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Nurses working in the Neuro-Intensive Care Unit at Aarhus University Hospital lack the tools to prepare children for the alarming atmosphere they will enter when visiting a hospitalised relative. The complex soundscape dominated by alarms... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesHospitalsAtmospheres
To review the empirical literature to identify the activities, time spent and engagement of hospital managers in quality of care. A systematic review of the literature. A search was carried out on the databases MEDLINE, PSYCHINFO, EMBASE,... more
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      Patient SafetyQuality of Mental Health CareHospitalsProfessional Role Socialization
Aims: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (PDPN) and evaluate sleep impairment and quality of life in patients with PDPN. Methods: Data from the Korean Diabetes Association Neuropathy... more
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      PainQuality of lifeHospitalsSleep disorders
The insertion and the permanence of central venous catheters (CVC) represent potential sources of infection contracted in hospital. The evaluation of the risk of CVC-associated infections was evaluated in a retrospective study during the... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyMedicineHospitalsItaly
Objective: To assess the extent of and the reasons for unclaimed prescriptions, primary non-compliance, after automated transmittals to pharmacies. Methods: Cross-sectional study in 3 health care districts (population 240,000) in the... more
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      AdolescentHospitalsClinical PharmacyChild
The Los Angeles County (California) physician strike of January 1976 resulted in a partial withdrawal of physician services. Among recorded impacts were a $17.5 million loss in hospital revenues and an $8.5 million pay loss for hospital... more
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      MortalityHospitalsCaliforniaEmergency Medical Services
Background: This study compared the diversity of common diarrhoeal pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility in four hospitals in Bangladesh. Methodology: A total of 13,959 diarrhoea patients, comprising rural Mirzapur [2,820), rural... more
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      Developing CountriesBangladeshHospitalsDiarrhea
Absiract. The compliance of practice to national guidelines on urethral catheter care has been examined. Questionnaires on the practices used with patients under their care were sent to 1350 nursing staff. Replies were received from 1153... more
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      TreatmentPublic HealthPreventionHome Care
A Sick Newborn Care Unit (SNCU), established in a district hospital in India, substantially reduced the neonatal mortality rate in the district; it, however, suffered from a dearth of trained nurses. Local girls with 10-12 years of school... more
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      DemographyNutrition and DieteticsBehaviorEvaluation
The following study describes the basic demography of colorectal cancer patients and characteristics of the disease seen at a regional tertiary care cancer hospital. The study highlights the influence of gender and age on the occurrence... more
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      PakistanMultidisciplinaryColorectal cancerHospitals
A historical review is presented of the link between Ludwig Wittgenstein, considered the most important philosopher of the 20 th century, and medicine, particularly neurology and psychiatry. Wittgenstein worked as a porter at Guy's... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyEnglandHospitals
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      AustraliaInformed ConsentTreatment OutcomeComputer Security
Formalin as a fixative has no practical substitutes, but is toxic and potentially carcinogenic, so caution of its use in hospitals and elsewhere is mandatory. In our hospital, preservation of surgical specimens into formalin to be... more
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      PathologySurgeryData AnalysisMedicine
Objectives: To explore contemporary antibiotic management of infections caused by carbapenemresistant Gram-negative bacteria in hospitals. Methods: Cross-sectional, internet-based questionnaire survey. We contacted representatives of all... more
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      Infectious DiseasesMedicineHospitalsSurvey
Background— It is unknown whether the appropriate use of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has improved over time and whether trends in PCI appropriateness have been accompanied by changes in the use of PCI. Methods and Results— We... more
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      HospitalsRegistriesClinical SciencesWashington
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      PhilosophyEthicsMedical LawPhilosophy of Medicine
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is disproportionally concentrated in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with the odds of dying from TBI in Uganda more than 4 times higher than in high income countries (HICs). The objectives of this... more
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The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of increased aerobic capacity versus muscle strength rehabilitation of female hospital staff with long-lasting musculoskeletal back pain. Seventy-nine women agreed to participate in... more
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      Early InterventionExercise therapyHospitalsLow back pain
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Background: A growing global interest in patient safety culture has increased the development of validated instruments to asses this phenomenon. The aim of this study is to investigate the psychometric properties of the Hospital Survey on... more
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      PsychometricsOrganizational CulturePatient SafetyLanguage
Objectives To study the relationship between the prevalence of depressive symptoms in newly admitted nursing home residents and their previous place of residence. Methods In 65 nursing homes in the Netherlands trained physicians assessed... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDepressionHospitals
We examined 3 negative outcomes for 58 351 hip and knee arthroplasty patients: rehospitalization, revision and infection, and their impact on resource use in the year after surgery. In the year before surgery, 12.9% of elective hip and... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMedicineHospitalsResource use
Hospital-acquired infections are the most common adverse event for inpatients worldwide. Efforts to prevent microbial cross-contamination currently focus on hand hygiene and use of personal protective equipment (PPE), with variable... more
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      Qualitative ResearchHand HygieneHospitalsInfection Control
Developmental delay (DD) in infants and children is one of the chief complaints of parents. It has been established that the concerns of parents are as accurate as quality screening tests. Some kinds of concerns are particularly useful in... more
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      HospitalsMovement disordersChildInfant
The Chief Nurse National Health Service Wales initiated a national survey of acute and community hospital patients in Wales to identify the prevalence of pressure ulcers and incontinence-associated dermatitis. Teams of two nurses working... more
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      Risk assessmentHospitalsUrinary incontinenceWales
Nosocomial infections bring a high risk to the health of hospital patients and employees. Ants are common organisms in Brazilian hospitals, where they can act as dispersers of opportunistic microorganisms in places they forage. The... more
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Maternity careproviders often have strong views concerning a woman's choice of where to give birth.These views may be based on the ethical principle of autonomy, or on the principle of beneficence. The authors propose that an approach... more
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      PhilosophyApplied EthicsDecision MakingEvidence Based Medicine
Background: We conducted a retrospective analysis on the identification and antibiogram of all bacteria isolated from urine samples with microbiological confirmation of urinary tract infection (UTI) in a Spanish reference hospital over a... more
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      NursingHospitalsSpainInfection Control
Neurocysticercosis is the most common parasitic infection of the central nervous system. It is a major cause of seizures in developing countries, especially in the Indian subcontinent and most of Asia, Latin America and Africa. It is... more
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      Treatment OutcomeIslamAdolescentHospitals
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      Treatment OutcomeCritical CareHospitalsStroke
Aims: to investigate the prevalence of and interrelationship between cognitive impairment and behavioural problems in older people in residential care. Subjects: all those aged 65 years and over resident on one night in any type of... more
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      PsychologyDementiaHospitalsResidential care
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      Organizational CultureInfant Toddler CareHospitalsInfant
Background: Medication errors (MEs) affect patient safety to a significant extent.
