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En este texto se ofrecen conceptos generales sobre las hormonas y sus funciones, mecanismos de acción y regulación endocrina y neuroendocrina. Estos contenidos sientan la base sobre la cual se desarrolla la especialización en... more
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      EndocrinologyHormone signallingReceptor ModellingEndocrine System Mediators
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      Plant Molecular BiologyHormone signallingRegulation of Flowering Time
Accurate detection of estrus is important for good husbandry practices. But estrus synchronization is the alternative strategy to bypass the critical problem of estrus detection. Synchronization programs that allows fixed timed artificial... more
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      Veterinary MedicineAnimal ScienceHormone signalling
Depression is a common disease which emerges with a disorder in temper. It results from environmental genetically and physiological factors. One of the effective factors can be the change in hormones and disorder in their intake through... more
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      DepressionMedicineHormone signallingHormones
The survival and reproduction of plants depend on their ability to cope with a wide range of daily and seasonal environmental fluctuations during their life cycle. Phytohormones are plant growth regulators that are involved in almost... more
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      Hormone signallingCircadian Clock
Context: There is a growing concern about induction of male infertility resulting from medicinal plant use especially in malaria treatment. Carica papaya and Azadirachta indica are plants with documented antimalarial and anti-fertility... more
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      Traditional MedicineReproductionMedicinal PlantsInfertility
Extending strawberry production season through cultivation in high tunnels or greenhouses offers access opportunities to niche markets. In these confined environments maintaining adequate phytosanitary protection may be very challenging... more
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      HorticultureRadiation ProtectionHormone signallingAntioxidants
The maternal environment exerts important influences on offspring mass/growth, metabolism, reproduction, neurobiology, immune function, and behavior among birds, insects, reptiles, fish, and mammals. For mammals, mother’s milk is an... more
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      PersonalityLife historyLactationHormone signalling
The inhibitory effects of LH on cell proliferation have been noted in different cell types, including Leydig [1] ovarian and mammary epithelial cells [2, 3]. More recently, we have determined this effect to also be true within adipocytes.... more
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      EndocrinologyObesityCell BiologyHormone signalling
Human species should not allow nature to take its course and determine human complexity patterns. People have to determine which type of complexity they want to live in. In order to reduce violence and to replace nature efficiently,... more
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      GeneticsSociologyCultural StudiesSocial Psychology
A novel class of pure antiestrogens, 1,1-dichloro-2,2,3-triarylcyclopropanes (DTACs), lack estrogenic activity in a mouse uterotrophic assay and inhibit the growth of estrogen-sensitive MCF-7 breast cancer cells (Day et al., 1991). Here,... more
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      Medicinal ChemistryBreast CancerHormone signallingAntagonism
. I sent my manuscript " Unitary symmetry of mixtures of hormones and the solution of the problem of terrorism" in ACS Central Science, (Manuscript ID oc-2018-00023c, Editor-in-Chief: Carolyn R. Bertozzi, E-mail:... more
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      Medical SciencesTerrorismInternational TerrorismMedical Education
The accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is involved in regulating cell death. Pathogen- and ozone-induced processes have become important models for the study of cell death regulation by ROS. Hydrogen peroxide and superoxide... more
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      Hormone signallingReactive Oxygen SpeciesImmunityCell Death
The mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) is descended from a corticoid receptor (CR), which has descendants in lamprey and hagfish, cyclostomes (jawless fish), a taxon that evolved at the base of the vertebrate line. A distinct MR and GR first... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySTEROIDSHormone signallingNuclear Receptor
Plant defence signalling response against various pathogens, including viruses, is a complex phenomenon. In resistant interaction a plant cell perceives the pathogen signal, transduces it within the cell and performs a reprogramming of... more
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      AlgorithmsComputational BiologyHormone signallingMultidisciplinary
According to the hypothesis explored in this paper, native aggregation is genetically controlled (programmed) reversible aggregation that occurs when interacting proteins form new temporary structures through highly specific interactions.... more
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      Cell SignalingHormone signallingDNA damage response signallingCell Signalling
Six GIP 1 -30NH2 analogs were synthesized with modifications (de-protonation, N-methylation, reversed chirality, and substitution) at positions 1, 3, and 4 of the N-terminus, and additionally, a cyclized GIP derivative was synthesized.... more
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      Peptide ChemistryDiabetesHormone signallingDiabetes, Education, Incretins
