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Holistic Approaches

343 papers
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Holistic approaches refer to methodologies that consider the whole system rather than just its individual components. This perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of various elements, integrating physical, emotional, social, and environmental factors to achieve comprehensive understanding and solutions in fields such as health, education, and organizational development.
What happens to researchers interested in spirituality, as they engage with a large number of spiritual exemplars? This question is explored, based on the experience of 14 research collaborators in a qualitative phenomenological study of... more
Günümüz dünyasında yapay zeka hayatımızın her noktasında günden güne daha önem kazanan bir olgu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yapay zekâ ve zekâ kavramlarının farklı özelliklere sahip kavramlar olmakla birlikte, kişilere benzersiz... more
Bu kitabın her türlü yayın hakkı Yaz Yayınları'na aittir, tüm hakları saklıdır. Kitabın tamamı ya da bir kısmı 5846 sayılı Kanun'un hükümlerine göre, kitabı yayınlayan firmanın önceden izni alınmaksızın elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi ya da... more
Dreams are defined as "a restorative process that is brain state-regulated, reversible, and homeostatic, integrated within both circadian and social-physiological structures, and characterized by a speciesspecific quiescent posture, a... more
In this paper, the author discusses the concept of »immediate experience« and its meaning for Adlerian Psychology. With reference to Daniel Stern's (2005) concept of »Now Moments« and Michel Henry's (1992) Phenomenology of Life«, the... more
Eğitimdeki geleneksel yaklaşımlar genellikle öğrencilerin bireysel ihtiyaçlarını ve yeteneklerini göz ardı etme eğilimindedir. Ancak, her öğrencinin öğrenme tarzı, hız ve yetenekleri farklıdır. Bu farklılıkları göz önünde bulunduran... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the elementary school teachers' implementation of differentiated curriculum in mixed ability classes in Nicosia in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Quantitative data were... more
Transpersonal psychotherapy (TPT) lacks systematization, as it lacks a model that characterizes what qualifies a psychotherapy as transpersonal. Due to this situation, TPT has been developed in a state of fragmentation, through a... more
Matematik öğrenme güçlüğü olarak bilinen diskalkuli üzerine yapılan araştırmalar son yıllarda artış göstermiş olsa da, bu konudaki toplumsal far-kındalık düzeyi hala yeterli değildir. Bu nedenle, diskalkuliye sahip bireylere yönelik... more
Since the time of Franz anton Mesmer, hypnosis has been igniting powerful fascination, galvanizing evocative reactions and responses, and inspiring disciplined theoretical, practical, and research inquiries and pursuits. "Hypnosis can... more
Following the adoption of the recommendations of the 1999 Presidential Commission of enquiry into Education and Training, the Ministry of Education, Sport, Art and Culture in the year 2005 came up with the Director Circular Minute Number... more
This research explores the previously unacknowledged importance of Zeki Müren’s collaboration with Fecri Ebcioğlu in rewriting and performing Charles Aznavour’s “La Mamma” [Mama] in Turkish in 1964 as “Annem”. At that time, Müren was... more
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı, üstün zekâ etiketinin üstün zekâlı olarak tanılanan öğrencilerin kendilerine ve ebeveynlerinin ve arkadaşları-nın tutumlarına ilişkin algıları üzerindeki etki-lerini araştırmaktır. Üstün zekâ ile ilgili... more
Idea of quantum entanglement is discussed in the context of debate about the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen thought experiment and some theoretical studies of quantum systems. It is noted that Schrödinger invented this idea in 1935 in order to... more
This research paper focuses on one particular case of cultural heritage, namely cultural transfer under the specific condition of almost complete displacement and subsequent partial resettlement of selected Czech border areas in... more
Generative linguistics treats inflections as subspecifications of the node INFL. This means that, for instance, tense and mood morphemes count as heads, parallel to lexical heads, as far as the formal structure goes. It is hard to find... more
Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må citeres fra den. Følgende betingelser skal dog vaere opfyldt: • Citatet skal vaere i overensstemmelse med "god skik" • Der må kun citeres "i det omfang, som betinges af formålet"
1. Sorrig og Glaede På italiensk er udtrykket per filo e per segno 1 et idiom, dannet af ordet filo 'tråd' og segno 'tegn', og efter ordbøgerne betyder det 'i alle detal-jer'. 2 Det er formentlig en barokantitese,... more
Abstract: The article undertakes a thorough analysis of the initiatives executed by researchers within the purview of the international "NEW ABC project – Networkingthe Educational Worlds: Across Boundaries for Community Building", as... more
Somut islemsel donemdeki ustun ve normal zekâli cocuklarin somut dusunme yeteneklerinin incelenmesi” basligini tasiyan bu arastirmanin amaci; Ogrencilerin somut dusunme yetenekleri; cinsiyet, sinif, sosyo- ekonomik seviye, okul turu, okul... more
Makna: Menggabungkan kata "Eco" (ekologi) dengan "Harmonia" (harmoni), nama ini mencerminkan integrasi yang seimbang antara alam dan desain arsitektur modern, serta keberlanjutan melalui prinsip permaculture.
