History of yoga
Recent papers in History of yoga
We are organising a 2-day symposium on yoga and the body to be held at the Australian National University, Canberra. Here is the link to register: http://chl.anu.edu.au/news-events/events/658/yoga-and-body-past-and-present-symposium... more
Представлене видання дає можливість сучасним дослідникам і практикам йоґи глибше зрозуміти йоґічну медитацію — дг’яну. У монографії досліджується процес становлення й розвитку філософських засад дг’яни в історичній перспективі. Автор... more
Addressing the Yogasūtra योगसूत्र, or 'the point of view' codified in the Patañjali system, is a difficult task. We are faced with an Opera written in a sacred language, to which we approach with due respect. The text is hermetic, as it... more
In this eighth part of Vyutpatti, the words
1) Sthiti, 2) Aṅga and 3) Viniyoga with etymological, lexical and textual references are analysed and presented.
1) Sthiti, 2) Aṅga and 3) Viniyoga with etymological, lexical and textual references are analysed and presented.
Yoga implies various things to various individuals. This subject spotlights on a sort of yoga called Hatha yoga. One of the advantages of Hatha yoga is that it can ease pressure and help you unwind. Yoga incorporates breathing,... more
Wiek XIX, a zwłaszcza jego ostatnie dekady, był świadkiem niezwykle ożywionego procesu, który prowadził do rozprzestrzeniania się jogi poza granice subkontynentu Indyjskiego. Była to jedna z konsekwencji kulturowego spotkania Wschodu z... more
La Via tradizionale richiede di essere direttamente sperimentata come processo evolutivo concreto, del quale abbiamo testimonianze precise: “..vi sono sempre stati e vi sono degli esseri che hanno svelato, in quanto lo vivono, e non... more
“O human beings, you are fortunate. The clarion call of the Universal has reached you. Not only has the call come, but you are hearing it and it is vibrating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie in the corner of your house as an... more
An international symposium at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Malgré les recherches d'historiens, les connaissances sur la diffusion, l'évolution et les transformations du yoga en Europe, notamment en France et en Suisse, restent assez mal connues. Cette conférence aura pour vocation de faire la... more
Rāmabhadra Dīkṣita, a great grammarian and poet, who belonged to Tamilnadu, wrote in the 17th century, a text on the life of Patañjali, called ‘Patañjalicaritam.’ The text contains 8 chapters and approximately six hundred verses. The... more
Le yoga répond aujourd’hui à une forme « d’injonction sociale au bien-être » (Cedestrom, Spicer 2016). Depuis les années 2000, d’un côté, de nombreuses études médicales tendent à démontrer les bienfaits du yoga (Birn 2008, Bhimani 2011,... more
Compare the representation of women in historical buddhism with modern day buddhism.
Joga była stałym, powszechnym i ważnym elementem europejskiej XIX wiecznej myśli ezoterycznej i okultystycznej. W jej ramach joga doczekała się wielu interpretacji, często bardzo odległych od jej tradycyjnego, indyjskiego rozumienia, a... more
This conference presentation explores the introduction of yoga to Russia through the travelogues of the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891). The paper compares Blavatsky's views on yoga as a postural and... more
The c. eleventh century CE Amṛtasiddhi conceives of a bindu-oriented (semen) model of the yogic body which may be leveraged for yogic ends. Verse 7.8 teaches bindu to be of two kinds: bīja is male bindu, rajas is female bindu; when... more
Tratto da: Pātañjala Yogasūtrāṇi Le fondamenta:Yama e Niyama Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol II – terza edizione A cura di Fabio Milioni YCP 2020, ISBN | 979-12-20306-83-6 Pgg. 371-413 Yama, Niyama e salute della popolazione... more
A critical overview of the complex history of how was hathayoga constructed and re-fashioned. It pays attention to textual sources in Sanskrit and Hindi, but also considers some modern chapters in hathayoga's history.
M 6:30-9 PM office: Eaton 329 Eaton 333 7-2322 [email protected] ofc. hrs: M. 3-5pm.