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      HospitalsFood Quality and SafetyHospitalizationNetherlands
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      Social SupportAdolescentHospitalsMental Disorders
Background: The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) recently published a revision of its "Safe Practices for Parenteral Nutrition" guidelines. Because there is a paucity of published scientific evidence to... more
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      NursingHospitalsSafetyUnited States
... were equally scattered in Northern Ireland (Allison & Millar 1954) and too few for definitive assessment in Iceland (Gudmundsson 1962) ; in northern Scotland (Sutherland 1956) , Norway (Swank 1952), Sweden (Sallstrom 1942),... more
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      Multiple sclerosisHospitalsPhysiciansSwitzerland
Creating a healing and healthy environment for patients, families, and staff is an ongoing challenge. As part of our hospital's Integrative Care Program, a Reiki Volunteer Program has helped to foster a caring and healing environment,... more
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      Program EvaluationNursingIntegrative MedicineMedicine
Objective. To examine whether participating in a pressure ulcer prevalence survey and receiving feedback results in an improvement in quality of care. Design. Cross-sectional studies from 1998 to 2002 were compared over time. Setting.... more
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      Quality ImprovementHealth Services ResearchHospitalsQuality of Care
Background To ensure the rapid and correct triage of patients in potential need of specialized treatment, Norwegian hospitals are expected to establish trauma teams with predefined criteria for their activation. The objective of this... more
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      HospitalsNorwayClinical SciencesCross Section
In contrast, HTLV-2 is found predominantly in native intravenous drug users (IDUs). Spain has experienced a large wave of immigration, which could have influenced the current prevalence and distribution of HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 infection. A... more
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Sowers JR, White WB, Pitt B, et al., for the Celecoxib Rofecoxib Efficacy and Safety in Comorbidities Evaluation Trial (CRESCENT) Investigators. Arch Intern Med 2005;165:181-6.
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      BenchmarkingHospitalsAcute Myocardial InfarctionOntario
Background. This paper examines hospital utilization, estimated hospital costs, and mortality rates for U.S.-born, foreign-born, and Puerto Rican-born persons residing in New York City.
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      Preventive medicinePuerto RicoMortalityHospitals
Background-Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are the most commonly prescribed antimicrobials. The epidemiology of fecal colonization with Escherichia coli demonstrating reduced susceptibility to FQs remains unclear.
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      HospitalsBiological SciencesEscherichia coliDNA fingerprinting
Enterococci, no more regarded as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) organism, are emerging as an important source of nosocomial infections worldwide. The main contributors in pathogenesis of enterococci are the presence of various... more
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      MicrobiologyImmunologySoilMolecular Biology
Twenty-six community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CAMSRA) isolates were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and screened for accessory gene regulator... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyLong Term CareHealth Care
Incident Reporting Systems (IRS) continue to be an important influence on improving patient safety. IRS can provide valuable insights into how to prevent patients from being harmed at the organizational level. But inadequate expectations... more
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      Information SystemsSurgeryTeaching and LearningAnesthesiology
The effectiveness of the long-term monitoring of errors detected by frozen section-permanent section correlation is unknown. To determine factors important in laboratory improvement in frozen section-permanent section discordant and... more
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      Quality ControlHospitalsUnited StatesSurgical Pathology
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      NursingEconomicsHigher EducationExperience Design
Background: Studying safety attitudes of front-line workers can help hospital managers take initiatives to improve patient safety. The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, a psychometric tool that measures safety attitudes in health... more
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      PsychometricsPatient SafetyHospitalsItaly
Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate to which extent diversity is part of current healthcare practices and to explore opportunities and barriers in the implementation of diversity dimensions in healthcare practices. Methods:... more
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      Organizational CulturePoliticsCultural CompetencyCultural Diversity