Housing and Dwelling (Architecture)
Recent papers in Housing and Dwelling (Architecture)
This book investigates the architectural, product design, and urban typology of the capsule which, beginning in the 1960s, broadened the concept of the basic building blocks of architecture to include a minimal living unit, called the... more
In molti contesti preistorici e protostorici italiani sono largamente rinvenuti resti strutturali in terra e conglomerati architettonici combusti o parzialmente cementati. La loro caratterizzazione tecnologica è un passo importante per... more
החברה החרדית נתפסת בעיני רבים בחברה הישראלית ולעיתים גם בספרות כחברה מאיימת מפני שונותה, שלרוב בלתי מובנת, ומפני גידול כוחה והשפעתה החברתית, הדמוגרפית והפוליטית. תחושת האיום ברוב המקרים נובעת מחוסר ידיעה, מבורות לגבי חייו של השכן ופיתוחן... more
Human adaptation to their place of dwelling is an effort to adapt to physical condition of a limited habitation environment. Environmental adaptation has three basic elements, which consist of physical (ecology/environment and human) and... more
Carl Lüdecke was one of the most versatile architects of the 19th century Wrocław. He designed buildings of public services, country seats of aristocracy, he also carried out preservation works of the most important monuments in the... more
En este articulo se aborda el proceso por el cual se obtiene bioetanol, que es de gran importancia ya que puede ser utilizado para producir biocombustibles de alto poder energético con características muy similares a las de la gasolina,... more
This research project investigates the translation of innovative financial and spatial housing typologies form Berlin to the Belfast/ NI context in response to the post-economic downturn landscape of housing provision and tenure in... more
Título: HABITAÇÃO PARA IDOSOS EM LISBOA: DE COLECTIVA A ASSISTIDA. O CASO DE ALVALADE A população portuguesa (e mundial) está a envelhecer a um ritmo muito acelerado — Lisboa era já em 2001 a capital europeia da UE15 mais... more
Addressing the role that house-beautificaiton plays for individuals coming to terms with the traumas associated with involuntary dislocation, Drawn to Beauty: The Practice of House-Beautifivation as Homemaking amongst the Forcibly... more
presso lo studio di Renato Rizzi con Kuno Mayr, Sergio Pauletto, Alessandro Andreolli, Laura Stroszeck, Fabio Don, Ilaria Giardiello L'impianto a corte sull'acqua previsto dal Master Plan della Gregotti International, offre l'occasione... more
Regional Regulation of the Province of Bali concerning the height of buildings has been known since 1974 until now. The development of tourism has an impact on the high price of land in Bali especially in urban areas and tourist... more
In this age of globalization and nomadism, neutral and minimalist interiors are dominating the housing market. It is a kind of globalized commercial Minimalism that has roots in the Modernism, and that seems to be the dominant in today’s... more
The book highlights important urban development issues in Punjab such as urbanisation, slums, housing, poverty, urban governance, development, infrastructure/ services etc and suggests major reforms to improve quality of life in urban... more
Alessandro Peinetti L'utilisation du torchis ne laisse que peu de traces au niveau archéologique. En même temps, cette technique est largement employée dans nos interprétations, parfois sans justification. Cela rend donc nécessaire une... more
Abstract Many natural disasters that have occurred in recent years have caused loss of property as well as deaths. The earthquakes that have occurred in recent years have resulted in considerable loss of property and life and have... more
The focus of the present paper is the spatial organisation of daily life in dwellings related by their occupying households, or to sub-groups of these. Experimental social psychology and ethnoarchaeological data provide a basic syntax for... more
Num contexto de desequilíbrio entre a oferta e a procura de habitação, de sobrecarga do território e de diminuição do arrojo económico, a reutilização de fogos existentes surge como um caminho inevitável. A compreensão dos mecanismos... more
Genau genommen hat sich der Fordismus als vollständig ausgebildete Gesellschaftsformation in der Bundesrepublik erst in den späten 1950er Jahren durchgesetzt. Doch bereits in der Weimarer Republik kam es zu einer intensiven Diskussion... more
