Holonic Systems
Recent papers in Holonic Systems
Will holonic systems take us to the stars? What has happened in the last half-decade since "Principles of Holonic Philosophy" was first penned? A plethora of blockchain experiments, many of which innovate on new types of organizational... more
contiene ideas acerca del significado, estructura, interpretación, y aplicaciones de los mandalas en el ámbito de la exploración de si mismo, incluye jerarquías, holones, y es el primer capitulo de un trabajo mayor, teoría de los juegos,... more
Exploring the convergence of blockchain, systems design, new organizational design, cryptoeconomics, exponential organizations and the nature of the firm.
This work concerns the study of the multicriteria and multiobjective aspects related to the industrial management. This is why it was an obligation, at the first stage of the study, to define the sub-domains by which we are interested,... more
La pluralità degli organismi viventi che caratterizzano il contesto economico, nella loro specifica manifestazione materiale e psichica, presentano un legame coerente (ciò che avviene nell’ambiente esterno all’organismo si riflette nel... more
Our work aims to develop a stand-alone trading system to construct portfolios that show the benefits of value and momentum style integration and presents the effectiveness of alternative integration methods for long-only absolute return... more
El conocimiento y explicación de la organización espacial y sus variaciones es inherente a la Geografía y constituye su esencia para la expresión gráfica (cartográfica). La organización espacial puede entenderse como una jerarquía... more
El artículo describe el proceso mediante el cual se creó una ontología de aplicación para los sistemas holónicos de manufactura basados en la unidad de producción, usando la metodología Methontology para su diseño. La fase de... more
[ Abstract ] How might historians secure for the river a larger berth in the recent macro-historical turn? This question cannot find a greater niche than in the emerging critique of the existing spatial configuration of regionalism in... more
La scienza della complessità apre allo studio della realtà profonda degli organismi viventi che interagiscono fra loro in una struttura che è stata definita “rete della vita” che comporta la necessità di accedere agli aspetti archetipici... more
The Holonic Production System (HPS) can be a valid choice to overcome the problems of traditional production systems' architectures, thanks to its capability to adapt and react to changes in the business environment whilst being able to... more
The complexity and extension of the production environmentare increasing at a fastening pace. This ever-increasing complexity requires new and more flexible Management Systems and decision supports that above and beyond ERP's. Four... more
Ce travail traite quelques aspects multidimensionnels de la gestion industrielle. L'auteur y adopte une approche nouvelle dans la prise en compte des interactions entre différentes fonctions de l'entreprise, la fonction maintenance,... more
El integrar sistemas en la industria cementera es un requerimiento inminente, para lograrlo es necesario disponer de las herramientas metodológicas idóneas. El objetivo del artículo se orienta a proponer un marco metodológico que... more
The article proposes the description of a project of Customer Retention carried out by the author at the BMW Group to witness not only the creative dimension potentially present in the depth of every human being, but also the reflection... more