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      HomerNarratologyApollonius RhodiusGreek Linguistics
examen historique des études sur l'oralité d'Homère
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    • Homeric studies
Widely revered as the father of Western literature, Homer was the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey, the epic poems which immortalised such names as Achilles, Cyclops, Menelaus, and Helen of Troy. In this vivid introduction, Elton... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerClassical philology
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Η μελέτη αυτή ασχολείται με την επίδραση των ομηρικών επών στην ποίηση του Παυλόπουλου. Επιχειρείται η ιχνηλάτηση λανθανόντων και μη διακειμένων, με ειδικό ενδιαφέρον στις "εμφανίσεις" (κεκαλυμμένες και μη) του ομηρικού Έκτορα.
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      Modern Greek literatureIntertextualityGreek PhilologyAncient Greek Literature
In this paper, I argue that the traditional narrative of Iphigenia's sacrifice lies allusively behind the opening scenes of the Iliad (1.8-487). Scholars have long suspected that this episode is evoked in Agamemnon's scathing rebuke of... more
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Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é categorizar os tipos de aedos apresentados nos poemas homéricos e pensar a relação destas categorias com os possíveis aedos históricos de períodos identificados como o homérico. Discutiremos,... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureHomerArchaic Greek history
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      HomerEpic poetryHomeric poetryHomeric studies
This article seeks to demonstrate how the myth of Troy is still relevant to modern-day European culture and identity, drawing on Gregor Feindt et al.’s concept of “entangled memory” as a theoretical foundation. In order to support this... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean Studies
Spekali, #6 The present paper discusses Aristotle's "Poetics" in the light of one significant aspect of the Homeric innovation. Taking into account the given source and modern Homeric conceptions, the author of the paper classifies... more
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      HomerHomeric poetryHomeric HymnsHomero
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      HomerReception TheoryReceptionClassical Reception Studies
In this paper (in Dutch), we present an overview of the most important current theories on the function of the augment in Homer, and we analyse augment use in a close reading of three longer Homeric passages. In our view, a pragmatic or... more
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      HomerGreek EpicHomeric poetryHomeric studies
This paper sketches out a history of ancient and modern discussions on the aesthetic “imperfection” of the Iliad and the Odyssey. The views of, among others, Horace, Pseudo-Longinus, F.A. Wolf, F.W. Nietzsche will be examined, as well as... more
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      ClassicsHomerOrality-Literacy StudiesAncient Aesthetics
Spekali, #10 At 9.198 of the “Iliad”, Achilles greets, perhaps, only three ambassadors, or his friends, in the dual; however, at 9.204 the same greeting is repeated in the plural. In the process of interpretation of the issue several... more
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      HomerHomeric poetryIliadIliada
13. Grundzüge der Homer-Rezeption
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerGreek Epic
Traduzione letterale, interlineare dell'inizio del nono libro dell'Iliade, versi 1-113. Si tratta dell'assemblea greca che apre il libro, fino al termine del primo discorso di Nestore, in cui l'eroe suggerisce ad Agamennone, e... more
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      HomerGreek Lyric PoetryGreek EpicFormulaic Language
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      Greek LiteratureHomerLiterary CriticismWomen in the ancient world
Counselors, councilors and ambassadors are often complementary figures, but from Homeric Greece to classical Sparta we know of certain characters like the hero Odysseus or the Spartiate Lichas who perform all of these tasks (i.e.... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySpartaArchaic Greek historyHomeric poetry
ECONOMY OF A HOMERIC BASILEUS The article deals with the following questions: 1) basileus’ temenos, which is a land grant from the community, not conditional, but proprietary; 2) basileus’ household or oikos: size of estate, branches... more
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      HomerGreek social and economic historyHomeric studiesAncient Greek Economy
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      Greek LiteratureHomerNarrativeNarratology
These two works (authors henceforth M. and V.) 1 comprise very different, and differently rewarding, approaches to the translation of Homer. Both volumes provide engaging introductions, though M.'s is somewhat more impressionistic, and... more
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      HomerTranslation StudiesTranslationHomeric poetry
This very short exegetical essay points out some Homeric echoes in Alcaeus’ Song 130 V. He laments his current situation that hinder him from the participation to the politikos bios, probably due to a temporary defeat of his hetaireia.... more
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      Homeric poetryAncient Greek LanguageAncient Greek LiteratureArchaic Greek Lyric
The transitional role played by the Phaeacians in The Odyssey has built into a kind of 'communis opinio' among Homeric scholars. Mixing divergent elements, these people seem to set a connection between Odysseus' previous adventures and... more
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    • Homeric studies
El presente trabajo establece un vínculo entre filosofía y literatura, estudiando algunas consideraciones sobre la muerte que se presentan en La Ilíada y mostrando, principalmente, que la virtud y el carácter del guerrero se manifiesta... more
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      DeathVirtue EthicsAncient PhilosophyIliad
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      HomerTranslation theoryTranslationHomeric poetry
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    • Homeric studies
El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en encontrar la relación entre la temática de la hospitalidad como valor fundamental en relación con la identidad del hombre, en el marco de la obra La Odisea, de Homero. Palabras clave:... more
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      PhilosophyGreek LiteratureHomerSelf and Identity
