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This study assessed the attitude, beliefs, and practices of integrative medicine (IM) among nurses in the Netherlands. Subscribers of a Dutch nursing journal were asked to fill in an anonymous, structured, online survey related to the... more
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      NursingHolistic Nursing
Anchored in one of the most dramatic social shifts in healthcare history, a Theory of Integral Nursing can inform and shape nursing practice, education, research and policy-local to global-to achieve a healthy world. A Theory of Integral... more
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      NursingHolistic NursingMedicinePhilosophy of Nursing
Wholeness, consciousness, and caring are 3 critical concepts singled out and positioned in the disciplinary discourse of nursing to distinguish it from other disciplines. This article is an outgrowth of a dialogue among 4 scholars, 3 who... more
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      NursingConsciousnessHolistic NursingPhilosophy of Nursing
Spirituality has been the subject of numerous journal articles and books in recent years. Research into this topic has been conducted in many spheres of nursing practice with the notable exception of military nursing. This article goes a... more
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Seven major constructs-belonging, meaning, hope, the sacred, morality, beauty, and acceptance of dying-were revealed in an analysis of the literature pertaining to patient spiritual needs. The authors embedded these constructs within a... more
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      NursingSpiritualityPalliative CareHolistic Nursing
Background: The extension of roles within the Primary Care Team is one approach recommended to address the shortage of GPs in the UK. A key aspect of care that Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) can undertake is acute home visits. Aim:... more
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      NursingPrimary CareGeneral PracticePrimary Health Care
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      YogaSkeletal muscle biologyHolistic NursingMedicine
Mindfulness is a burgeoning field of study and practice within mental health care and medicine. Yet ethical codes, and the philosophy of the therapist-client relationship, differ greatly between disciplines, and even more between those... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyPsychiatry
The objective of this study was to identify culturally grounded meanings of the concepts of comfort, presence, and involvement in the context of the childbirth experience. This was an exploratory study using a descriptive, qualitative... more
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      NursingContent AnalysisHolistic NursingCross-Cultural Comparison
This article describes the Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice. It defines holistic nursing, its five core values, and its practice standards. These include holistic philosophy, theory, and ethics; holistic caring process;... more
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      CommunicationEvidence Based MedicineHolistic NursingCultural Diversity
The purpose of this study was to uncover the essence and meaning of healing through narrative accounts of holistic nurses, using a qualitative, descriptive design integrating narrative and story inquiry. Twenty-five stories were... more
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      NursingHolistic NursingHolistic HealthNarration
To investigate the effects of Therapeutic Touch (TT) on anxiety, vital signs, and cardiac dysrhythmia in women undergoing cardiac catheterization. Design: It was a quasi-experimental study. The participants had no history of... more
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      NursingHolistic NursingAnxietyIran
"Abstract Many healthcare finance mechanisms involve transferring uncertain costs to healthcare providers in lieu of fixed payments or global capitation. Global capitation violates basic principles of risk management through insurance.... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceMathematicsApplied MathematicsNursing
0 0 1 ) D . ( 2 0 0 1 ) Journal of Advanced Nursing 33(5), 668±676 Advancing the science of symptom management Abstract. Since the publication of the original Symptom Management Model (Larson et al. 1994), faculty and students at the... more
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      NursingHolistic NursingAdvanced Nursing Practice
Aim. The aim of this study was to explore how Thai nurses in intensive care units of a university hospital in Bangkok provided spiritual care to their patients. Background. The function of nursing is to promote health, prevent illness,... more
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      AsthmaHolistic NursingHealth Services ResearchEngland
This article is a philosophical review of school nursing and its constructs framed by Barbara Dossey’s holistic nursing theory. The author describes the application of holistic nursing theory within the school nurse’s area of activity.... more
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      NursingHolistic Nursing
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      NursingEvidence Based MedicineHealth CareHolistic Nursing
Patient anxiety is frequently associated with admission and treatment in Critical Care Units. In Critical Care, one aim is the promotion of comfort so that anxiety experienced by patients can be reduced. In this article, a... more
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      Holistic NursingAnxietyINTENSIVE CARETherapeutic Touch
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      Holistic NursingHolistic HealthBach flower remediesPranic Healing
Background: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is associated with anxiety. Preoperative anxiety is considered a predictor for a range of suboptimal postsurgical outcomes. Objective: To evaluate the effect of a spiritual/religious... more
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      NursingSpiritualityQuality of lifeReligion and medicine
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of relaxing music on pain intensity in patients with neuropathic pain. A quasi-experimental study, repeated measures design was used. Thirty patients, aged 18-70 years, with neuropathic... more
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      PsychologyNursingTreatment OutcomeHolistic Nursing
Holistic approach to nursing care is a comprehensive model that involves all facets of care which involves mental, spiritual, and social needs of patients. However, studies have shown that most nurses are not familiar with this model of... more
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      SpiritualityCaring ScienceHolistic Nursing
The competency-based approach to education, training and assessment has surfaced as a key policy in industrialised nations. Following the transition of nurse preparation to the higher education sector the need to attenuate the tension of... more
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      NursingEducational MeasurementHolistic NursingCompetence
The purpose of the research paper is to provide an example of an annotated bibliography of at least six scholarly or peer- reviewed articles. The written annotations are illustrated from books, Web sites, articles, government documents... more
