Hospice & Palliative Care Nursing
Recent papers in Hospice & Palliative Care Nursing
Background: A World Health Assembly (WHA) resolution adopted in 2014 strongly encourages member states to integrate palliative care (PC) in undergraduate training for health professionals. Objective: The study objective was to describe a... more
Background: Some patients do not receive adequate pain and symptom relief at the end of life, causing distress to patients, families and healthcare professionals. It is unclear whether undertreatment of symptoms occurs, in part, because... more
When a patient approaches the end of life, healthcare professionals are faced with a number of ethical issues relating to the decision to withhold (not start) or withdraw (stop) treatment. These include whether life should be maintained... more
Background: Awareness and pain during palliative sedation is typically assessed by observational scales, but the use of such scales has been put into question. Case presentation: A woman in her mid-80s was admitted to a palliative care... more
This study aimed to explore the experiences and perceptions of nurses caring for dying patients and their families in the acute medical admission setting. A qualitative interpretive descriptive methodology was used to explore the... more
Rationale of the Study: The concept of primary health care has ignited efforts of health leaders to improve the health status of people worldwide. This impelled attempts to reduce inequities through policy changes and interagency... more
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la categoría de cuidado como valor ético. Para esto me propongo retomar un enfoque denominado ética del cuidado, exponiendo sus principales características. Considero que una de las principales... more
"Counselling and palliative care" is the title of the book written by Dr. Esperanza Santos and Professor José Carlos Bermejo. This book, which is easy to read and contains very practical and useful advice, presents fundamental elements... more
Introduction: Pain is a common symptom for patients receiving palliative care, but can be relieved by effective pain management. Nurses play a critical part in implementing pain management effectively and must therefore have a solid... more
Introduction. The influence of the environment on wellness, not only for patients themselves but for all care-givers as well, refers to the humanisation principles of spaces of care. Commencing with an analysis of existing paediatric... more
Communicating with patients about their spiritual and existential issues is a core element of comprehensive palliative care. Spiritual and existential issues are conceptually problematic and can be difficult to delineate from other health... more
Many patients suffering from cancer make use of complementary therapies, with aromatherapy being a popular choice. Quantitative studies, using questionnaire data, have shown that aromatherapy may reduce psychological distress and enhance... more
During the twentieth-century, dramatic changes in the manner and location of care for the dying resulted in the conception and birth of the modern American hospice movement. Idealistic nurses, clergy, and others concerned about the plight... more
Palliative care is increasingly confronted with cultural diversity. This can lead to various problems in practice. In this perspective article, the authors discuss in more detail which issues play a role in culture-sensitive palliative... more
The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to assess the ongoing impact of the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) training program on registered nurses' death anxiety, concerns about dying, and knowledge of the dying... more
This paper by Public Health England Prepared by: PHE Older adults team, Health and Wellbeing Directorate Supported by: Rev Meg Burton and colleagues at the College of Health Care Chaplains Contibuted to by: Sonia Douek, Manvir Kaur... more
This case study of 14 hospice and palliative care volunteers looked for recommendations and suggestions on how to increase cultural competency among hospice volunteers. In-depth interviews were conducted with a hospice in Toronto, Canada,... more
In order to provide appropriate end-of-life care, prelicensure nursing students need adequate education prior to entering professional nursing practice. This integrative literature review presents characteristics of end-of-life teaching... more
Please note that I am not permitted to disseminate this test directly, no matter who requests it. This test is officially owned by UCLA and copyright protected and distributed through Behavioral Health Innovations through a licensing... more
This article presents a new avenue for healthcare risk managers to drive improvement for patients and healthcare organizations alike: Working to reduce avoidable patient suffering. It briefly describes the problem of patient suffering,... more
Communicating with patients about their spiritual and existential issues is a core element of comprehensivepalliative care. Spiritual and existential issues are conceptually problematic and can be difficult to delineatefrom other health... more
v The need for improved nursing knowledge about end-of-life care is well documented; however, efficient measures to evaluate knowledge attainment from end-of-life training programs are lacking. The authors tested a 50-item version of an... more
El dolor de los pacientes de cáncer ha sido descrito como dolor total. Tanto en la literatura científica, los libros de texto, así como en informes y directrices de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el concepto de dolor total ha... more
Around 1-3% of the world's population has intellectual disabilities (Mash and Wolfe, 2004). Communication difficulties are a major obstacle in providing effective palliative care to this group. Problems may arise due to a lack of... more
Palliative care (PC) is defined by the World Health Organization as "an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness..." In Lebanon, PC is... more
Livro de Cuidados Paliativos, para profissionais de saude
Background: Thailand has few hospices and a limited range of palliative care services. Aims: To explore palliative care models in Thailand. Methods: A convergent mixed-methods study design using purposive sampling to select three levels... more
Loss is a common life experience including death of a loved one, breakup of a relationship, loss of health, loss of employment, loss of one's home and financial wealth, infertility, and many more. The types of loss are reviewed as well... more
This article will outline the use of continuous subcutaneous infusion pumps, known as syringe drivers, including their benefits and drawbacks in a palliative care context. There have been over 5 000 articles published globally describing... more
Manual de Cuidados Paliativos, Manual de Curso
The most important role in a family is of parents. They are the most precious gift to us from God.Each time when children get stuck in some problem they seek help from their parents. In contrast, when children observe conflicts, fighting,... more
Children with life-threatening conditions may encounter significant spiritual suffering as they anticipate and prepare for their impending deaths. This pediatric palliative care case study illustrates symptom management challenges related... more
Dissertacao de Mestrado de Aurora Sousa, em "Sintomas em Cuidados Paliativos: da Avaliacao ao Controlo."
Summary: Textbook suggestions for a student library on Health-Medicine-Pharmacy, alphabetically listed by First Author. Each textbook has been checked (see -c after book title) for Author Names, Publication Year, Book Title, Publisher,... more
All of us have some preferences about how we will die. We care about such things as what will cause our death, when and where it will happen, who will be with us, how much warning we will have, and how we will experience death. While such... more
Questo libro è una raccolta di saggi che hanno in comune l'intento di mettere al centro della cura e dell'assistenza la persona, intesa non come puro corpo o organismo biologico ma come costrutto culturale, con un bagaglio storico,... more
Ce mémoire vise à s’inscrire dans le débat sur l’euthanasie et sur la fin de vie qui secoue présentement le Québec et de nombreuses sociétés contemporaines, en cherchant à fournir des données anthropologiques sur le domaine des... more
A description of new architectural directions in health care program facilities and assisted living residences, identifying the core changes in health care delivery expected in the future and the design needs which those changes will... more
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo fundamental analizar antropológicamente cómo se construye la noción de persona en el cuidado de personas con enfermedades amenazantes para su vida que se encuentran en el final de su vida. La investigación... more