Human Anatomy
Recent papers in Human Anatomy
Previous research suggests that the moment arm of the m. triceps surae tendon (i.e., Achilles tendon), is positively correlated with the energetic cost of running. This relationship is derived from a model which predicts that shorter... more
Occurence of the variant renal blood vessels is important in cases of pathologies, radiological interventions, renal transplants, and other surgical approaches and their presence should be born in the minds of all medical fraternities.... more
Los huesecillos accesorios del pie son variaciones anatómicas normales de infrecuente importancia clínica. Se sitúan en los sitios de los centros de osificación secundarios del tarso y metatarso. Desde su primera descripción en la... more
Genuine] Digital human anatomy and endoscopic ultrasound ManoopS.Bhutani(Chinese Edition) Digital human anatomy and endoscopic ultrasound ManoopS.Bhutani(Chinese Edition) eBook, remember to click the button beneath and download the file... more
Before the arrival of the Europeans, on the island of Tierra del Fuego, there were three populations that inhabited the Insular Patagonia, exhibiting different subsistence strategies: The Yamanas located on the west and south coasts, the... more
During routine anatomical dissections two cases of unusually structured abductor digiti minimi muscle were discovered. In the first case, the variant muscle body was composed of three well-defined portions: lateral, intermediate and... more
Mueller-Weiss disease is an alteration of the tarsal navicular that is primarily due to anomalous ossifi-cation of the bone and lateral deviation of the talar head associated with screw-like movement through the axis of the subtalar... more
Gunther von Hagens wants to create a "Museum of Man," or so the Body Worlds founder has remarked (Jeffries 2002). This is certainly a complicated endeavor, for it at once singles itself out to be something unique, yet purports to be... more
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
The #1 top of the line Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual enables understudies and teachers to oversee time inside and outside of the A&P lab homeroom and works connected at the hip with Mastering A&P, the main online... more
Existing brain-machine interfacing techniques allow either high precision recordings from one or a few single neurons, or low spatial resolution recordings with a sparse sampling within the networks. Through our approach an efficient... more
Introduction: Tattoo is expected to alter the new wearer's perception of the individual's identity. For the same reason, tattoos seem to have the ability to have a greater impact on one's self, with minimal variations and majority... more
A cross-cultural reading hosted by Carleton University and covered by CBC In Town and Out interview The diagram interfaces geometry and anatomy, humanity and nature, architecture and cosmos, microcosm and macrocosm. It transcends the... more
Forensic science requires knowledge and understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Unit 1 introduces these factors together with applications to forensic science work.
Ouro Nguerou is a place with a very small population in the state/region of Mopti, Mali which is located in the continent/region of Africa.
Cities, towns and places near Ouro Nguérou include Ouro Ngerou, Loro, Missinata and Nisanata.
Cities, towns and places near Ouro Nguérou include Ouro Ngerou, Loro, Missinata and Nisanata.
This book is specific field and deep knowledge in rhinoplasty in Asian. My book have six chapters as: 1. Anthropometry of vietnamese nose, 2. Anatomy of external nose, 3. Macroanatomy and microanatomy of external nose, 4. Applied anatomy... more
Thermal considerations can help to resolve two of the most challenging problems in later Palaeolithic archaeology: the demise of Neanderthals and the emergence of modern human behaviour. Both of these enigmas can be viewed as reflecting... more
INTRODUCTION. There are various multimedia applications for anatomy education. However, many applications lack three-dimensional (3D) images and some even compromise accuracy. Furthermore, few applications include 3D study aids produced... more
Anatomical knowledge is requisite for effective physical therapy (PT) practice. Cadaver dissection is a popular teaching method employed in PT anatomy courses. Limited time in the laboratory requires effective dissection instructions.... more
Circumscapular pain is a frequent complaint in clinical practice. The dorsal scapular and long thoracic nerves course through the neck, where they may become entrapped between or within adjacent scalene muscles. Additionally, a high... more
Summary in English The book describes the earliest history of tsar Peters Kunstkamera. It explaines why Peter needed a Kunstkamera. What the function of Kunstkamera's was in Peters time. Why Peter bought two big naturalia collections for... more
A utilização de modelos didáticos nos permite colaborar com o aprendizado dos estudantes. Entretanto, nem sempre é possível ter nas aulas de anatomia um modelo biológico. Nessa perspectiva, modelos 3D cumprem esse papel. Este trabalho... more
Breve introducción (primer repaso fundamental) de algunos de los componentes principales que conforman el sistema nervioso, para entender su anatomía y fisiología como la unidad funcional que es. Para estudiantes de medicina, biología y... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
The radiological images in the print and online supplements have been updated to relate clinical imaging to anatomy. Because the anatomy needs new visual aids, (arios AG Machade has added excellent new images and anatomical views to this... more
• Bela masa velikog mozga se sastoji iz:
Diagrama de las principales estructuras musculares y otras tisulares del sistema muscular, asociadas a las extremidades superiores e inferiores. Clasificación anatómica y algunas relaciones fisiológicas asociadas. Recurso manual para... more
Human Body vessels. Overview