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Domesticated animals spread from their ancestral heartland in northern Africa and southwestern Asia into eastern and southern Africa after 4000 BP. Three theories account for the relatively slow spread of domesticated animals into the... more
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      Landscape EcologyHuman GeographyArchaeologyPaleoclimatology
Written by prominent and up-and-coming scholars, deploying diverse lenses and methodologies from the sciences and humanities, illuminating the complex relationships between human beings, their religious perceptions and practices, and... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesGlobalizationClimate Change
Le zoonosi contemporanee ci costringono a porci una domanda che già gli antichi pensatori si erano posti più o meno esplicitamente. Le risposte sono spiazzanti e per molti versi attuali: mangiamo gli animali perché non siamo dèi (e quindi... more
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      PhilosophyClassicsHuman-Animal RelationsAristotle
ABSTRACT Social relationships guide humans’ and great apes’ behaviors with conspecifics. Inter-individual relationships, based on shared social history, guide behaviors with familiar others; “generalized” relationships, based on the... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal WelfareHuman-Animal RelationshipsAnimal-Human Interaction
Literaturbericht | Literaturbericht TIERethik, 8. Jg. 12(2016/1) | 129 | 1.2 Arianna Ferrari & Klaus Petrus (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen 482 S., Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2015, 29,99 EUR Menschen und andere Tiere leben... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal EthicsCritical Animal StudiesAnimal Rights/Liberation
In emphasizing equivalences with conceptions of evil eye, accounts of Ethiopian buda understate the capacity of these beings to transform into hyenas. The case study presented here highlights how this element of the buda belief reveals a... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAfrican StudiesAnthropologyFolklore
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      Human-Animal RelationsSociology of EmotionAnthrozoologySociology of Science
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      Social PsychologyHuman-Animal RelationsAnthrozoologyHuman-Animal Relationships
Drawing upon research that examines neoliberal organizational practices, necrocapitalism, and the factory farming methods used in modern corporate slaughterhouses, this paper demonstrates how the art of public deception has been taken to... more
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      CommunicationHuman-Animal RelationshipsAnimal RightsFactory Farming
This work deals with a study about the contemporary relationship between humans and animals in the context of Animal Assisted Therapies ­ TAA, a growing therapeutic practice in the promotion of human health. The field research was carried... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationshipsAnthropologie de la santé
Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVI) within zoos and aquariums have become an increasingly studied topic. Influenced by both the broader field of Human-Animal Interactions (HAI), as well as visitor studies conducted in museums, AVI studies... more
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      Visitor studiesHuman-Animal RelationshipsHuman-Animal StudiesAnimal-Human Interaction
This essay evaluates how exhibitions of prehistoric sites and cave art engage a worldwide public to address the issue of animal compassion, consciousness, and pain. The essay also analyzes the significance of representing archaeological... more
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      Augmented RealityMuseum EducationHuman-Animal RelationshipsDunhuang
This paper extends recent work that has called for greater attention to be paid to nonhuman difference. The burgeoning animal geographies literature has been very successful in dissecting the concept of ‘nature’ and in examining the... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyAnimal Geography
The boundaries and complementarities relating animals and language have always captured the human imagination. Animal/Language: An Interdisciplinary Conference engages with a central feature of what is becoming known as the "animal turn"... more
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      Animal ScienceAnimal BehaviorAnimal StudiesSocial behavior in animals
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      PhotographyEcotourismCritical Animal StudiesWildlife Conservation
Animal Assisted Play Therapy® is a unique, theoretically integrative approach developed by coauthors Dr. Risë VanFleet and Tracie Faa-Thompson. It refers to the involvement of animals in professional mental health, allied health, and... more
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      Play TherapyAnimal EthicsAnimal WelfareHuman-Animal Relationships
CMUK is one example of an interspecies art collective, proposing an alternative to the model of the sole-creating genius human. The name CMUK is an acronym of its members Clara, Mathias, Ute, and Karl. Ute Hörner and Mathias Antlfinger... more
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      BlogsHuman-Animal RelationsContemporary ArtAnimals in Art
