Recent papers in Homology
Bioremediation is a possible mechanism for clean-up of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils in the Antarctic. Microbes indigenous to the Antarctic are required that degrade the hydrocarbon contaminants found in the soil, and that are able to... more
We have evaluated the effects of the proline homologue Aze (1) (azetidine-2-carboxylic acid) on growth of Escherichia coli strains used to over-express recombinant forms of murine myelin basic protein (rmMBP), and on the degree of... more
1996), the traditional divisions grew at a rate of 40% The FASTA package of sequence comparison proper year, from 163 million to 317 million bases, but the grams has been expanded to include FASTX and entire GenBank grew from 173 million... more
Plant laccases are believed to be involved in dehydrogenative polymerisation of lignin. We report here the first cloning of monocot laccases. Five different laccase-encoding cDNA sequences were identified from ryegrass (Lolium perenne);... more
Penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) are involved in the biosynthesis of the peptidoglycan layer constitutive of the bacterial envelope. They have been targeted for more than half a century by extensively derived molecular scaffolds of... more
The isocortex is a distinctive feature of the mammalian brain, with no clear counterpart in other amniotes. There have been long controversies regarding possible homologues of this structure in reptiles and birds. The brains of the latter... more
Seladin-1 Cholesterol biosynthesis Homology modelling MD simulation Enzymatic product egress a b s t r a c t Recent biochemical and clinical evidences unveiled that DHCR24 enzyme (3--hydoxysterol-24 -reductase, also named seladin-1),... more
Two cDNAs, isolated from a Trypanosoma cruzi amastigote library immunoscreened with sera from patients with Chagas disease, encode proteins with sequence homology to eukaryotic components of the cellular sorting and recycling machinery.... more
Four antigenically different strains of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), characterized by their reactivities with a panel of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), were selected to determine the molecular basis of antigenic... more
Plant breeders have used disease resistance genes (R genes) to control plant disease since the turn of the century. Molecular cloning of R genes that enable plants to resist a diverse range of pathogens has revealed that the proteins... more
Angesichts der Dominanz von Molekularbiologie, Entwicklungs-und Populationsgenetik sowie deren anwendungsorientierten Umsetzungen in den Bio-und Gentechniken mag es auf den ersten Blick merkwürdig überholt erscheinen Probleme der... more
In mammals, dosage compensation is achieved by X inactivation 1 and is regulated in cis by the X-inactivation centre 2 (Xic) and Xist (refs 3−5). The Xic controls X-chromosome counting, choice of X to inactivate and initiation of... more
Sialidases (EC are a group of glycohydrolytic enzymes, widely distributed in nature, that cleave sialic acid residues from the oligosaccharide components of glycoconjugates. All of the sialidase enzymes thus far characterized... more
The current situation in philosophy of science generally, and in philosophy of biology in particular, is most unsatisfactory. There are at least three general problems that many philosophers thought themselves near to solving twenty years... more
Homology is an essential idea of biology, referring to the historical continuity of characters, but it is also conceptually highly elusive. The main difficulty is the apparently loose relationship between morphological characters and... more
Characterization of the lectins from onion (Allium cepa), shallot (A. ascalonicum) and leek (A. porrum) has shown that these lectins differ from previously isolated Alliaceae lectins not only in their molecular structure but also in their... more
The extant land plants are unique among the monophyletic clade of photosynthetic eukaryotes, which consists of the green algae (chlorophytes), the charophycean algae (charophytes), numerous groups of unicellular algae (prasinophytes) and... more
Notre contribution montrera, sans doute pour la toute première fois, l’intérêt des réflexions sémiotiques des poètes surréalistes tchèques et français telles qu’elles s’expriment dans l’oeuvre collective "La civilisation surréaliste"... more
The furcula is a structure formed by the midline fusion of the clavicles. This is the element which is unique to theropods and is important for understanding the link between birds and other theropods. New specimens from basal theropods... more
Work on analogy has been done from a number of disciplinary perspectives throughout the history of Western thought. This work is a multidisciplinary guide to theorizing about analogy. It contains 1,406 references, primarily to journal... more
This interpretation essay intends to investigate the nature of the Egyptian cosmotheology that underlies the theological discourse of the priestly texts of all ages. We turn to the notion of the Egyptian demiurge as: “The one in the... more
The emergence of dramatic morphological differences (disparity) and the ensuing bewildering increase in the number of species (diversity) documented in the fossil record at key stages of animal and plant evolution have defied, and still... more
