Recent papers in Huawei
One of the foreign policies that can best describe the relationship between two states would be the Huawei Ban. Considering the major impact that this ban might bring to the global economy, it is necessary to discuss the reasons behind... more
One firm has become emblematic of risk in the deteriorating geopolitical contest between the United States and China. Huawei is a Chinese, and global, leader in next generation telecommunications but is feared by the US and some of its... more
When talking about Chinese corporate culture, it is difficult to ignore the issues that have been brought up over the years by the media, portraying large Chinese corporations as bastions bursting with underpaid and overworked staff,... more
This paper situates Canada–China relations in the context of recent internet developments and debates about information and communication technologies (ICTs) infrastructure. I argue that protest events in Hong Kong surrounding the... more
This chapter evaluates the US government's expanding export controls on Huawei.This chapter has four major findings. First, over the next five years even substantial Chinese efforts to replace American capital equipment and EDA tools with... more
El paradigma hacia el que hoy nos dirigimos es el Internet de Todo, donde los objetos ya prescinden en gran medida de los humanos y se comunican entre sí. El soporte de este nuevo modelo de relaciones es el 5G, la tecnología de... more
This paper first introduces the architecture of general 3G communication system in both parts; packet switched (PS) and circuit switched (CS) networks and then applies statistical analysis to Key Performance Indicators (KPI) monitored... more
Machine vision companies command more than a third of China’s huge artificial intelligence market. Products ranging from image recognition platforms to smart city solutions, biometric identification systems and autonomous robots showcase... more
The third volume of Geopolitical Report titled Coronavirus Pandemics, Huawei 5G Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Psychological Operations which analyses an example of high-tech psychological warfare, which is the communication... more
The evolution of an existing network to the new structure will require a phased migration strategy aimed at minimising capital expenditure during the transition phase, while reaping the benefits early on. Any action taken during this... more
One firm has become emblematic of risk in the deteriorating geopolitical contest between the United States and China. Huawei is a national champion of China’s emerging technology sector but is feared by the US and some of its allies as a... more
Comparing with traditional media, online social media seem to provide more opportunities for people to speak out their ideas. Twitter integrates the whole world users in the platform, so that users from different places can exchange their... more
buku ini membahas tentang pengetahuan standar yang terdapat di dunia telekomunikasi. Pada bagian 4G RF Planning buku ini membahas secara mendalam mengenai RF Planning baik di sisi Coverage Planning maupun Capacity Planning. Buku ini juga... more
The spread of surveillance technology in Africa without adequate checks and balances is reshaping the governance landscape while potentially enabling another tool of repression.
--The current debates revolving around 5G, Huawei, and how they are resolved, are highly visible indicators of the technology based shifts in the global order which are setting the tone for the 21st century. Currently, it seems that many... more
Estados Unidos lleva más de 10 años detrás de Huawei, finalmente al no poder darle caza desde lo comercial, decide golpearlo por los riesgos a la seguridad nacional, que en definitiva da como epítome, un efecto comercial. Es importante... more
Ticaret savaşı gündeminin yanında teknoloji rekabeti konusunda da Çin, ABD’nin hedefi konumundadır. Hatta ABD ile Çin arasındaki mücadele teknolojik soğuk savaş şeklinde de yorumlanmaktadır. Bu çalışma Huawei’nin ABD için bir tehdit... more
This policy paper provides an assessment of convergent security concerns and interests between the Philippines and Australia within the framework of the Philippine-Australia Comprehensive Partnership. The insights presented in this paper... more
Disusun sebagai syarat untuk memperoleh nilai Tugas Akhir 1 pada Program Studi Teknik Elektro Universitas Telkom Disusun Oleh: IRFAN FARHAN SUDRAJAT 1105100003 FAKULTAS TEKNIK ELEKTRO UNIVERSITAS TELKOM BANDUNG 2015
V4 states are increasingly wary of Chinese intelligence, notably the threats they can pose to the region, which is reflected by reports from intelligence agencies of the Visegrad Group countries. In the EU and some V4 nations, China has a... more
Akhir-akhir ini kita sering mendengar tentang kasus pencurian data ataupun kasus jual beli data yang melibatkan beberapa perusahaan start up terkenal. Pencurian ataupun jual beli data tersebut menyebabkan menurunnya kepercayaan masyarakat... more
Jelen elemzés nem tükrözi sem az amerikai, sem a kínai, sem a magyar hivatalos álláspontot az USA-Kína kereskedelmi háború, a Huawei-ügy és a kialakuló új világrend kapcsán. Szakértői elemzés, amelyik a realitásokat helyezi előtérbe. Nem... more
Zebrane dane mają przedstawić jak prezentują się perspektywy firmy Huawei na udział w tworzeniu sieci 5G w Europie oraz wyszczególnić które kraje – lub firmy w nich działające –są skłonne do współpracy z chińskim gigantem... more
Kovrig János 1932-ben a véletlennek köszönhetően lett haditudósító a kínai-japán fronton, ahonnan kizárólag ő és a New York Times újságírója jelenthettek a nyugati külvilágnak. A véres konfliktusról küldött fényképes anyagait nemcsak... more
Huawei anunció que su sistema operativo HarmonyOS estará disponible para teléfonos inteligentes a partir de 2021. Un mensaje de fuerte contenido geopolítico en el marco de la carrera tecnológica por la llamada “revolución 4.0”. ¿Cuáles... more
"La technologie 5G arrive en Asie du Sud-Est, et Huawei semble être en passe de la piloter au grand dam des Etats-Unis. Pourquoi personne n'écoute-t-il les mises en garde de l'oncle Sam ?"
Abstract: Along with the Serbian government’s statements emphasizing the importance of digitalisation and the need for innovation, China is starting to penetrate sensitive domains in Serbia in terms of national security. This intensifying... more
En el presente trabajo buscaremos describir, como en medio del escenario de tensión entre Estados Unidos y China, el vínculo entre la Unión Africana y la compañía china Huawei, un actor de la escena internacional de gran peso no sólo... more
Z Raporu dergisinin Temmuz 2019 sayısında yer alan "Teknolojik Savaşta Rubicon geçildi" başlıklı makalem, ABD'nin Çinli Huawei şirketi ekseninde başlattığı mücadeleyi ele alıyor.
A police raid on a Kazakh group documenting the plight of Kazakhs and Uyghurs caught in a brutal crackdown in China’s north-western province of Xinjiang is about more than a government seeking to please Beijing in the hope that it... more
Inauguramos el proyecto formativo Aula Transversal analizando el futuro de la IA dentro de la narrativa artística. Enmarcado en el programa formativo Aula Transversal, profesionales de diferentes disciplinas aúnan sus conocimientos para... more