Hospitality Education

169 papers
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Hospitality Education is an academic field focused on the study and training of skills, knowledge, and practices related to the hospitality industry, including management, service, and operations in sectors such as hotels, restaurants, and tourism. It aims to prepare students for careers in various hospitality roles through theoretical and practical learning.
A key premise in the normative literature is that an appropriate business strategy will favorably align an organization with its environment (Andrews, 1971; Hofer & Schendel, 1978; Porter, 1980). It is argued that the strategy that will... more
Talent management is crucial to the success of the hospitality industry, with its impact on the industry's ability to attract, develop and retain talent. This paper examines talent management challenges and opportunities in preparing... more
Zimbabwe has made significant efforts to promote Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to enhance graduates' employable skills and boost economies. TVET is defined as an educational process that focuses on the acquisition... more
Several Zimbabwean school leavers migrate from the country without specialised training to look for employment in neighbouring countries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relevance of low-skilled migrants' technical skills... more
Heritage is an important part of the international tourism market. As with any resource, sustainable management practices are required to maintain the long-term value of heritage assets. It is claimed that sustainable heritage tourism... more
This study looks into the relationship between employee cynicism and deviant workplace behaviour, with a focus on self-esteem as a mediator and employee resilience as a moderator in Pakistani Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Data was... more
This paper examines the marketing programs (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) of tourism development in Bangladesh. A survey of 102 local tourists (students) represents their image and view about Bangladesh tourism, based on 17... more
In Turkey, gastronomy education is provided under the moniker of Culinary Education in Preparatory programs and also under the moniker of kitchen arts as well as food and beverage management in undergraduate programs. The possibility of... more
This study is designed to explain how food presentation is related to customer patronage in a fast food restaurant. The results indicate that perceived value mediates the positive relationship between service staffs and customers in other... more
Curriculum is the backbone of any course it encompasses the total opportunities for learning provided by the educational Institutes and the overall experience that will help the student to acquire the expertise to perform the job, (Galle... more
The study sought to investigate waste segregation in 3-star hotels in Takoradi. The objectives of the study were to identify the environmental initiatives and management practices and examine the significance of waste segregation... more
Purpose: The objective of this study is to examine how customer happiness at five-star hotels is impacted by the quality of the F&B they receive and the services they receive, which in turn affects retention.  ... more
Purpose – Young people represent a significant segment of the tourism market, accounting for 23% of the total tourism market, according to UNWTO. This segment provides socio-economic opportunities for local communities as young travellers... more
Good communication between medical professionals, the patient and his/her family is the basis of professional competence established in the health care practice with specific behavioral models. The communication between the medical team... more
Purpose – Young people represent a significant segment of the tourism market, accounting for 23% of the total tourism market, according to UNWTO. This segment provides socio-economic opportunities for local communities as young travellers... more
Homestay tourism is a form of accommodation that allows tourists to stay with local families, immersing themselves in the country's rich culture, traditions, and hospitality. This paper explores the historical roots of homestays,... more
The concept of quality is receiving a large amount of attention from the lodging industry. However, the development of procedures and scales for accurately assessing the level of quality perceived by customers is still in its infancy. The... more
The faculty of the School were asked foprepare a detailed proposal for a plan of action that would propel the University of New Orleans' hospitality education program into national prominence. In areviewofthenation's loleading... more
To my two dear children, Githinji and Wangechi in appreciation of your love, patience and moral support all the time.