The emergence of dramatic morphological differences (disparity) and the ensuing bewildering increase in the number of species (diversity) documented in the fossil record at key stages of animal and plant evolution have defied, and still... more
Most geophilomorph centipedes have segmental clusters of exocrine glands whose opening pores are arranged in more or less well-defined sternal pore areas. We describe here the cuticular structures forming and:or accompanying the gland... more
The monophyly of the class Xiphosura is critically re-examined. For the first time a phylogenetic analysis of a number of synziphosurine and xiphosurid taxa is performed together with representatives of the other chelicerate orders also... more
Advances in developmental genetics and evo-devo in the last several decades have enabled the growth of novel developmental approaches to the classic theme of homology. These approaches depart from the more standard phylogenetic view by... more
Increasing fossil evidence surrounding the evolutionary origin of vertebrate limbs can be used to reconstruct the assembly of a limb ground-plan common to all tetrapods. The sequence of changes at the fin-to-limb transition can be... more
The concept of homology continues to attract more and more commentary. In systematic and evolutionary biology the meaning of homology as synapomorphic similarity inherited from a common ancestor has gained wide acceptance over the last... more
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Une présentation des plus complètes de la réflexion sémiotique de Ferruccio Rossi-Landi sur l'homologie de la reproduction sociale et l'idéologie comme pratique sociale, sans oublier ses enjeux actuels. Cette contribution a été lue et... more
A concept map for taking biodiversity to school is proposed here using a novel approach that combines systematics, evolutionary biology, and the nature of science. The concept map is tied to the recently published next generation science... more
In 1991 de Pinna (Cladistics 7: 367–394) coined the term primary homology as the putative homology statements prior to tree reconstruction. However, some confusion still exists regarding the conjectural nature of homology and to the... more
Due to their informative role in biological systems, the potential development of oligosaccharide utilization is very important. Today, their industrial application is increasing rapidly especially for their capability of specific... more
The external morphology of a bilateral gynandromorphic tineid moth, Harmaclona tephrantha (Meyrick), is discussed. Both male and female sexual characters are approximately evenly divided between the left (female) and right (male) halves... more
Homology is the fundamental determinant of the sameness of biological characters or traits. When two characters stand in a relation of homology, they belong to the same character kind. For example, the eyes of humans and birds are... more
Molecular phylogenetic studies of Garcinia have identified a large clade whose component species can be identified by flowers that have nectariferous antesepalous appendages or intrastaminal rings and disks. One current hypothesis is that... more
Bu çalışma, Türk sinemasının son döneminde komedi türünde öne çıkan Cem Yılmaz’ın canlandırdığı ‘Arif’ karakteri ile Şahan Gökbakar’ın canlandırdığı ‘Recep İvedik’ karakterlilerinin toplumsal temsil ve alımlanma biçimi açısından... more
Überraschend schnell hat unsere evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie Anklang gefunden. Ihr Kernstück ist es, die Ordnungsmuster unseres Denkens als ein Selektionsprodukt an den Ordnungsmustern der Natur zu betrachten. Und daß es nicht mein... more
The first molecular phylogenetic analysis of Asaccus reveals high sequence divergence among the sampled species. Asaccus montanus is recovered as the sister to all other species. Two Arabian species (A. gallagheri, A. platyrhynchus) form... more
The detailed external morphology and general anatomy of the majority of families and subfamilies of Poduromorpha were investigated and compared. This examination was done in relation to the three remaining orders of Collembola:... more
A novel red pigment, 2,2V -[3-methoxy-1Vamyl-5V -methyl-4-(1U-pyrryl)] dipyrryl-methene (MAMPDM), which has properties similar to those of prodigiosins, has been isolated for the first time from a bacterium putatively identified as... more
The coloured patterns of the muricids may be divided in three main groups: (1) clear to dark uniform colour, (2) dark bands covering several spiral cords, (3) clear to dark cords contrasting with the main colour. The two last patterns,... more
TrruLB()Ri.r, R. A. (2006): Theropod dinosaurs, progenesis and birds: homology of digits in the manus. N. Jb. Geol. Paleont. Abh., Stuttgart. Abstract: Thc proposition that birds arose from theropod dinosaurs by the evolutionary... more
Table of Contents Acknowledgments p. iii Murphy and Tom Wysocki on chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, and all provided helpful feedback on the respective chapters. Fifth, thanks to the Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Dissertation... more