In lectures delivered to psychologists in the 1920s and ’30s, Marcel Mauss argued for a rapprochement between sociology and psychology. His goal was not disciplinary unification, but rather a more holistic sociology that recognized the... more
This paper presents the results of a monitoring campaign conducted in the inner west of the city of Sydney during the 2019/2020 bushfire season. The combined effects of extreme pollution, heat waves and droughts are analyzed in terms of... more
The evaluation and selection among the best production practices beyond the conventional linear models is, nowadays, concerned with those holistic approaches drawn toward environmental assessment in industry. Therefore, researchers need... more
Alternative healing, including spiritual healing, unconventional, traditional/folk, and complementary medical treatments, is an increasingly relevant health-care resource in contemporary health-care systems, and a broad, constantly... more
Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systems with groundwater heat pumps (GWHP) provide a promising and effective technology to match the renewable energy supply and demand between seasons. This paper analyses the integration of an ATES... more
Processing has major impacts on both the structure and composition of food and hence on nutritional value. In particular, high consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) is associated with increased risks of obesity and diabetes.... more
This article presents the HOLOS System, a control architecture infrastructure to be applied on dynamic scheduling. It is knowledge based, open, distributed (multi-agent), flexible, integrated, object-oriented, extendible and modular. The... more
We are taught to think that the description of relativistic phenomena requires distorted time and distance. The message of this essay is that, in a holistic perspective, time and distance are universal coordinate quantities, and... more
The patient-centred model of health care, which recognises patients' autonomy, promotes their active participation in decisions concerning their own health, and strives to treat patients holistically, improves health outcomes but relies... more
We consider a wcll-known thermo-diffusive model for the propagation of a premixed, adiabatic flame front in the large-activation-cnergy limit. That model depends only on one nondimensional parameter /?, the reduced Lewis number. Near the... more
Ecological tourism is intimately associated with natural features such as scenic beauty, beaches and marine areas, flora and fauna, parks and conservation areas. Increasingly, this tourism is organized to help in the cause of rural... more
The intention of this book is to give an overview of Adler’s fundamental ideas tracing the development of his theory of psychotherapy during the years between 1912 and 1937: the compensation of inferiority feeling and the founding of the... more
The present study examines the driving forces behind smart city implementations. Besides the results of international and European standardization efforts, the importance of holistic approach to cities and the issues of cities as complex... more
An overview of Goethean science as it illustrates an early proto-phenomenology of the natural world.
The quality of higher education is linked to listening and to satisfying the needs of all those involved (social partners, teachers, students, institutional bodies). The satisfaction of these needs requires a holistic approach that is... more
This paper is a first attempt at outlining a conceptualisation of critical thinking that foregrounds the role of emotions and feelings. Building on a relational and interdependent perspective (as opposed to the traditional... more
Culture is the main determining factor of dynamic changes in the ecological-territorial systems. Agriculture, rurality and landscape are basic concepts handling the study of said systems. Agriculture is conceptualized as the relationship... more
The fact that digital competence is a key competence in the 21 st century, which increases the educational level of an individual (in the lifelong learning process) and the chances for their professional growth and personal satisfaction... more
UNIWERSYTET ZINTEGROWANEGO KSZTAŁCENIA 3. Nauki społeczne i humanistyczne a Nauki o Sobie i Życiu W tym rozdziale przyjrzyjmy się pewnym elementom zakresu nauk społecznych i humanistycznych w kontekście Nauk o Sobie i Życiu.. Zgodnie z... more
The IT industry was welcomed with open arms into the city as per the IT policy of the State government of Maharashtra. Pune is widely regarded as the second major "IT hub of India" and the top automobile and manufacturing hub of India.... more
Summary For Gestalt psychology and Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy the "top-down approach" is characteristic. The article elaborates the four meanings in which one can refer to this: On the one hand one can speak of "top-down"... more
The paper examines Hungarian English majors' emotional and identity responses to second language acquisition (SLA) and proposes that the two are inherently linked. The theoretical underpinnings of the study draw on the holistic... more
Increasingly recognized threats from climate change and the progressive sixth mass extinction require not only searching for new technological solutions, but also changing the perception of the world and the beings living in it. There is... more
أن هذه المقالة تمثل طرحا للبنية التحتية المسبقة لهذه الرؤية، بوصفها رؤية روحية كلية تتعلق بكليات الوجود وبكليات الحياة الإنسانية وعلاقاتها وتفاعلاتها على هذه الأرض؛ ذلك لأنه لا حجية لأية رؤية كلية يقينية للحياة، وما وراء الحياة، إلا أن... more
Bu araştırmada, “Almaşık ve karmaşık gerçeklere bütünsel (holistik) yaklaşıldığında, düşünsel olarak tanımlanan sistemik yapıya sahip bilimsel bir bilgi köprüsünden hangi yaklaşımlar geçer/geçebilir?” sorusu irdelenmektedir. Bu araştırma,... more
Confronting current challenges, especially the COVID-19 pandemic, and striving to create a hopeful future – an era of life and active longevity – determine an urgent global need to implement the principles of humanity and create a new... more
Abstracto La desintoxicación es una necesidad y sencilla para el organismo de eliminación de sustancias no deseadas. Este efecto más de 300 millones de estadounidenses y casi 8 mil millones de personas en la Tierra hoy. Los vivos, los... more
The study sought to explore relevant intervention strategies for addressing academic, personal, social, and career needs for female students at a university in Eswatini with a view to enhance a holistic wellness of students. A qualitative... more
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768–1834) is often referred to as the father of modern theology and thus not only the originator of new theol- ogy, but of a new era. Mariña ranks him with calvin, Aquinas, and Augustine. The claim... more
The purpose of this study to examine the effect of a science course focused on curriculum differentiation with holistic approach on gifted students’ understandings about atomic structure. The case study approach was used in this research.... more
This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose... more
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Modern education system are more focused on the development of learners’ mental intelligence and potential for economic productivity. However, the primary aim of education is neglected - to create conditions for persons to develop as a... more
The main argument of this dissertation is defined by a multidisciplinary nature of conducted research. The first presented hypothesis of this study is that Rudolf Steiner and Richard Buckminster Fuller are distinguished from other... more
500 words max): 1 18--19 November 2014 l Padua, Italy Cristobal Altaverapaz. By studying the logic of action of actors who mobilize to establish a solution, it proposes an approach for policy experts, that finds compromise between... more
We are using the term archetype to refer to a metaphysical intelligence or an immaterial energy force of entelechy1 that purposively guides us to gradually fulfill the fullest range of potentials or capabilities that are built into the... more
La 'complejidad' de Morin desarrolla caminos ya iniciados por Gregory Bateson y es también superior a otras propuestas con similar denominación dado que postula un holismo con conciencia de las partes y a la vez, dada su procedencia de... more
This project focuses on the affective side of creative thinking and creating a bridge to the cognitive side. It presents the personal transformation of the author using non-drug induced altered states of consciousness. The finished... more
This paper aims to address the effects of speed as an urban fragment in the city and suggests finding ways to change percep- tions toward the negative effects of speed in İstanbul. It is supposed that changing our perception or ways of... more
Veliko število tveganj in nevarnosti je povezanih z izpustom toksičnih industrijskih materialov (TIM) ali ROTA dogodki (drugačni izpusti nevarnih snovi - angl. Release Other Than Attack). Prepričanje, da je vojaška zaščitna oprema v... more
Impairment and disability are fundamental human experiences across cultures, yet disability remains curiously under-studied and under-theorized within anthropology, particularly within physical anthropology and archaeology. Why is this... more