History of magic

493 papers
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The history of magic is the study of the development, practices, and cultural significance of magical beliefs and rituals throughout human history. It encompasses various forms of magic, including folk magic, ceremonial magic, and the evolution of magical thought in relation to religion, science, and society.
In the early modern period, accusations of treasure hunting became increasingly common in Inquisition trials in the Principality of Catalonia. The reason for this shift was the Church’s attitude towards judicial astrology, most notably... more
Dans son traité Comment on devient Mage (1892), Joséphin Péladan prescrit un ensemble de rites rigoureux au futur Mage, qui doit se soumettre à l’abstinence sexuelle, suivre une alimentation particulière ou encore s’adonner à la toilette... more
The aim of the dissertation is to verify the extent to which Barbara Radziwiłłówna’sbiography meets the criteria for becoming the subject of legend. Her observation encompassesthe shaping of this cultural category as such, not in literary... more
The article reviews key publications containing information about alchemy in the Orthodox Slavs of Eastern Europe. It analyses a range of published materials that cover questions of archeologicy, early modern manuscripts, and major... more
Tarantism is among the most famous occult phenomena of the early modern age. In the seventeenth century, it was the subject of numerous studies by physicians, philosophers and natural magicians. Given this considerable amount of research,... more
La pensée magique aurait-elle fertilisé en profondeur l’athéisme moderne ? Adrien Mangili explore la façon dont les libres penseurs, tels Gabriel Naudé et Charles Sorel, ont utilisé la magie naturelle pour contester les dogmes... more
Questo volume introduce ai significati custoditi per secoli nelle immagini di manoscritti e grimori, enigmatici libri, dipinti e arcani oggetti rituali. Una narrazione fitta di intrecci e rimandi, quintessenza del pensiero magico antico... more
HE FAMOUS Arabic handbook of magic GhMyat al-hakim, the Goal of the Wise of Pseudo-Maslama al-Majriti and its Latin version diffused under the name Picatrix need no introduction here.' The following notes concern the origin of the name... more
A teaching document for my recent class on how to create sigils using medieval and renaissance methods.
Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 1210) developed at least three distinct accounts of ‘reasoning’ (fikr/naẓar) over the course of his career. The latest of these is both historically unprecedented as well as perhaps the most philosophically... more
What do golems, talismans, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) share? How would Ibn Sīnā have classified ChatGPT? Must AI be demythologized, or can mythos help us navigate a strange new world? Why does AI seem occult, and is ChatGPT a... more
This article aims to trace epistemological connections between cybernetics and German media theory by emphasizing the notion of forgetting. This notion is presented as a central condition for problematizing, first, the human-machine... more
Tommaso Daineri's Letters about the Astronomical Instruments of Wladislas II. Combining Italianate and science historical interests, the two authors present for the first time in Hungarian translation the descriptions of the astronomical... more
De duivel intrigeert en inspireert. Van de Dode Zeerollen tot Rosemary's baby of Rushdies Duivelsverzen : de duivel is in talloze culturen niet weg te denken.
The Anthem Impact in History of Natural Magic welcomes concise, interdisciplinary research focused on natural magic and its history in Europe. Studies that investigate the relationships of natural magic with both the mathematical sciences... more
Interaction with ritual magic was a facet of monastic life, both inside and outside the monastery. This dissertation aims to analyse how monks attracted to other men and gender non-conforming monks used ritual magic as an unconscious tool... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the dynamic meaning of the term Ydea Salomonis, which appears in manuscripts from the late Middle Ages onward. 1 This article aims to analyze the dynamics of the term Ydea Salomonis and demonstrate... more
Victorian Alchemy explores nineteenth-century conceptions of ancient Egypt as this extant civilisation was being ‘rediscovered’ in the modern world. With its material remnants somewhat paradoxically symbolic of both antiquity and... more
This paper delves into the concept of imitatio Bibliae—the imitation of the Bible—in the context of magical operations, specifically nigromancy. By examining a multitude of related texts with rich textual traditions across both Hebrew and... more
источник Er Sherz by AI Итак, на протяжении всей истории человечества человек силился понять и проникнуть за грань своей личностной обусловленности, определить уровни свободы и границы возможного и невозможного, достигнуть того, что... more
On the world oC the prtnted book in late flfteenth-and early sixteenth-centUI)' Europe. see among others.
I meravigliosi segreti del governo: politica e meraviglioso nel Secretum secretorum, XIII-XVII secolo Marine Goburdhun Expérimenter lors des crises épidémiques: quinquina et peste de Naples (1656) Cristina Ciancio Carichi di meraviglia. I... more
Hanté par l'image d'Épinal du magicien érudit penché sur son grimoire, la recherche en sciences des secrets (magie, astrologie, alchimie, illusionnisme, divination, médecine ésotérique, etcs.) a longtemps négligé l'étude de la place des... more
This is a specialist publication, mainly for those absorbed in the history of science, and particularly of interest to those riveted by the ideas scientists and philosophers have had about the nature of matter. It is a short book of 136... more
This is the 4th volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images, Aries Book Series, Volume 40. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic... more
This is the 3rd volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images, Aries Book Series, Volume 39. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic... more
This is the 2nd volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images, Aries Book Series, Volume 38. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic... more
Contemporary scholars of Islamic thought who have engaged with the corpus of the polymath Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 1210) were able to show the quintessential role this thinker played in contributing to the development of the philosophical... more
This is the 1st volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images, Aries Book Series, Volume 37. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic... more
Introductory considerations on territorial and periodization issues The first general statement on the dissemination of magic texts in Central and Eastern Europe was put forward by David Pingree, who claimed that copies of such texts... more
Were east-central European royal courts more tolerant vis a vis astrology and magic in the 15th century? Determining the magnitude of someone's tolerance towards something is always an issue exposed to debates. It is relatively simple to... more
This is my contribution to a volume of articles on translating terms associated with the study of esotericism and the occult sciences to/from various languages. The full volume is available open-access at... more
Russian Literature, Volumes 93–94, Pages 1-344 (October–November 2017). Russian and Slavic magic, deeply intertwined with folklore and traditional beliefs, encompasses a rich tapestry of rituals, spells, and mythological figures that have... more
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is indeed a fascinating ancient text, revered for its profound wisdom and mystical significance. It's believed to contain the secrets of alchemy, spirituality, and the nature of reality itself.... more
A collection of Nechepso’s and Petosiris’s fragments in translation with minimal commentary
Los textos que se elaboran en el periodo formativo de la literatura de tradición islámica, el denominado early Islam o "islam temprano", ofrecen, en no pocas ocasiones, un campo de trabajo abierto a varias posibilidades en lo que respecta... more