Homotopy Analysis Method
Recent papers in Homotopy Analysis Method
A scheme is developed for the numerical study of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and the Korteweg-de Vries Burgers (KdVB) equations with initial conditions by a homotopy approach. Numerical solutions obtained by homotopy analysis method are... more
In this paper, we consider the nonlinear boundary value problem (BVP) for the electrohydrodynamic flow of a fluid in an ion drag configuration in a circular cylindrical conduit. We present analytical solutions based on the homotopy... more
The asymptotic behavior of the memristor at dc yields a nonlinear 𝑖-𝑢 branch relationship, i.e. the memristor equivalent at dc is a nonlinear resistor. In this way, the resulting equilibrium equation of memristive circuits in dc regime... more
We describe, very briefly, the basic ideas and current developments of the homotopy analysis method, an analytic approach to get convergent series solutions of strongly nonlinear problems, which recently attracts interests of more and... more
The purpose of the present paper is to introduce a method, probably for the first time, to predict the multiplicity of the solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems. This procedure can be easily applied on nonlinear ordinary... more
This study explores the effects of heat transfer on the Williamson fluid over a porous exponentially stretching surface. The boundary layer equations of the Williamson fluid model for two dimensional flow with heat transfer are presented.... more
This work presents HomotopyDC, a package that carries out the DC analysis of a circuit by using homotopy methods, i.e. methods that are able to find more than one DC solution. The capabilities of MAPLE have been used to their full extent... more
The nonlinear Boussinesq's equation for infiltration phenomenon in unsaturated porous media is nonlinear partial differential equation and it has been solved by using Homotopy analysis method. the solution gives height of free surface of... more
A new kind of analytic technique, namely the homotopy analysis method, is employed to give an explicit analytic solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation and the related recurrence formulae of constant coefficients. This solution can be... more
In this article, the homotopy analysis method is applied to solve nonlinear fractional partial differential equations. On the basis of the homotopy analysis method, a scheme is developed to obtain the approximate solution of the... more
System of coupled second-order ordinary differential equations Boundary layer flow Boundary-value problems (BVPs) Numerical method Collocation method Similarity transformations a b s t r a c t Based on Haar wavelets an efficient numerical... more
Sparse estimation methods are aimed at using or obtaining parsimonious representations of data or models. They were first dedicated to linear variable selection but numerous extensions have now emerged such as structured sparsity or... more
Effects of porous medium have been investigated on the steady flow of a third grade fluid between two stationary porous plates. The continuity and momentum equations along with modified Darcy's law are used for the development of... more
PACS: 02.30.Mv 02.30.Jr 05.45.Df Keywords: System of fractional partial differential equations Homotopy analysis method (HAM) Caputo fractional derivative Mittag-Leffler function a b s t r a c t
This paper investigates the Magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer towards a stationary/moving plate with convective boundary conditions in presence of thermal radiation. The governing equations are simplified by similarity... more
In this paper, the boundary-layer natural convection flow on a permeable vertical plate with thermal radiation and mass transfer is studied when the plate moves in its own plane. A uniform temperature with uniform species concentration at... more
In this paper, the homotopy analysis method (HAM) is applied to numerically approximate the eigenvalues of the second and fourth-order Sturm-Liouville problems. These eigenvalues are calculated by starting the HAM algorithm with one... more
In the present paper, we have examined the two-dimensional flow of Williamson fluid over a stretching sheet under the effects of nano-sized particle also described as nano Williamson fluid. The boundary layer equations of nano Williamson... more
In this paper, the homotopy analysis method is applied to solve linear and nonlinear fractional initial-value problems (fIVPs). The fractional derivatives are described by Caputo's sense. Exact and/or approximate analytical solutions of... more
In this paper, an optimal homotopy-analysis approach is described by means of the nonlinear Blasius equation as an example. This optimal approach contains at most three convergence-control parameters and is computationally rather... more
The construction of C 2 Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) quintic spline curves that interpolate a sequence of points p 0 , . . . , p N and satisfy prescribed end conditions incurs a "tridiagonal" system of N quadratic equations in N complex... more
The homotopy analysis method (HAM) is used to develop an analytical solution for the thermal performance of a radial fin of rectangular and various convex parabolic profiles mounted on a rotating shaft and losing heat by convection to its... more