Hospitality management education has been a widely studied area. It has been studied by many authors by which and is still in deliberation in a true meaning. As the hospitality industry and a service-oriented area, most of the programs... more
Students must have to carefully consider their career planning in order to comply with the demands of the hospitality industry's competitive environment specificality on the employability. Although universities and colleges have begun to... more
Research Aims-This study proposes to fill the gap in entrepreneurship literature by focusing on the relationship between entrepreneurs' psychological capital and growth intention mediated by their work performance.... more
The aim of this study is to determine the impact of Bollywood movies and television programing on the travel behaviours of Indian tourists. 670 usable surveys were gathered and analysed. The involvement construct was utilized to segment... more
According to the World University Rankings 2023, India is ranked 6th in the list of countries that have made it to the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking. This became possible because governments and institutions of India have taken... more
The context for the study was a naturally occurring quasi-experiment in the core mathematics program in a large Australian university. Delivery of teaching was changed in a sequence of two initial core mathematics subjects taken by... more
The trends of young travelers are growing in Malaysia involving students of public and private universities. These young travelers have the means and interest to visit both domestic and international tourism destinations. Notwithstanding... more
Computer simulations that test new ideas or procedures can save time, money, and customer inconvenience and dissatisfaction. BY GARY M. THOMPSON AND ROHIT VERMA T his paper focuses on the use of computer simulation as a tool and how it... more
Tutelage plans has been an innate part in the teaching profession and is the final analysis for the faculty members. The teaching members go through different kinds of training programs from the time they join the fraternity group till... more
The main objective of this research paper is to highlight the challenges faced by the staffs of the hospitality industry in India during and after the COVID pandemic. It is of utmost importance that the frontline staffs who are working... more
This study analyzed role of technical & vocational education and training in women empowerment process specifically in local level. In fact, technical & vocational education and training programs not only provide self-employment... more
Historically, managers in any organization have always used motivation as a technique to perform tasks and duties. Motivation of staff is a major issue for all organizations. Humans are motivated by many factors such as psychological... more
Since the 19 th century affluent patients from less developed parts of the world travelled to major European Medical Centres and United States for treatment unavailable in their own countries and for cutting-edge healthcare facilities.... more
As India shows an excellent economic growth rate, the demand for a trained workforce increases. The transition is not accessible from campus to corporate. There seems to be an increasing gap in what the institutes teach and industry... more
It is true that bartenders play a key role with respect to the Bar operations. However, mostly bartenders themselves face lot of challenges, especially with regard to the customer demands and work pressure during peak hours. This study... more
Акушерската дейност е фокусирана в подпомагането на жената, семейството и общността за достигане на оптимално здраве и живот. Акушерката играе централна роля в грижите за жените с нисък риск. Ефективните, безопасни и висококачествени... more
This study focuses on assessing the practice of waste separation at source and evaluating the recycling potential of the hotel industry in Hoi An City (HAC), which is a famous tourism city in the centre of Vietnam. Five recycling... more
Background: Psychological capital was recently identified as a core construct in the literature of positive psychology. However, there is considerably less evidence of its positive effects on job embeddedness and performance among nursing... more
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls, Ninth Edition has defined the cost control course for generations of students. This new edition continues the tradition of presenting comprehensive yet concise information on cost... more
Hospitality industry is one of the most dynamic industry. Guests enjoy their stay in hotels just because of high level of energy among its employee. This industry personnel are also known as most disciplined ones with reference to other... more
At a time when the industry is shrinking and the future is filled with uncertainty, it may be more critical than ever for hospitality education to meet the needs of the industry. Hospitality education continues to speculate where to focus... more
A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of doctor of philosophy in hospitality management from school of hospitality and tourism in kenyatta university. July 2018
v Table of contents vi LIST OF ACRONOMYS x List of Tables xi List of Figures xii List of Plates xiii CHAPTER ONE 1 1.1Background to the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem . 2 1.3 Objectives 3 1.3.1 General objectives 3 1.3.2 Specific... more
The aim of this research paper was to assess the role of selected salient attributes on the customer satisfaction in the hotel sectors the case being Mbeya city Hotels. The specific objectives of this study included the attributes of... more
This study examines the effect of Human Relations Skills on the productivity of hospitality establishments some hotels in South-Eastern States of Nigeria. The study has six independent variables namely: communication skills, cooperation... more
The College of Management and Technology offers a program of Bachelor of Sciences in Hospitality Management. It is a course program that delivers education to people who are interested to establish a career in the hospitality industry.... more
This study aims to investigate the factors affecting tourists' satisfaction and their revisit intention by randomly selecting 280 tourists from Pokhara, Nepal. Result of structural equation modeling confirmed the positive relationship... more
Всяка жена смята раждането за важен момент и изключително сериозно изпитание, но към настоящия момент у нас жените, които се подготвят за него, са малко. Анализът на достъпната литература ни дава основание да приемем, че отговорните... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of movies and TV dramas on Chinese tourists' choice of international travel destinations. An online survey instrument was developed and distributed to Chinese consumers through an... more