Homeric studies
Recent papers in Homeric studies
We have already been able to locate the Homeric Scylla and Charybdis at Cape Gallant (Cape Svyatoy Nos) on the Kola Peninsula, due to the mythological narratives perfectly coinciding with the real-world geographical features in the Far... more
Helen of Troy is arguably our most enduring cultural icon. She is also one of the most polarizing and least understood, with an unsurpassed ability to create controversy. Much has been written about her and even more has been said for the... more
The Trojan War is one of our oldest and most debated traditions. The conflict’s historicity has become increasingly accepted, but its nature is poorly understood. This monograph suggests one issue may be the approach to both literary and... more
A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a ocupação micênica na ilha de Creta no final da Idade do Bronze. Por meio da análise dos vasos com alça em estribo que portam inscrições pintadas em Linear B, procurou-se reconhecer padrões... more
«Trinkets», «knick-knacks», «toys», and «sandcastles» are among the most frequent modern translations of the Greek term 'athyrma' in its Homeric occurrences. The noun, glossed by Greek and Byzantine grammarians as an archaic synonym for... more
This chapter concerns Anteror and Theano, secondary characters of the Iliad who play an important role in the Epic Cycle and the Suites of Homer, especially Dictys of Crete. The possibility that Antinor had plotted against Priam leads us... more
Homeric Greek words ὠθέω - ὠθεῖ / otheo - othei and Türkic öte words are in form and meaning the same. There is no convincing etymology for those Greek words. I have an idea!
I show a list of Homeric Greek words beginning with the letters S & T with possible Türkic etymologies
Homeric words with a possible Turkic etymology Letters P and R
Homeric words with a possible Türkic etymology Letter O
Homeric Greek words beginning with the letter L and M and N with possible Turkic etymologies
My proposals for the etymologies of the Homeric words begging with the letters I & K
Homeric word κορέω/koreo without a certain etymology. Now it is not uncertain anymore, I would say. Read my proposal!
Homer mentioned a bird called kirkos κίρκος and I know a better etymology for that Homeric word. Read here!
A Trojan hero whose name was Yalmenos (Ialmenos) and I prove that his name could be Turkish!
Homeric words beginning with the letter H and TH and their possible Turkic etymologies
A lost of Homeric words beginning with D and E, with possible Turkic etymologies
a long list of Homeric words begging with the letter A with a possible Türkic etymology!
There is a very interesting word in Autenrieth's book: ἀγελαῖος (ἀγέλη) (ageleios, ageli) meaning of the herd, herding and look at Türkish word ağıl!
abakeo abakisan ἀβακέω ἀβάκησαν. A Homeric word with Türkic etymology. Impossible? Read it first and then say something!
The third Hymn by Callimachus is a poem that has attracted less interest, compared to the rest of hymns, on the grounds of lack of cohesion and central concept. The poet narrates the wanderings of goddess Artemis during her youth and... more
This article explores the poetic legacy of Michael Longley (1939–2025), one of Ireland’s most celebrated poets, whose work spanned over half a century and played a pivotal role in the North of Ireland literary renaissance. Examining... more
Este artículo propone un análisis de la configuración de lo colectivo en las acciones que realizan los λαοί. Se compararán algunos símiles colectivos de Ilíada y de La Toma de Ilión para estudiar sus vehículos y tenores. Ellos permiten... more
Texto bilingüe comentado del canto 3 de Ilíada de Homero,l Con la colaboración de Huilén Abed Moure, Santiago Sorter, Gastón Alejandro Prada, Mairea Gratz, Ivana Chialva, Kiwi Sainz, Camila Sofía Davel y Víctor Arley Obando Acosta.
Ancient Greek warfare terms and their Turkic origin.
Homer mentioned that word and it has no Indo-European or Greek etymology but a easy and clear Türkic one. Let us see, how old the Türkish language is!
The Birth of Tragedy is often considered as the first act of a ‘problematisation of science’ that, albeit in different terms and registers, was to characterise Friedrich Nietzsche’s works up until the end of his intellectual journey.... more
Homer mentiones 2 Greek words that are very similar in form and meaning to Türkish ones. Again a coincidence? I think, it would be better if the science would research and doesn't say "coincidence".
In this article, I invite you to join a game in which we will treat the narrative world of Homer as a simulation-a computer game where you participate from a first-person perspective. Along the way, through this hopefully playful... more
The paper focuses on three passages where θέμις takes on three different meanings: Assembly law (Il. 9.33), legislative and judicial power (Il. 9.99), feudal obligation and service due (Il. 9.156). The linguistic and stylistic analysis... more
Il corso si propone di chiarire il legame effettivo tra i testi trasmessi e il lungo processo compositivo, attraverso il quale i canti di "Omero" sono nati e si sono sviluppati in differenti epoche e contesti storici. A tale scopo... more
In the first millennium BCE, which is the era when alphabetic writing was developed by Greek-speaking people, starting in the eighth century BCE, there is evidence for a wide range of dialects, which can be divided roughly into four... more
AND BUILDING BIOGRAPHIES * Homer and Heinrich (and Wilhelm, of course) "The Megaron lies directly in the axis of the court. The vestibule is formed of two columns and two parastades or antae. Three folding-doors, side by side, lead into... more
JAMES DIGGLE (ed.), BRUCE FRAZER, PATRICK JAMES, OLIVER SIMKIN, ANNE THOMPSON, SIMON WESTRIPP, The Cambridge Greek Lexicon, 2 vols, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021. XXIII + 1529 pp. ISBN 978-1-108-83698-2
Homer, Iliad Book 18 in my new translation, completed 4.1.2025.
1.-Premessa Un documento manoscritto finora ignoto alla comunità scientifica porta nuovi contributi alla conoscenza della produzione artistica di Gabriele Dara Junior (1826-1885). Custodito sino ad oggi presso la famiglia Dara, il... more
Song lyrics function in James Joyce’s Ulysses like any other literary and cultural allusion. However, in the musical episode of Ulysses, “Sirens”, lyrics may function as music as well. In the episode, where songs are performed by... more
The epic poetry of Homer is considered a classic example of oral poetry. However, the term "oral poetry" is ambiguous in literary history. It encompasses the oral recitation of memorized verse as well as the production of a stand-up... more
C hi fu Omero per i Greci e chi è per noi? Cos'è davvero l'Odissea? L'agile volume di Bernhard Zimmermann si rivolge a un pubblico non specialistico, offrendo un'introduzione sintetica e accessibile alla figura di Omero e alle... more
Este artigo discute o ensaio "L'Iliade ou le poème de la force" de Simone Weil (1940-1941) como um exemplo de recepção da Ilíada de Homero. Parte-se de sua ideia central que então é explorada numa leitura atenta de algumas de suas... more
A 7th-century b.c. cup from the sanctuary of Kommos in Crete presents what may be the most complex and multifigured scene on a Cretan ceramic vessel of any period, and it has long puzzled scholars. Based on a recent reexamination of the... more