In this paper, approximate and/or exact analytical solutions of singular initial value problems (IVPs) of the Emden-Fowler type in the second-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are obtained by the homotopy analysis method (HAM).... more
An inversion code in Matlab is constructed to recover the parameters of Cole-Cole model from spectral induced polarization (SIP) data in a 1D earth. In a spectral induced polarization survey the impedances at various frequencies are... more
In this paper, the time fractional partial differential equations are investigated by means of the homotopy analysis method. This technique is extended to study the partial differential equations of fractal order for the first time. The... more
Adomian decomposition method has been used intensively to solve nonlinear boundary and initial value problems. It has been proved to be very efficient in generating series solutions of the problem under consideration under the assumption... more
This article studies the motion of temperature dependent plastic dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity of steady incompressible laminar free convective magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Casson fluid flow over an exponentially stretching... more
Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flow of an upper-convected Maxwell fluid is investigated in a channel. The walls of the channel are taken as porous. Using the similarity transformations and boundary layer... more
In this study, the homotopy analysis method is used to obtain an accurate analytical solution for fundamental non-linear natural frequency and corresponding displacement of tapered beams. Comparison between the obtained results and... more
In this paper a novel hybrid spectral-homotopy analysis technique developed by Motsa et al. (2009) and the homotopy analysis method (HAM) are compared through the solution of the nonlinear equation for the MHD Jeffery–Hamel problem. An... more
In this study, the problem of unsteady squeezing flow between circular parallel plates is performed. The similarity transformation is applied to reduce a governing partial differential equation (PDE) to a nonlinear ordinary differential... more
In this article, the homotopy perturbation method [He JH. Homotopy perturbation technique. Comput Meth Appl Mech Eng 1999;178:257-62; He JH. A coupling method of homotopy technique and perturbation technique for nonlinear problems. Int J... more
Based on a new kind of analytic method, namely the Homotopy analysis method, an analytic approach to solve nonlinear, chaotic system of ordinary differential equations is presented. The method is applied to Lorenz system; this system... more
In this study, an accurate analytical solution for Duffing equations with cubic and quintic nonlinearities is obtained using the Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) and Homotopy Pade technique. Novel and accurate analytical solutions for the... more
A fundamental task in geodesy is solving systems 1 of equations. Many geodetic problems are represented as sys-2 tems of multivariate polynomials. A common problem in 3 solving such systems is improper initial starting values for 4... more
The problem of micropolar fluid flow in a channel subject to a chemical reaction is presented. The effect of small and large Peclet numbers on the temperature and concentration profiles is determined while the effects of various... more
We consider the non-linear partial differential equation of time-fractional type describing the spontaneous imbibition of water by an oil-saturated rock (double phase flow through porous media). The fact that oil and water form two... more
Consider a one-dimensional (1D) flow in a confined porous medium shown in . Before t=0, the piezometric head is a constant h I . After t=0, the piezometric head at left end raises Δh, while the piezometric head at the far right end... more
The problem of wire coating by withdrawal from a bath of a magnetohydrodynamic Oldroyd 8-constant fluid is investigated. The fluid is electrically conducting in the presence of a uniform applied magnetic field. The obtained non-linear... more
Many problems of physical and engineering sciences are described by singular boundary value problems (SBVPs). Due to the presence of singularity, these problems pose difficulties in obtaining their solutions, and various solution schemes... more
We give an analytic solution at the 10th order of approximation for the steady-state laminar viscous #ows past a sphere in a uniform stream governed by the exact, fully non-linear Navier}Stokes equations. A new kind of analytic technique,... more
The limit cycle of the van der Pol oscillator, $\ddot{x}+ \epsilon (x^2-1) \dot{x} + x =0$, is studied in the plane $(x,\dot{x})$ by applying the homotopy analysis method. A recursive set of formulas that approximate the amplitude and... more
In the present investigation we have analyzed the boundary layer flow of a Jeffrey fluid over an exponentially stretching surface. The effects of thermal radiation are carried out for two cases of heat transfer analysis known as (1)... more
In this paper, we investigate the accuracy of the Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) for solving the problem of the spread of a non-fatal disease in a population. The advantage of this method is that it provides a direct scheme for solving... more