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      Medical SciencesRace and EthnicityHolistic Nursing
Aims and objectives: This article aims to clarify the concept of ''holism'' in nursing through the use of Rodgers . Concept analysis and the development of nursing knowledge; the evolutionary cycle. Journal of Advanced Nursing 14,... more
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      NursingSpiritualityHolistic NursingHolism
Vibroacoustic therapy is a new sound technology that uses audible sound vibrations to reduce symptoms, invoke relaxation, and alleviate stress. This technology is developed based on the recognition that external vibration can influence... more
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      NursingPainHolistic NursingMusic Therapy
Purpose: The aim of the case study was to determine the effectiveness of massage in the management of stress urinary incontinence. Design: A 50-year-old woman with many years' history of stress incontinence was treated with massage.... more
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      NursingTreatment OutcomeHolistic NursingMassage
Health and nursing are shifting from acute care to community settings, causing confusion for clients and professionals. Although the holistic nursing perspective has improved care to human beings in interaction with their environment and... more
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      NursingCommunity HealthHolistic NursingCommunication System
95±102 Indicators for competent nursing practice Aims and background This paper identi®es and classi®es indicators for competent nursing practice and validates these indicators in a variety of settings. Descriptive data to address... more
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      NursingHolistic NursingFinlandNursing Management
The term person-centered care (PCC) has been frequently used in the literature, but there is no consensus about its meaning. This article uses Walker and Avants's method of concept analysis as a framework to analyze PCC. A literature... more
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      NursingQuality of Mental Health CareHolistic NursingHolistic Health
Seven major constructs-belonging, meaning, hope, the sacred, morality, beauty, and acceptance of dying-were revealed in an analysis of the literature pertaining to patient spiritual needs. The authors embedded these constructs within a... more
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      NursingSpiritualityPalliative CareHolistic Nursing
The educational preparation of registered nurses is presumed to reflect a holistic approach with emphasis on the bio-psychosocial model of care. The broader literature suggests this goal is not always realised. The aim of this study is to... more
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      NursingMental HealthMental Health nursingHolistic Nursing
This article discusses some novel approaches that can be implemented in Sri Lanka to upgrade its nursing education to meet global challenges. Globally, employers look for nursing professionals who possess competencies compatible with the... more
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      Information TechnologyEmotional intelligenceEvidence Based NursingPsychological Empowerment
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      NursingNursing TheoriesMental Health nursingPsychiatric & Mental Health Nursing
To help patients achieve the greatest benefit from cardiac rehabilitation programs, nurses must assist them to modify unhealthy behaviors. Many cardiac rehabilitation programs, however, lack a theoretical foundation; therefore,... more
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      NursingHolistic NursingSelf EfficacyHuman behavior
Bach remedies were identified by Dr Edward Bach, a physician and homoeopath. Bach flower remedies consist of 38 remedies which are designed as a system of emotional healing. Remedies are dispensed in homoeopathic dosages, are safe and do... more
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      HomeopathyMedicinal PlantsHolistic NursingEngland
ilmu keperawatan dasar yang membahas tentang holistik care yang terdiri dari pendahuluan, pengertian, sejarah, perawatan, dimensi perawatan, macam- macam holistik care, dan penerapan holistik care
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      Holistic EducationHolistic NursingHolistic HealthHolistic care
This past fall, a group of Illinois Wesleyan University faculty members participated in roughly a weeklong visit to Russia, as part of an ongoing exchange that began in fall 2010, when the IWU campus hosted several colleagues from Russia... more
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      Cultural StudiesPlastic SurgeryGovernmentMicrosurgery
topic. A nursing model for psychiatric nursing.source. Author's clinical work, review of literature.goal. To describe this model and its use with psychiatric clients.conclusion. This model complements the biomedical model by helping... more
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      NursingHolistic NursingExistentialismPsychiatric Nursing
Document Summary)
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      NursingPrimary Health CareSpiritualityHolistic Nursing
Document Summary)
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      NursingPrimary Health CareSpiritualityHolistic Nursing
Kesehatan merupakan suatu keadaan dinamis dari terwujudnya kesejahteraan fisik, psikis, sosial dan spiritual. Asuhan keperawatan spiritual merupakan bagian dari pelayanan keperawatan yang holistik dan komprehensif, namun keberadaannya... more
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      SpiritualityHolistic NursingSpiritual care
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      NursingIntegrative MedicineHolistic NursingHospitals
Diseases, illness, injuries, mental and physical problems are all caused by disturbance the energy field. Once these disturbances can be corrected a person can come back to a state of health. The spiritual nursing care or energy healing... more
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      PsychologyNursingSpiritualityComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Spiritual services for patients in health care services are important. Spiritual care is one of the basic domains in the efforts of quality palliative care services. Its began when hospice services were developed into palliative services.... more
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      Holistic NursingSpiritual careSpiritual Care and Nursing
Five years ago, if you told either one of us that we would be coordinating women's cancer studies, we probably would have laughed and said "There is no way!" We both are old post partum and OB/GYN clinic nurses from way back, but through... more
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      Self CareHolistic NursingCultural DiversityComplementary Therapies
Spiritual care is an important component of holistic care. In Australia competency statements relating to nursing practice emphasise the need to provide care that addresses the spiritual as well as other aspects of being. However, many... more
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      NursingSpiritualityAustraliaHolistic Nursing