Holy Land Studies

1,150 papers
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Holy Land Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the historical, cultural, religious, and archaeological aspects of the geographic region known as the Holy Land, primarily encompassing modern-day Israel and Palestine. It explores the significance of this area in various religious traditions, particularly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Traduction française du texte de Franco Cardini : « Ordine templare e mondo islamico », in Gerusalemme d'oro, di rame e di luce. Pellegrini, crociati, sognatori d'Oriente fra XI e XV secolo, Milan 1991, pp. 292-298.
My chapter for the edited volume Mainstreaming Indonesian Islam. This reflection on my scholarship (past and present) was inspired by a paper I gave in Yogyakarta, Indonesia summer of 2024.
Book presentation: Evagrio Pontico, Gli otto spiriti della malvagità. Edizione e traduzione di due antiche versioni latine. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e note di commento a c. di Diego MARCHINI (Nuovi testi patristici, 7),... more
статья посвящена анализу места истории Святой Горы Афон и русско-афонских связей в научном наследии епископа Порфирия (Успенского). Порфирий (Успенский)-один из ярчайших представителей дореволюционной церковноисторической науки, однако в... more
דרורי, עפר., מהכוח אל הפועל, או איך לא להיכשל בפיתוח מערכות מידע, בתוך: מידעון - כתב עת למידע בעיבוד נתונים אוטומטי, ת"א: לשכת מנתחי מערכות מידע,
An Iron Age Hebrew iconic stamp seal was uncovered near the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The seal, made of black stone, depicts a winged genie and a personal name, Yehoʽezer son of Hoshaʽyahu. This is the first... more
The fall of Bashar al-Assad has reshaped the regional power dynamics in the Middle East, significantly benefiting Türkiye, Israel, and the United States in distinct but interconnected ways. Türkiye aims to capitalize on a pro-Ankara Syria... more
í"òùá éìàåèñ÷è òãéî øåaeçà úëøòî íåùéé éøåøã øôò íéðëåîî íéãåáéò úåøù í"òù .1 áåùçî éúåøù úðúåð äðéãîä úåñðëä ìäðî ìù áùçîä úãéçé ,íéðëåîî íéãåáéò úåøù -í"òù áùçî éúåøù í"òù ïúåð óñåðá .ùåëø ñîå óñåî êøò ñî ,äñðëä ñî :õøàá íéñîä éôâàì... more
úããåîúä éëøãå úåàéöî -òãéîä úåööåôúä éøåøã øôò äðéãîä úåñðëä ìäðéî ,î"òù àåáî éúåøù úðúåð äðéãîä úåñðëä ìäðéî ìù áùçîä úãéçé ,íéðëåîî íéãåáéò úåøù -î"òù éúåøù î"òù ïúåð óñåðá .ùåëø ñî ,óñåî êøò ñî ,äñðëä ñî :õøàá íéñéîä éôâàì áåùçéî (ïéã... more
L ' e x p é r i e n c e d u v o y a g e p l a c e l ' i n d i v i d u e n s i t u a t i o n d e d é c o u v r i r , d ' o b s e r v e r e t é v e n t u e l l e m e n t d e d é c r i r e d e s r é a l i t é s q u i n ' o n t p a s d ' é q... more
Il volume, curato da Timothy Verdon, direttore del Museo dell'Opera del Duomo di Firenze, e dallo storico dell'arte Giovanni Serafini, nasce col proposito di rendere disponibili gli atti della conferenza organizzata dall'Arcidiocesi di... more
First pages of a book chapter (in German) presenting a typological overview of medieval Easter Sepulchres in Germany and England from between the twelfth and early sixteenth centuries. Departing from the church of the Holy Sepulchre in... more
La città di Gerusalemme nel mosaico parietale della Basilica ravennate di San Vitale (vedi • Figura 23
This publication introduces a letter from Archpriest Gregory Kurylas to Patriarch Alexy I (Simansky) of Moscow and All Russia. Archpriest Gregory was a representative of the Russian clergy who served in the Holy Land in the first half of... more
The early decades of the twentieth century saw the Order obliged to restructure itself to conform to the legal requirements prevalent in France and to re-establish some form of fons honorum after the Patriarch H.B. Cyril IX Moghabghab... more
U tekstu je obrađena dekoracija Augusteuma iz Narone u odnosu na dosad poznatu rimsku arhitekturu
Abstract This article explores the crucial role played by women, particularly mothers, in shaping and preserving ethnic identity among the deported Meskhetian population. Drawing upon feminist theories of nationalism and ethnographic... more
Imported American theology and Christian culture blocks fresh Jewish-based interpretations of Scripture
In 1929, Andreas Evaristus Mader –then the director of the Oriental Institute of the Görresgesellschaft – published an article in volume VI of the Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, titled "La basilica costantiniana di Mambre presso Hebron... more
This article presents a re-evaluation of the ninth-century Itinerarium Bernardi monachi franci, which describes the journey of the monk Bernard to Jerusalem and the Holy Places. Challenging traditional perceptions of the work, as a... more