For South African communities to achieve substantive progress, the establishment of strategic partnerships is essential for effectively addressing their complex social challenges. Churches, given their profound community presence and... more
La astrotanatología, según mi criterio y experiencia por más de treinta años en la materia astrológica consultiva y terapéutica, al situarse en el cruce entre la astrología, la filosofía y la tanatología, explora el significado más... more
Günümüz dünyasında yapay zeka hayatımızın her noktasında günden güne daha önem kazanan bir olgu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yapay zekâ ve zekâ kavramlarının farklı özelliklere sahip kavramlar olmakla birlikte, kişilere benzersiz... more
This article explores the integration of Western scientific paradigms and endogenous knowledge systems as a pathway to more inclusive and sustainable development. While Western science, rooted in positivism and empiricism, has driven... more
The aim of this article is to comprehensively examine the ways in which digital competences and their components are defined in the recommendations of the European Union (EU), the European Commission (EC) and the United Nations... more
Research on cultural differences from various perspectives, including linguistics, cultural patterns, models of cultures, and cognitive style, has contributed to cross-cultural design. Culture is a way of life, whereas design implies... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Regardless of what each person considers to be healthy, we all want to live a life free of pain. In one way or another, we all want wellness. Well, the book Holistic Healing, edited by Peter A. Dunn, presents various holistic healing... more
Verbal aptitude is described as the ability to use the written language and to grasp concepts which are delivered through words. Aptitude plays a prominent role in foreign language learning. The studies conducted by researchers resulted... more
Gynecological cancers require complex intervention since patients have specific needs to be addressed. Centralization to high-volume centers improves the oncological outcomes of patients with gynecological cancers. Research in... more
Diante das múltiplas crises ambientais e sociais causadas em grande parte pelo comportamento predatório do ser humano em seu habitat, o principal desafio que se apresenta à espécie humana é o de construir e nutrir comunidades humanas... more
İnsan, sosial, iqtisadi və ekoloji aspektlərin davamlılığı haqqında dialoqlar hazırda dünyanın hər yerində — mediada, ictimai yerlərdə, iş yerlərində, sinif otaqlarında və bir çox başqa sahələrdə aparılır. Ekoloji davamlılığın tədris... more
cómo quienes reciben un amor incondicional continuado durante toda su vida se convierten en adultos con una alta autoestima y gran confianza en sí mismos BRIAN TRACY Para mi esposo, Damon, que me alienta con su amor y respaldo... more
In the face of the multiple environmental and social crises largely caused by the predatory behavior of human beings in their habitat, the main challenge that the human species must deal with is to build and nurture sustainable human... more
This thesis seeks to rethink ̶ from an unconventional, holistic perspective ̶ the Fundamental Principle of Humanity (‘Humanity’) as adopted in 1965 by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (the Movement). ‘Humanity’,... more
Effective preventative measures are necessary since cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) continue to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. An outline of the new behavioural intervention paradigm for preventing cardiovascular... more
The research paper aims to build a comprehensive model of the organization and to the continuous development and improvement process, so as to be a methodological basis the helps researchers in possessing a comprehensive that will enable... more
Many contemporary societal challenges manifest themselves in the domain of human-environment interactions. There is a growing recognition that responses to these challenges formulated within current disciplinary boundaries, in isolation... more
The study sought to explore relevant intervention strategies for addressing academic, personal, social, and career needs for female students at a university in Eswatini with a view to enhance a holistic wellness of students. A qualitative... more
ÖZET 'Mimarın eğitimi' çift anlamlı çağrışımları olan spekülatif bir terim. Mimarlık eğitiminin sorgulanmasında bu kurgusal terimin çağrışımları farklı açılımlara neden olduğundan son yıllarda çok sık kullanılıyor. Bu makalede söz konusu... more
Se muestra la forma en que: desde la mente consciente podemos influiren la mente subconsciente para guiar nuestra vida en la dirección en que deseamos