Housing finance
Recent papers in Housing finance
In the face of a housing crisis rooted in commodification, there is growing alignment within both activist and scholarly circles over the need to reverse this trend and move toward decommodification. There is work left to be done,... more
Liberalization of the housing finance sector has paved the way for rapid growth of housing finance in India. Over the years, the mix of market orientation of the housing finance system and an enabling regulatory framework has lent the... more
This article examines the affordable housing market to develop a new way to understand the problem of co-optation in participatory urban governance. Through a case study of the Chicago metropolitan area, it uses data from 105 in-depth... more
This paper critically explores the emergence of a market-led real estate market in Ukraine through housing privatization in 1990s to showcase the impact of state interventionism, as well as its absence, on housing conditions and real... more
A historical analysis of the geopolitics of real estate with settler-colonialism on the one side and the rise of über-wealthy foreign real estate investors on the other. Individual foreign investment in Western nation states is a... more
Given the large size of India’s population, housing has become a general necessity but it also has the potential to pull the economy on a faster growth track. Housing construction sector is one of the most important and fastest growing... more
This paper considers housing in Nigeria as a tool for national development. It begins by examining the importance of housing in the attainment of sustainable development. It then goes on to look at the various housing strategies... more
This article explores the impact of social housing financing arrangements for the fragility and resilience of this tenure as evidenced by its propensity to shrink or expand over the long-run. To do so, it examines the cases of Ireland and... more
Housing bonds in Asia have continued to expand in recent years. However, the mortgage market remains rather heterogeneous and observing any trends at the regional level has proven to be difficult for now. As developing countries gradually... more
Housing being the one of the essential needs of mankind, the demand for shelter grows in line with the increase in population and the standard of living; hence the need of financing the purchasing of a House came up. The importance of the... more
The Philippines is now at the peak of expansion stage of the real estate cycle. How will it last, it will surely be based on the ability of the stakeholders to control and prolong the period. How it happen and why it happen is the topic... more
A global wall of money is looking for High-Quality Collateral (HQC) investments, and housing is one of the few asset classes considered HQC. This explains why housing is increasingly becoming financialized, but it does not explain the... more
The housing finance is expected to grow at a rate of 20-22% from the financial year 2016 onwards as per the report of ICRA. This is a positive development for the home loan borrowers to go for home loans, thereby creating more demand for... more
The financialization of housing has been increasingly identified as an important driver of social and economic change in contemporary capitalism. Focusing on the Brazilian context, this paper considers the extent to which recent changes... more
The operationalization of cocoa mass spraying program by the government which has the aim of fighting against pests and diseases in Ghanaians‟ cocoa farms would not just be adequate but rather uncovering the impact of the program on cocoa... more
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY) is the current and greatest housing programs in India with a funding provision of $28 Billion. It is a multifaceted program offering a variety of options and products to the wide socioeconomic sections of... more
A building construction project is a high risk activity which must be managed effectively in all stages, in order to avoid delays and cost overruns, which in most cases are part of it, and a common problem. These problems occur frequently... more
Housing is a key object of financialization. There is a small but growing literature on the financialization of housing that has demonstrated how housing is a central aspect of financialization. Despite the varied analyses of the... more
Determining whether a slum prevention or upgrading initiative has been successful depends on expectation and what the goals of the initiative are. The recent reviewing of some of the poverty alleviation initiatives is a clear indicator... more
Purpose -The main purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of mushā rakah mutanā qisah (MM; diminishing partnership) technique and its potentials for Islamic financial institutions. Design/methodology/approach -Based on... more
This paper aims is to provide an understanding of the housing market situation in Ghana, the financing instruments available and the challenges faced by low-income households in accessing housing finance. The gap between incomes and house... more
There are two dominant discourses on finance: in the first, finance is the great enabler; in the second, finance is the great divider, the driver of social exclusion. What starts out as finance as an enabler can easily turn into finance... more
Inadequate housing supply is one of the biggest challenges facing both developed and developing countries today with housing finance being a critical factor. The informal sector is the largest housing supply system in Ghana but has not... more
This is a paper prepared by me for the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore-CRERI Real Estate Research Initiative. The paper is intended as a overview of the affordable housing sector with special emphasis on India. Affordable Housing... more
The Angolan Government, in its public pronouncements, has put great store in the private sector in driving post-war development and taking the lead particularly in the housing sector. However the World Bank has shown that Angola remains... more
Although differences between generation X (born between 1961 and 1980) and Y (born between 1981 and 1995) about the factors which drive homeownership have policy implications, little or no research has been undertaken into this issue.... more
Housing is an essential need in each economy and is a fundamental indicator of development and social prosperity. Development of housing is not just important to economic growth but is also one of the tools for economic development... more
Despite the significant demand for rented housing in Angola, it does not feature in Angola's National Urbanisation and Housing Program . This is unsurprising as few African Governments do give rented housing the attention that it... more
One of the main reason why housing finance is important is that, the assets it finances, is the significant part of national wealth and the fixed capital stock. Our study is about finding out the effective financial schemes for developing... more
AbstractDo globalization and Europeanization lead to the deterritorialization of European mortgage markets? Neither economic globalization nor EU policies have resulted in one European mortgage market. The various European mortgage... more
This essay on Manhattan's most recent crop of ultra-luxury super-skyscrapers was first published in the book "Private Views: A High-rise Panorama of Manhattan" by Andi Schmied, published by Vi Per Gallery in 2021. It begins: Why do these... more
Many scholars interpret the contraction in social housing and the expansion of home ownership as reflections of a reduced role for the state and an increase in the marketisation of housing. This paper challenges this interpretation by... more
Housing finance in India has traditionally been accorded and continues to receive a low priority in policy formulation compared to other sectors. By international standards, housing finance constitutes a small proportion of Gross Domestic... more
This chapter seeks to shed light on the potential for well-meaning but poorly thought-out state interventions in Brazilian consumption indebtedness to produce sub-optimal outcomes in the last 15 years. The Brazilian population has for... more