Despite the evidence concerning the substantial greenhouse gases emissions resulting from animal-based food production, climate policies and institutions around the world have barely made an issue of this link until very recently. To... more
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      Climate ChangeAnimal EthicsCritical Animal StudiesAnimal Rights/Liberation
co-edited with Theresia Raum (Tübingen)
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryHuman-Animal Relations
Ce projet de recherche propose d'étudier les stratégies d'adaptation en milieu fragile (désert, steppe) au travers des « desert kites », de grandes constructions faites d’alignements de pierres convergeant vers un enclos (fig. 1).... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyMiddle East StudiesEthnography
Influence des interactions avec les ours, les loups et les lynx sur les perceptions des chasseurs et des éleveurs de République de Macédoine. La nature conflictuelle des relations entre les hommes et les prédateurs conduit à s’interroger... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsEthnographyEthnozoologyHuman-Animal Relationships
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      Queer StudiesCritical Race StudiesTransgender StudiesHuman-Animal Relationships
The present study investigated the effect of pet interaction on stress reduction and positive mood enhancement among pet-owners and non-owners. Sample of pet-owners (n = 90) and non-owners (n = 90) was taken from University of Veterinary... more
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      Positive PsychologyExperimental PsychologyResearch MethodologyStress
This book gathers the texts presented during the conference devoted to animal studies in humanities and arts in Warsaw in March 2014. The volume was edited by Anna Barcza and Dorota Łagodzka and comprises texts in Polish including:... more
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      PhilologyCultural StudiesMusicologyEthics
Dog fighting, along with other nonhuman-animal-fighting activities, is a popular pastime in rural South Punjab, Pakistan. This article explicates dog fighting and discusses its symbolic significance to those who control the game, organize... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Using data drawn from a sample of the general community in Central Queensland (n=1237) the aims of the present study were threefold. Firstly, to assess public opinion regarding the need for the criminal justice system (CJS) in Australia... more
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      Animal StudiesCritical CriminologyAnimal WelfareHuman-Animal Relationships
Automatic Milking Systems (AMS) milk cows any time without the need for a human worker to be present. Cows choose when to be milked and detailed data is recorded by the robot which can be accessed remotely by computer or mobile device... more
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      MarketingGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
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      SociologyHuman-Animal RelationsEthnographyAnthrozoology
Recent research has highlighted links between violence to animals and violence to people. Drawing on data investigating links between aggression and attitudes to animals, this paper assesses the utility of such theories, in particular... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnthrozoologyHuman-Animal RelationshipsHuman-Animal Studies
The zoological garden is permanently trying to reform itself. This includes the classification drive meant to overcome the apparent chaos of princely menageries of the bygone era, efforts to emphasize the difference between the zoo and... more
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      Feminist TheoryHuman-Animal RelationsUrban HistoryHuman-Animal Relationships
Recent research in social zooarchaeology has demonstrated the diverse, reciprocal nature of relationships between animals and humans in the past. Despite growing interest in avifaunal remains from archaeological contexts, birds are often... more
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      ArchaeologyOrnithologyZooarchaeologyHuman-Animal Relations
In this chapter, I argue – using a number of examples from representations of non-human animals – that there are close connections between the exotic otherness of animals in Occidental representations and the othering of some human... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryGender StudiesPhilosophy
Social media is a powerful tool for sharing information and awareness campaigns concerning environmental issues, especially as they pertain to the conservation of wild, nonhuman animals (henceforth, "animals"). This form of online... more
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      SociologyHuman-Animal RelationsHuman-Animal RelationshipsHuman-Animal Studies
RESUMO A atual centralidade dos animais de estimação nas sociedades urbanas tem desencadeado uma série de pesquisas. Nos estudos sobre consumo, o mercado pet tem chamado a atenção. O seu crescimento exponencial no Brasil na última década... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal StudiesHuman-Animal RelationshipsHuman-Animal Studies
Attitudes toward animals are important in influencing how animals are treated. Few studies have investigated attitudes toward animals in veterinary or animal-science students, and no studies have compared attitudes to animals before and... more
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      EducationEmpathy (Psychology)AnthrozoologyHuman-Animal Relationships
Religion is often criticized for failing to uphold animal concerns, yet Zoroastrianism, an ancient religion that underlies the Abrahamic traditions as well as Eastern religions, offers some strikingly contemporary concerns regarding the... more
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      Animal StudiesZoroastrianismHuman-Animal RelationshipsHistory of Zoroastrianism
In ancient China, the tradition of observing nature is combined with Yin-yang and the Five-Phase theories, which were later incorporated into the ancient arts of divination, including the technique of predicting weather changes by... more
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      Chinese ReligionsAnimal StudiesHuman-Animal RelationshipsEnvironmental Humanities
In this paper we present findings from interviews conducted with people who walk with dogs. Drawing on new walking studies and animal geographies as our theoretical framework, we adopt the view that walking is more than just walking; it... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyAnimal GeographyHuman-Animal Relations
Aristotele e Plutarco possono essere trattati come 'radici' del dibattito odierno sullo status degli animali? E' possibile parlare di 'specismo' in Aristotele? L'animalismo plutarcheo è equiparabile a quello contemporaneo? Di questo e di... more
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      ZoologyHuman-Animal RelationsAristotleAnimal Studies
Wolves are notorious for suffering in capNvity. Merely tame or habituated capNve wolves will never have as relaxed and stress-free life as socialized wolves.
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      AnthrozoologySocializationAnimal WelfareHuman-Animal Relationships
Monografia w języku polskim, która ukazała się w Wydawnictwie Naukowym "Śląsk" w 2016 roku. Spis treści: Wstęp do ekokrytyki 17 Zagadnienia i problemy badawcze ekokrytyki 19 Przegląd polskich stanowisk wobec problematyki ekologicznej... more
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      Critical TheoryHumanitiesEnvironmental EducationHuman-Animal Relations
A more-than-human sensibility is founded upon an awareness of the fundamentally entangled fates of humans and non-humans, from the individual body to the planetary scale. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential impact of... more
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      Urban GeographyHuman-Animal RelationsPosthumanismCommunity Engagement & Participation
Regenerative practice is a theory of transformative practice which centers reconnection and being-in-relation as key practices of eco-social change in societies of the global North. It is a practical theory of social change that theorizes... more
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      Social ChangeHuman-Animal RelationshipsPhilosophy of Nature and the EnvironmentDecolonization
Horse burials form part of a diverse Anglo-Saxon burial practice, ranging from their inclusions in cremations, occasionally in large numbers, to the relatively rare appearance in inhumation cemeteries. Interpretations largely view their... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyAnglo-Saxon StudiesPosthumanism
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismHeritage TourismHorse culture
Paper presented at the "Anthrozoology as International Practice" Student Conference in Animal Studies, University of Exeter. While research on other animal species and their forms of communication continues to yield fascinating... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationAnimal EthicsAnthrozoologyInterspecies Communication
The article examines the meaning of the term “anthropomorphism”, its role and meaning, and discusses the various criticisms levelled against this term as a methodological tool. Voices “for” and “against” anthropomorphism are heard both... more
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      PosthumanismAnimal StudiesHuman-Animal RelationshipsAnthropomorphism
The human hearing range is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. However, many animals can hear much higher sound frequencies. Dolphins, especially, have a hearing range up to 300 kHz. To our knowledge, there is no data of a reported wide-band sound... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMicroelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringAcoustic EngineeringPhysics
This paper proposes a postcolonial ecofeminist reading of Mi’kmaq legends as a basis for a veganism rooted in Aboriginal culture. Mi’kmaq legends portray animals as siblings to humanity. These legends offer an alternative to the colonial... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesPostcolonial FeminismAboriginal HealthVeganism (Anthropology)
Tu ne dois pas simplement te tenir là, donner des ordres et bouger en fonction d'eux, mais tu dois participer avec toute ta force intérieure. Avec toute ton énergie, tu dois vouloir ce que l'éléphant doit faire. Tu dois avoir la forte... more
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      PhenomenologyHuman-Animal RelationshipsAnimal Assisted Therapyhuman Animal communication