Housing Market
Recent papers in Housing Market
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
Impact fees are charges assessed by counties and municipalities to developers to recover the part of the cost of infrastructure improvements that future tax revenues will not cover. Impact fees are an increasingly common tool that... more
This powerful new theoretical approach to analyzing urban housing problems and the policies designed to rectify them will be a vital resource for urban planners, developers, policymakers, and economists. The search for the roots of... more
This paper studies the effect of a newly completed highway extension on home prices in the surrounding area. We analyze non-linearities in both the effect of distance from the highway and the effect of time relative to the completion of... more
In this paper we examine the predictability power of the long term risk premium over housing prices in the U.S. for a period of 19 years (1991-2009). For reasons that are cited clearly in the text, the interest rate risk premium is... more
The PIDS Discussion Paper Series constitutes studies that are preliminary and subject to further revisions. They are being circulated in a limited number of copies only for purposes of soliciting comments and suggestions for further... more
A number of commentators believe that a potential solution to housing af- fordability is available through large scale release of newly subdivided land on the urban periphery. The argument follows that releasing more land increases supply... more
The urban housing market of China has been transformed since the 1980s from a centrally-planned to a free-market system. This study aimed to (1) investigate the position of outdoor environmental quality in house-buyers' preferences; (2)... more
As housing costs have risen in the U.S. and federal subsidies for affordable housing programs have declined, inclusionary zoning (IZ) has become an increasingly popular local policy for producing low-income housing without direct public... more
The ghost towns of the American West are both intriguing historical artifacts and reflections of unique economic forces at work. In this study we develop linked labor and housing market models balancing the wages, rents, and local... more
The empirical research on housing market in India is scarce due to the paucity of information. The monograph on “A Study of Residential Housing Demand in India” is the outcome of a Study conducted by the National Institute of Bank... more
Thomas Palley argues that the causes of the †œGreat Recession†are not primarily to be found in the asset bubble that was allowed to inflate in the housing market and in the financial sector. The bubbles actually reflect the... more
Copenhagen today appears to be a resurgent city and city region. It came back to life in the mid-1990s and, until recently, has shown marked growth in key variables such as jobs, income and inhabitants, primarily as a result of the rise... more
Since owner-occupied housing is partly a financial asset, expectations of capital gain or loss play a role in housing demand. In recent years, some "hot" housing markets have exhibited an increase in demand when housing prices rise and a... more
The role of art and the artist has played a part in both of the main long-established theories of gentrification, looking respectively at 'culture' and 'capital' as key drivers. Cultural analyses of gentrification have identified the... more
Many studies have been sought to understand the volatility patterns of real estate, whereas the study of housing price volatility is relatively little. This study aims to examine the determinants of housing price volatility for 8 capital... more
Between June 1998 and March 2006, the price index of apartment houses in Seoul, Korea, more than doubled, while fundamentals such as GDP, wage, and population increased by less than 35%. This study examines the role of a rational... more
Policies of urban containment are widely used in land-use planning and as a means of reducing urban sprawl and of preserving farmland. This paper reviews the current state of knowledge about the effects of urban-containment boundaries on... more
The amenity value provided by urban green spaces, water bodies and good environmental quality is difficult to assess and incorporate into urban planning and development. Developers and governments in China hitherto have seldom objectively... more
The planning mechanisms particularly through development plan and development control and the market system as operated in the housing development process are among the factors that influenced the effectiveness of housing supply system.... more
Japanese housing price determination mechanisms are analyzed using the housing demand index of demographic factors proposed by Mankiw and Weil (Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1989, 19, 235-258). The distinctive feature of this... more
Land-use regulation is undertaken by units of local government and is notoriously hard to measure. This paper assembles and reports the results of five complementary and overlapping surveys of local regulation in the San Francisco Bay... more
Effective governance of residential development and housing markets poses difficult challenges for land regulators. In theory, excessive land restrictions limit the buildable supply, tilting construction toward lower densities and larger,... more
To be affordable, a house must be designed and constructed to last; an approach to building that embraces sustainability principles. Energy efficient construction is proven to reduce the long-term costs of owning a house; it also improves... more
Against a backdrop of recent strong growth in the Saudi Arabian housing market, rising housing costs, and diminishing consumer disposal incomes, this study examines the housing preferences of low-income consumers in Saudi Arabia, with... more
This thesis is majorly focuses on the situation of the urban villages of Delhi. Urban villages have evolved and transformed over the period of time and still has intact culture and tradition of villages but developing themselves in the... more
In the face of an estimated one billion people living in inadequate housing conditions in developing countries the need for scaling up housing supply has become an urgent focus of policy debate. To this end the expansion of the role of... more
Over the past forty years, rent control has been a feature of housing in Ghana. This study focusses on the housing market in Kumasi, the second largest city in Ghana. We examine the characteristics of the rent control regime in force... more
In this paper we argue that a process of super-gentrification, similar to that first identified by Lees (2003 Urban Studies 40 2487 in Brooklyn Heights, New York City, is occurring in the already gentrified, inner London neighbourhood of... more
Hong Kong has been faced with property market ups and downs for many reasons over the past 10 years or so. It once experienced shortages of housing supply, leading to prolonged escalating prices. This was followed by a downturn of housing... more
The objective of this research is to determine the spatial variation in amenity values for both quantity and quality of green open space in the housing market. Variables related to size, proximity, spatial configuration, and species... more
This paper presents spatially explicit analyses of the greenspace contribution to residential property values in a hedonic model. The paper utilizes data from the housing market near downtown Los Angeles. We first used a standard hedonic... more
Küreselleşme süreciyle beraber cografi sınırlar önemini yitirmekle kalmamakta devletin kentleşme hareketlerini yönlendirme kabiliyeti de zayıflatmaktadır. Bu arada, kentleşme politikaları da ütopik projelere dönüşmektedir. Kent mekânının... more
This is a paper prepared by me for the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore-CRERI Real Estate Research Initiative. The paper is intended as a overview of the affordable housing sector with special emphasis on India. Affordable Housing... more