The pace of reproductive aging has been of considerable interest, especially in regard to the long postreproductive period in modern women. Here we use data for both sexes from a 37-year longitudinal study of a wild baboon population to... more
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      AgingHormone signallingPrimate DentitionTooth wear
The role of hydrogen peroxide in regulation of plant metabolism and cellular signalling in response to environmental stresses
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      PhotosynthesisHormone signallingAntioxidantsCellular metabolism
Methoxyfenozide and methoprene are two insecticides that mimic the action of the main hormones involved in the control of insect growth and development, 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone. We investigated their effect on the... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryFlow Cytometry
Aims/hypothesis. The secretory function of pancreatic beta cells is synergistically stimulated by two signalling pathways which mediate the effects of nutrients and hormones such as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), glucose-dependent... more
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      CalciumHormone signallingSignal TransductionCell line
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      BiochemistrySexual and Reproductive HealthMasculine SexualityBiology
Depression is a common disease which emerges with a disorder in temper. It results from environmental genetically and physiological factors. One of the effective factors can be the change in hormones and disorder in their intake through... more
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      DepressionHormone signallingDepression (Psychology)Hormone Therapy
In the last few years the interactome of Gαq has expanded considerably, contributing to improve our understanding of the cellular and physiological events controlled by this G alpha subunit. The availability of high-resolution crystal... more
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      BiochemistryEndocrinologyMolecular BiologyProtein Structure Prediction
Background and objective:  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by a low-level systemic chronic inflammatory activity that is responsible for many of the disease's extra-pulmonary manifestations, including... more
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      Respiratory MedicineClinical TrialsMedicineHormone signalling
Over the last two decades, understanding plant signal transduction pathways of plant hormones has become an active research field to understand plant behavior better. To accomplish signal transduction, plants use a variety of hormones for... more
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      Plant BiologyModeling and SimulationHormone signallingSignal Transduction
Methoxyfenozide and methoprene are two insecticides that mimic the action of the main hormones involved in the control of insect growth and development, 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone. We investigated their effect on the... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryFlow Cytometry
This study was undertaken to examine the expression and cellular location of the various cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) subunits in different testicular cell types, using cDNA probes, isoenzyme-specific antibodies and activity... more
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      BiochemistrySexual and Reproductive HealthMasculine SexualityBiology
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      Peptide ChemistryDiabetesHormone signallingInsulin Secretion
The maternal environment exerts important influences on offspring mass/growth, metabolism, reproduction, neurobiology, immune function, and behavior among birds, insects, reptiles, fish, and mammals. For mammals, mother's milk is an... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyPersonalityLife history
The main task of medicine: "prevent - detect - eliminate". In order to "prevent" sent a lot of recommendations from "what to eat" to "how to move and with whom". The situation with "detect" is more advanced. Here physicists (Rutherford... more
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      BiochemistryBioinformaticsMedical SciencesMedical Education
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      PharmacologyEndocrinologyPharmacyPharmaceutical Technology
Post menopausal stage is often more vulnerable for the occurrence of diseases especially Uro-genital related problems. The Average menopausal age is 45-54 Years in India. The incidence of premature menopause is also on the rise. Due to... more
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      ChemistryPediatricsWomen's StudiesIntegrative Ayurveda
Six GIP 1 -30NH2 analogs were synthesized with modifications (de-protonation, N-methylation, reversed chirality, and substitution) at positions 1, 3, and 4 of the N-terminus, and additionally, a cyclized GIP derivative was synthesized.... more
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      Peptide ChemistryDiabetesBiological ChemistryHormone signalling
Inflammation has been implicated in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). The main inflammatory players in AD are the glial cells which initiate the inflammatory response. One of the earliest neuropathological... more
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      Alzheimer's DiseaseInflammationOxidative StressHormone signalling
This study was undertaken to examine the expression and cellular location of the various cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) subunits in different testicular cell types, using cDNA probes, isoenzyme-specific antibodies and activity... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthMasculine SexualityFertilitySex Hormones