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      Island StudiesCoastal and Island ArchaeologyIsland BiogeographyHuman Ecodynamics
A B S T R A C T Human ecodynamics (H.E.) refers to processes of stability, resilience, and change in socio-ecological relationships or systems. H.E. research involves interdisciplinary study of the human condition as it affects and is... more
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      ResilienceHistorical EcologyEcological ArchaeologyHuman Ecodynamics
Resumen Este artículo presenta evidencia de un mega El Niño ocurrido alrededor de ca. 600 d.C. registrada en el sitio arqueo-lógico Huaca 20-Complejo Maranga. Se discute las dinámicas hombre-medio ambiente (ecodinámicas humanas), que... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyEl NiñoHuman EcodynamicsCultura Lima
The paper aims to reveal one integrated global map which points out the major geographical inequalities in providing basic utilities across the countries using multivariate analysis and thematic cartography. Sixteen indicators with global... more
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      MarketingEnvironmental EngineeringSociologyEconomic Sociology
In Human Ecodynamics in the North Atlantic: A Collaborative Model of Humans and Nature through Space and Time, Ramona Harrison and Ruth A. Maher have compiled a series of separate research projects conducted across the North Atlantic... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyViking Studies
Less than 1% of the forests found by Iceland’s 9th century Norse colonists remain today. Recently, a number of academic and popular works have used Norse land-use strategies and Icelandic deforestation as exemplars of unsustainable... more
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      Human EcologyArchaeologyAnthropologyHistorical Archaeology
This paper discusses the social effects that a very strong El Niño event or events that occurred at the end of the Early Intermediate Period could have had on the Lima culture of the Central Coast of Peru from the perspective of the... more
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      El NiñoHuman EcodynamicsAndes CentralesEarly Intermediate Period
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      ArchaeologyHistorical EcologyPrehistoryAnthropocene studies
The cultivation of aroids (herbaceous plants with starchy corms) is the foundation of Oceanic societies, yet the study of prehistoric atoll agriculture (utilizing Cyrtosperma chamissonis) has been almost totally neglected. Aroid pit... more
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      Environmental ArchaeologyPacific ArchaeologyMicronesia ArchaeologyPrehistoric agriculture
In a recent paper published in The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, John Terrell (2020) objected to the proposition that islands can offer model systems to study human behavior and ecodyn...
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      HistoryHuman EcologyArchaeologyPacific Island Studies
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      ArchaeobotanyEnvironmental ArchaeologyCharcoal analysis (Archaeology)Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
We apply a phenomenological perspective on landscape and geographic information system (GIS) applications in order to theorize how human perception and agency were likely implicated in processes of the formation of the late pre-Hispanic... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyState FormationArchaeological Method & Theory
Low coverage of urban and rural population to waste collection services leads to various environmental threats caused by uncontrolled waste disposal. New EU regulations on waste management issues transposed into national laws have... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic Sociology
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      Experimental ArchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologyPrehistoric agricultureHuman Ecodynamics
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
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      Charcoal analysis (Archaeology)Land Use ChangeLand use and land cover change modelingHolocene
This paper will focus on the ecology of the first Anatomically Modern Humans in SW Iberia based on the rock shelter of Vale Boi (Algarve, Portugal), a site with a long stratigraphic record starting with Late Middle Paleolithic followed by... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyGeologyArchaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
Human ecodynamics (H.E.) refers to processes of stability, resilience, and change in socio-ecological relationships or systems. H.E. research involves interdisciplinary study of the human condition as it affects and is affected by the... more
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      ResilienceHistorical EcologyEcological ArchaeologyHuman Ecodynamics
The major objectives of this paper are: (1) to review the pros and cons of the scenarios of past anthropogenic land cover change (ALCC) developed during the last ten years, (2) to discuss issues related to pollen-based reconstruction of... more
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      Charcoal analysis (Archaeology)Czech RepublicLand Use ChangeLand use and land cover change modeling
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      Human EcologyNeolithic ArchaeologyPopulation DynamicsPopulation ecology
The major objectives of this paper are: (1) to review the pros and cons of the scenarios of past anthropogenic land cover change (ALCC) developed during the last ten years, (2) to discuss issues related to pollen-based reconstruction of... more
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      European HistoryClimate Change AdaptationPalynologyClimate
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
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      European HistoryClimate Change AdaptationPalynologyClimate
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
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      European HistoryClimate Change AdaptationPalynologyClimate
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      GeographyArchaeologyZooarchaeologyEnvironmental Archaeology
In a recent paper published in The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, John Terrell (2020) objected to the proposition that islands can offer model systems to study human behavior and ecodyn...
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      HistoryHuman EcologyArchaeologyPacific Island Studies
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
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      European HistoryClimate Change AdaptationPalynologyClimate
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
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      European HistoryClimate Change AdaptationPalynologyClimate
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
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      European HistoryClimate Change AdaptationPalynologyClimate
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      Climate Change AdaptationHuman Ecodynamics
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      Disaster risk managementVulnerabilityIndigenous Peoplesglobal Climate change
In a recent paper published in The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, John Terrell (2020) objected to the proposition that islands can offer model systems to study human behavior and ecodyn...
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      HistoryHuman EcologyArchaeologyPacific Island Studies