Bozza preliminare dal testo: Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi Aperti Patañjali Yogasūtra – Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol I -Yama e Niyama, i Doveri (astensioni e osservanze) III^ ed. in corso di preparazione. dal Capitolo: I... more
Free sample PDF of my translation of the classic manual on Hatha Yoga. Contains the original Sanskrit, a new English translation, and photographs of all the asanas.
A Comprehensive Guide to Yoga's History, Texts, Philosophy, and Practices. Published on January 5, 2021 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Find out more at http://truthofyoga.com
“The true devotees love the world, the society and everything around because they perceive each and every manifestation of the artful Prakrti (Supreme Creative Power) with one universal spirit. They also love the finite, since it is also... more
In his book Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar (1922-1990), a spiritual teacher (also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti) and social philosopher, clarifies the role of Lord Krśńa as both the real author of the Mahábhárata... more
Premessa: nell’emisfero occidentale, e non solo, si è avuta una larghissima diffusione di pratiche che vengono proposte come ‘meditazione’. Tale diffusione è seconda soltanto alle pratiche fisiche (āsana) dello Yoga, spesso proposte come... more
The research paper aims to analyze the definitions of the concept of dhyāna in the Mokṣadharmaparvan of the ancient Indian epic Mahābhārata. Understanding the dhyāna in the Mokṣadharmaparvan makes it possible to comprehend the process of... more
Millions of Americans practice yoga in studios, gyms, and their basements. Millions more have some vague idea what yoga is all about. How far are these modern practices and understandings from the systems of spiritual discipline that... more
Independent scholar. https://jeanmacphail.academia.edu/ CHAPTER 2 AND LEVEL II Müller's Science of Religion and Vivekananda's Yoga as a Science Vivekananda's Emphasis on Yoga or Self-transformation Vis à Vis Müller With regard to Müller's... more
Con questo breve intervento, destinato ai lettori italiani, riportiamo uno stralcio in bozza tratta dal testo, in corso di redazione: Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi Aperti, Patañjali Yogasūtra. Il “punto di vista” dello Yoga Vol I... more
This chapter offers analytical meta-reflection on the process of identifying, surveying and examining the current field of academic yoga and meditation studies. It discusses significant and ongoing shifts in this field of study, as well... more
In the West, yoga of today is practiced with a strong focus on the physical exercises; whilst in India yoga is generally understood to be a mainstream ancient spiritual philosophy (Joshi 2018). This difference is at the core of a rigorous... more
Tradução do inglês para o português do "Discurso de Dattātreya sobre Yoga" (a partir de tradução do sânscrito para o inglês de James Mallinson).
Illness and Immortality examines a medieval Sanskrit text, the Netra Tantra, which is devoted to health and healing through a yogic practice dedicated to the chanting of mantras, the building of mandalas, and meditation. Patricia Sauthoff... more
In the wake of the Great Depression, Paramhansa Yogananda proposed the creation of spiritual yoga communities he called "World Brotherhood Colonies" as a solution to the suffering experienced throughout America. This book chapter traces... more
Yoga has become trendy. This generally-Eastern, vaguely-mystical practice is now a favored exercise for soccer moms, college students, and the elderly alike. It is likely to be this decade's jazzercise and "Sweatin' to the Oldies," only... more
Wątki orientalne stanowią istotny komponent powstających na Zachodzie nurtów myśli ezoterycznej okresu międzywojennego, a ezoteryzm polski nie był pod tym względem wyjątkowy. W tym kontekście Indie zaczęły być postrzegane jako źródło... more
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888 - 1989) is widely acknowledged as the father of Modern Postural Yoga. This paper carefully analyzes one of his few major works, the 1934 Yoga Rahasya, . The book reveals the depth of Krishnamcharya's... more
Yoga, bedeni, zihni ve ruhu eğiten ve kişinin kendini tanımasını sağlayan en eski kişisel gelişim yöntemlerinden biridir. Hindistan’da ortaya çıkmasına rağmen, Yoga felsefesi tüm dünyaya yayılmıştır. Özellikle yoganın sağlık üzerindeki... more