This article rethinks the presence of the lion in Bronze Age Crete and its participation in poetic culture in the Aegean. In the absence of living lions on the island, representational embodiments were the basis of people's encounters... more
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      Material Culture StudiesEmbodimentOral TraditionsOrality
14 pageireu )*. Однако значение этих терминов в линейном письме Б и у Гомеса расходится. Если в эпосе слова ат £ и по крайней мере иногда являются взаимозаменяемыми терминами для обозначения носителя верховной власти -"царя", причем... more
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      HomerKingship and systems of ruleAncient Greek HistoriographyHomeric studies
Achilles is a complex hero. His brief, brilliant life is sacrificed to avenge the death of his beloved friend. He is a consummate warrior, yet he is childlike in his rage; and outside the Homeric Iliad we learn that he was dressed as a... more
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      Gender StudiesGreek LiteratureHomerHistory Of Emotions
Esperimento di traduzione dell'Iliade di Omero. Libro secondo : Il sogno; La prova dell'esercito; Il Catalogo delle Navi; Il Catalogo Troiano. Traduzione interlineare, con note grammaticali e vocabolario essenziale in linea. La traduzione... more
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      HomerHomeric poetryOdysseyIliad
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Captain Ahab is no exception. Forget for a second Ahab's villainous qualities and look instead to the classical tradition. Shakespeare's Macbeth was not a very nice guy. Neither was Milton's Satan.... more
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Introduction of my master's degree thesis, whose purpose is to investigate the possible anatolian origin of the Greek epic poetry represented by the Homeric poems. Inside the Introduction I also offer my vision upon the Homeric question.... more
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      HomerAnatolian StudiesHittiteLuwian
The period known as the Italian Renaissance witnessed a rebirth of Greek learning and, along with it, a renewed impetus to translate the two epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, attributed to Homer in antiquity. During the course of one... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
The passages referring to Chryseis, the comparison with the sections on Briseis and some other epic pieces, reveal how these female characters were understood by the very early audience of Homer. Both of these young women constitute the... more
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      Anatolian StudiesAncient Greek Cultural & Social HistoryHomeric studiesPre-Archaic Greek Civilization
Le bouillant héros d’Homère serait inspiré de Piyamaradu, personnage
haut en couleur du XIIIe siècle av. J.­C.
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      HomerHittiteLate Bronze Age archaeologyHomeric poetry
In all guilds, the Greeks used a secret language, i.e. symbolisms, so that they could avoid the leakage of information concerning sources of profit. Thus, they created short poems, easy to remember. The  “Odyssey” is the best example!
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      HomerPhoeniciansAegeo-Egyptian relationsMediterranean Studies
Questo volume – che contiene la traduzione interlineare commentata dei libri V-VIII dell’Iliade – è parte di un mio personale progetto di traduzione e pubblicazione dei due poemi omerici nella loro integralità. Il volume riunisce insieme... more
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      HomerGreek EpicHomeric poetryHomeric Hymns
Little is known about Homer. Tradition tells us that he is the author of the epic Greek poems the Iliad and the Odyssey, which detail the mythic history of ancient Greece. These works, the oldest extant literature in the Western world,... more
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      HomerRhetoricClassical rhetoricGreek Myth
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      LanguagesCultural StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
Il sedicesimo libro segna il compimento dei disegni di Zeus: i Troiani riescono ad appiccare il fuoco alla prima delle navi greche (122-124). Achille consentirà al compagno Patroclo di unirsi ai combattimenti insieme ai suoi Mirmidoni, ma... more
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      HomerHomeric poetryOdysseyIliad
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationHomeric poetryAncient Greek EpigraphyHomeric studies
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      HomerDerek WalcottClassical Reception StudiesHomeric poetry
Books 5-12 of Homer's 'Odyssey' can be read as a series of interlocking sets of adventures that comprise a neatly symmetrical overall structure. At the center of this pattern stands the passage known as the Nekyia (book 11), in which... more
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      Structural AnalysisOdysseyAncient Greek LiteratureHomeric studies
A new solution is offered to a difficulty posed by Homer’s Iliad: Hippothoos, the leader of Troy’s Pelasgian allies, fought against the Greeks and died far from his home in Larissa. However, soldiers from the distant Larissas familiar to... more
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      HomerBlack Sea regionAncient Greek NumismaticsAncient Numismatics (Anatolia)
This volume is the edited collection of the papers from a conference we hosted in Oxford in 2017, drawing together specialists from the United Kingdom, continental Europe and the United States, to examine afresh the relationship between... more
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      HomerAkkadian LanguageHittiteHesiodic Poetry
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMythologyGreek LiteratureHomer
Homeric-like formulas on the Phaistos Disc
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      Greek LiteratureHomerGreek LanguageGreek Epigraphy
Su è ora disponibile la traduzione integrale del settimo libro dell'Iliade. Anche in quest'occasione voglio spendere qualche parola per presentare questo mio lavoro. Il mio personale progetto è la traduzione integrale dei poemi... more
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      HomerGreek EpicEpic poetryHomeric poetry
LANDSCHAFTEN TOR ZU ANDEREN WELTEN Deutsche und chinesische Archäologen erforschen Gesellschaften an der Seidenstraße ALLTAG ARCHÄOLOGIE SCHERBEN BRINGEN GLÜCK Wie in Pietrele Schicht um Schicht eine antike Gesellschaft zum Leben erweckt... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical philologyAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor