, but little is known about how segregation in non‐residential... more
Benjamin Irvine & Bike Yazicioglu-Santamaria (2021) BioIsoANE – An Open-access Repository of Bioarchaeological Isotopic Analyses in the Greater Ancient Near East Heritage Turkey 11: 26-27. 10.18866/biaa2021.12 research collaboration with... more
This report sheds light on the possible effects of climate change on development and security in the Central Sahel, namely in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. It examines the interactions between climatic stresses, food security, and... more
We present isotopic and morphometric evidence suggesting the migration of farmers in the southern Andes in the period AD 1270–1420, leading up to the Inka conquest occurring ~ AD 1400. This is based on the interdisciplinary study of human... more
préhistorique française, fondée en 1904, est une des plus anciennes sociétés d'archéologie. Reconnue d'utilité publique en 1910, elle a obtenu le grand prix de l' Archéologie en 1982. Elle compte actuellement plus de mille membres, et... more
Mobile phone data has enabled the timely and fine-grained study human mobility. Call Detail Records, generated at call events, allow building descriptions of mobility at different resolutions and with different spatial, temporal and... more
Resumen El proceso de traslado de personas hacia distintos territorios en busca de mejores condiciones por razones materiales o desventuras ocasionadas por fenómenos naturales ha sido motivo de conceptualizaciones destinadas a explicar... more