The viewer’s experience of Malick’s cinema can be arguably approached from the notion of dwelling. As Toles points out, the essence of this dwelling derives from the use of the medium’s capacities to reveal the world as something real. In... more
"Paola Ardizzola’s contribution, which focuses on the house that Bruno Taut built for himself in the late 1930s, demonstrates how personal tribulations can affect architectural belief, and lead to novel architectural expressions. In such... more
Practically every culture distinguishes between clean and unclean things, actions, and people. This is true for simple hygiene as well as for ritual or religious purity. While in most cultures both men and women can become polluted,... more
Percorrendo via Vetulonia verso porta Latina, la strada perde improvvisamente l'aspetto severo che caratterizza le costruzioni fino all'incrocio con via Populonia e prosegue fino alle mura Aureliane con una sequenza di edifici dalla... more
A historical analysis of the geopolitics of real estate with settler-colonialism on the one side and the rise of über-wealthy foreign real estate investors on the other. Individual foreign investment in Western nation states is a... more
การศึกษาจัดทำ “แผนที่ที่อยู่อาศัยทรงคุณค่าทางวัฒนธรรม และสิ่งแวดล้อมชุมชน ในเขตเทศบาลเมืองสมุทรสงคราม” ซึ่งเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของโครงการ การจัดทำแผนพัฒนาที่อยู่อาศัยระดับเมืองและชุมชน จังหวัดสมุทรสงคราม... more
The Open Building (OB) and the concept of flexible housing have always associated with user’s ability to respond to changing demand. It is necessary that housing can adapt to changing market conditions and different users’ requirements.... more
My intention in this chapter is to champion the role of the producer as designer. As an engineer-turned-anthropologist, it seems to me to be something of a folly to attempt to isolate the process of design from that of production, as much... more
In the 20th century, detached single-family houses proliferated in Germany. Continued publication of built houses as idealised, model homes in magazines for non-professional housebuilders contributed to the popularity of detached... more
presso lo studio di Renato Rizzi con Kuno Mayr, Sergio Pauletto, Nicola Brembilla, Luisa Gregorelli, Alberto Lancerin, Marco Miglioranzi, Caterina Pregazzi, Andrea Rossetto, Valentina Rossi, Daniel Tiozzo Il senso dell’architettura... more
Housing transformation is a major strategy among low-income households in formal and informal settlements. Domestic spaces are produced for social unity. This study illustrates the analysis of domestic spaces in a low-income settlement... more
Meeting the user's needs is essential in housing delivery. Therefore, designers are required to consider personal motivations in the housing decision making process. The authors consider that Maslow's theory on hierarchy of needs is... more
Depuis l’apparition du logement marinier jusqu’à la transformation des cales en pièces de vie, nous suivons dans cet article les transformations du bateau de commerce de petit gabarit (principalement les « 38 mètres ») sur les fleuves et... more
La genèse des mots de l'habiter renvoie davantage à des relations économiques et sociales qu'au bâtir ou à la géographie. Ainsi Benveniste, lorsqu'il décrit les quatre cercles de l'appartenance sociale dans le Vocabulaire des institutions... more
This paper investigates the energy efficiency in a segment of the building sector in emerging countries by analyzing and evaluating the energy efficiency of a social housing project in Brazil. Energy efficiency measures and bioclimatic... more
The architectural practice that constituted modern architecture in the islands of Puerto Rico and Cuba during the years 1960-1969 developed hand in hand with socio-political and economic reformations. At the heart of these processes,... more
Auswertung der Befunde der Grabung Manching 1984 - 87 unpubliziertes Mansukript
The dream of the “machine-made house” was part of the early 20th century modernist vision of standardised housing with factory-produced interchangeable components, modular plans and elevations produced at a price accessible to every... more
Tijdschrift voor Industriele Cultuur (TIC) - Gent
The personal boundaries that an individual experiences can be figured out based on the relationship between dwelling, working and socializing as the three main axes of everyday life. The boundaries that are illustrated as the concept... more