This essay is written in the wake of Donald Trump's election victory as the 47 th president of the USA. Both he, parts of the Republican Party and parts of the rightwing Churches of the USA have previously advocated the establishment of... more
Godina 1517. bila je prijelomna za Zapadnu Crkvu, kao i za Franjevački Red. Lutherovom protestantskom reformom odvojio se jedan dio zapadne Crkve, što je bio poticaj za temeljitu katoličku obnovu, koju će potaknuti Tridentski sabor.... more
The Holy Land's shrines are abundant with multilingual inscriptions that pilgrims have left over the centuries. Such inscriptions and graffiti are numerous inside and outside of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, one of the... more
The article is devoted to the study of the everyday life of Russian pilgrims who made sea voyages to Palestine in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. During this period, there was a significant increase in the number of pilgrims, which... more
The half-destroyed monument complex of the "King Alan" sanctuary, located in the rural area of Old Harzhis in the Syunik province of the Republic of Armenia, comprises a single-nave vaulted basilica church, a narthex-hall attached to the... more
La Calabria appare, talvolta, festaiola, esuberante e ricca nei linguaggi, nelle sue "lamentazioni", nelle sue nenie con le quali esprime, narra, canta la fede. Meriterebbe uno studio molto attento l'esprimersi dell'unica fede cristiana... more
From enemies to allies? The attitude of the Hospitallers and the Templars towards the Mongols during the decades following the Battle of Ayn Jalut (1260-1310s). The pre- sent paper investigates the attitude of the major military orders... more
Abraham est—il donc le père de tous les migrants et peut-on faire de la fameuse phrase « Étrangers et voyageurs sur la terre» le slogan nous commandant d’accueillir toutes les migrations? En fait, si le texte donne l’impression de parler... more
A cross-section of Victorian society, seen through the filter of the attentive and perceptive eye of the painter W. P. Frith (Aldfield 1819 - London 1909), is offered by the study of another version of the painting, The Derby Day (private... more
Статья посвящена Музею древностей начальника Русской Духовной Миссии в Иерусалиме архим. Антонина (Капустина) как важной части его наследия. С середины XIX в. и до 1894 г. в результате целенаправленного сбора, случайных находок во время... more
В результате серии реформ середины XIX в. в Османской империи появилось земельное законодательство, позволившее де-юре оформить иностранную недвижимость, ранее сформировавшуюся де-факто. Русская Палестина, возникшая в острой... more
The following essay is an illustration of a larger thesis, arguing for the illegitimacy of all politically theocratic states or governments, since political theocracies all violate universal human rights: in this case, the freedom of... more
“19. yüzyıla kadar büyük ölçüde kutsiyetiyle ön plana çıkmış olan Kudüs, Mehmed Ali Paşa isyanıyla birlikte siyasi ve politik bir zemine çekildi. Bu dönemde Kudüs’ün de içinde bulunduğu Filistin bölgesi, Avrupalı güçlerin nüfuz alanı... more
The dictum 'Right to Defend' has become the powerful narrative in the past one year. This narrative has been widely used by the imperial and neo-colonial powers to justify their support and legitimizing the supply arms and ammunition to... more
In the “educator’s guide” from American University school of education, it is stressed that supporting students as they develop positive perspectives of their own cultures as well as the cultures of their peers is an important goal. One... more
La storia del Commissariato di Terra Santa piemontese non è stata sino a oggi oggetto di studi organici e documentati. Vi si trovano solo rari accenni in pubblicazioni dedicate ad altri argomenti o nel materiale divulgativo di... more
The restoration of the Holy Places raises several economic, religious and legal questions. A few documents in the archives of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem trace the history of some of these restorations in... more
בצפון הנגב מוכרים מנזרים רבים מהתקופה הביזנטית. חלק מהם ממוקמים צמוד ליישובים, או בתוכם, ואחרים במקומות מרוחקים מיישוב, אם כי סמוכים בדרך כלל לצירי דרכים. חלק מן המנזרים נסקרו, אחרים תועדו חלקית ואחדים מהם נחפרו. לא בכל המנזרים האלה... more
On Juvenal 3.1-16 and Bavli, Sanhedrin 98 a, the story of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi meeting the messiah at the gate of Rome.