Hubert Robert

74 papers
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Hubert Robert (1733-1808) was a French painter known for his landscapes and architectural scenes that often depicted ruins and imaginary constructions. His work reflects the transition from the Rococo to Neoclassicism, emphasizing the relationship between nature and human-made structures, and is characterized by a romanticized view of the past.
Статья посвящена иконографии сюжета "Вид моста сфинксов" Гюбера Робера: найдены картины с аналогичным сюжетом, рисунки, гравюры, копии подражателей, а также уточнены датировки рисунков и топография замка / The article is devoted to the... more
Mystery surrounds the origins of Fragonard's 'The swing', since its existence is not documented until 1782, fifteen years after it was painted. A conservation and research project undertaken at the Wallace Collection, London, has provided... more
Tous droits réservés © Revue d'art contemporain ETC inc., 1991 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous... more
H ubert robert (1733-1808) has always held sway as France's premier painter of large-scale depictions of ruins and architecture. Made primarily in the 1770s and 1780s, these paintings were intelligently designed to hang in interior... more
Si le parterre anglais de Vaux-le-Vicomte a visiblement été conçu sur la parcelle des Jumeaux du temps de César Gabriel Choiseul Praslin, entre 1777 et 1785, c'est à Archibald MacMaster, un jardinier écossais, proche de Thomas Blakie, que... more
This book is the first comprehensive study of the paintings of Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine (1745-1830). The monograph discusses works collected in the Polish and foreign museums and by private owners, examines the paintings... more
К челябинской картине обнаружены рисунки Гюбера Робера Руанского замка (Лувр); гравюра с аналогичным сюжетом Пьетро Антонио Мартини, выполненная с картины Гюбера Робера "Вид моста сфинксов" по заказу господина де Курмона./Hubert Robert's... more
11. Là encore, je me permets de renvoyer à mes remarques en introduction du tome II de Histoire des droites en France intitulé Cultures, Paris, Éditions Gallimard, 1992. La mise au point la plus complète sur le sujet est celle de Serge... more
A ceiling is the upper interior surface of a room. Sometimes simply the underside of the structure above (be it a roof or a floor), other times an independent membrane, the ceiling has an ambiguous tectonic status. Miming structure but... more
Simon-Mathurin Lantara dont la réputation de précurseur de l’école de Barbizon a été forgée tout au long du XIXe siècle, se situe plutôt dans le veine du paysage classique, et proche des recherches de Vernet. Le dessin du musée Lambinet à... more
In 1765, French painter Hubert Robert (1733-1808) returned to Paris after having studied in Rome for eleven years. This was the start of a brilliant career that saw him rise to prominence within the institutions of the French artistic... more
EXHIBITIONS become synonymous with the last days of the ancien régime , the quality of the works chosen for this exhibition and their scholarly framing in a social, literary and visual context have pushed Fragonard's prints, drawings and... more
National Museum of Women in the Arts and Scala Publishers Limited, 2012). 144 pp. $45 .00. ISBN 978-1-8575-9743-1. This thought-provoking exhibition of seventy-seven rarely seen works by thirty-five French women artists, active during the... more
GRAVES, MARGARET S., and ALEX DIKA SEGGERMAN, eds. Making Modernity in the Islamic Mediterranean. Indiana University Press, 2022.
Cet ouvrage collectif examine les liens qui unissent Stendhal, malgré ses dénégations, à Winckelmann. Il s'efforce de dégager les principaux aspects de la réception du savant allemand par l'écrivain français, et de mettre en évidence les... more
My article aims to interrogate the tension between space and time in Diderot’s philosophy starting from the tableau of the imagination and its specific functioning. By examining the category of ragoût –a culinary... more
Gli schizzi e dipinti prodotti da Hubert Robert durante il lungo soggiorno romano alla metà del Settecento testimoniano la ricerca di scorci parziali e inediti e una sensibilità ai temi urbani che promuove un uso del capriccio... more
This thesis encompasses the phenomenon of the French picturesque garden in the second half of the 18 th century, with a particular attention to the socio-cultural context, to the international influences, and to the relationships with the... more
Il semblerait que le discours historique et critique sur l’art en Occident, avant même l’iconoclasme et l’aniconisme de tableaux modernes, ait d’entrée de jeu été travaillé par le ressassement de la mort imminente de la peinture. Cet... more
Simon-Mathurin Lantara dont la réputation de précurseur de l’école de Barbizon a été forgée tout au long du XIXe siècle, se situe plutôt dans le veine du paysage classique, et proche des recherches de Vernet. Le dessin du musée Lambinet à... more
Catalogue accompagnant l'exposition "Hubert Robert. De Rome à Paris", organisée à la galerie Eric Coatalem du 18 mai au 3 juillet 2021.
Les voyageurs du dix-huitième siècle qui tentaient de retrouver et de documenter les sites de villes antiques célèbres butèrent souvent sur un problème de taille : les cités dont ils avaient tant entendu parler avaient disparu, ou se... more
In a famous passage of the Salon du 1767, Diderot took cue from a painting by Hubert Robert and sketched a brief definition of his “poetics of ruins”. When it comes to the genesis of the “poetics of ruins”, Diderot scholarship has mainly... more
An unpublished Borghese collection "St. Peter" here attributed to Ribera (and workshop) and a "St. John" referred to Francesco Ruschi, in an essay dedicated to Enzo Bilardello
A short illustrated-publication describing the history and recent evolution of the landscape gardens of Méréville (Essonne), realized between 1785-1792 by the architect Bélanger and the landscape painter Hubert Robert for the marquis de... more
Denis Diderot, in his famous 1765 Salon commentary, imagined taking a long stroll through the landscapes represented by Claude-Joseph Vernet, one of his favourite painters. He described moments when he would stop to take in the view, when... more
At times it is assumed that neoclassicism aspires to the regularity of lines and to the brightness of figures as if these were solely based on the equivalence of light and beauty. However, instead of shying away from or fear shadows,... more
Anthony Turner, Globes, lunettes et graphomètres. Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld et les sciences (Paris : Les Éditions de l’Amandier, 2014), in Artefact. Techniques, histoire et sciences humaines (CNRS Editions) 3 (2016), 250-252.
Lagogianni-Georgakarakos, M. and Th. Koutsogiannis (eds), 2017. Petites Odyssees. Images du voyage sur les mers helleniques depuis l' antiquite prehistorique jusqu' aux temps modernes. Parlement Grec.
The book of Ecclesiastes, one of the books of the Old Testament, is thought by most to have been written around the third century BCE. Its influence has been enduring and far-reaching. Its sentiments are so universal that they remain... more
Connecting post-imperial studies to ruin studies, The Conquest of Ruins reconstructs and analyzes the Roman Empire’s afterlife as Western Europe’s history of neo-Roman mimesis. Each moment in the long European history of imitating Rome,... more
Artists have long taken pleasure in representing themselves at work, in their studios or academies, out and about in a landscape or recording their own likeness. Immersed in nature, artists are often shown almost lost in the geographical... more
Viterbo e la Tuscia, i nuclei insediativi dei Monti Cimini, le forre e gli orridi, le necropoli rupestri non si sottrassero alla fortuna incontrata dall'antico e dal paesaggio italiano presso gli artisti e gli intellettuali europei di età... more
Mit 144 Exponaten präsentierte die Louvre-Ausstellung Hubert Robert. 1733 -1808 -Un peintre visionnaire seit langer Zeit einen Überblick über das Schaffen des Ruinenund Landschaftsmalers Hubert Roberts. Ebenso wie die Ausstellung bezieht... more
An overview of Hubert Robert's landscape design projects and a synopsis of the exhibition 'Hubert Robert et la fabrique des Jardins' at the château of La Roche-Guyon (09/09/17-11/26/17)
A later iteration of this article was published as "The Princesse de Monaco, Hubert Robert and the invention of the ‘Vieux château’ of Betz", Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes (2017) This essay looks at the design... more
This essay considers how the built landscapes designed by the landscape painter Hubert Robert (1733-1808) served to define and legitimize the identities of his aristocratic clients and patrons. It considers the gardens of Ermenonville,... more