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Statistics derives its power from classifying data and comparing the resulting distributions. In this paper, I will use two historical examples to highlight the importance of such data practices for statistical reasoning. The two examples... more
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      History of AnthropologyAnthropometricsHistory of geneticsHistory of statistics
Scientific internationalism-ideology, patrons aod networks: the 7th lntemational genetics congress. The history of the 7th international genetics congress is considered in detai\ and in social and poJitical context. Осенью 1936 года около... more
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      International RelationsSoviet HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of genetics
A pioneering study in ‘human genetics’ and the evolutionary aspects present in his revival of epigenetic theory should rank the French philosopher Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698–1759) among the great forerunners of genetics and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsHistory of ScienceEvolution
he triumphs of recent biology - understanding hereditary disease, the modern theory of evolution - are all thanks to the fruit fly, the guinea pig, the zebra fish and a handful of other organisms, which have helped us unravel one of... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of BiologyHistory of genetics
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      History of ScienceBrazilian StudiesBrazilHistory of genetics
This thesis focuses on the role and historical development of strategies of experimental domestication in scientific knowledge production, with a particular focus on the function of the laboratory strains known as 'wild types' in... more
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      History of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of BiologySociology Of Scientific KnowledgeBiology
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      GeneticsPhilosophy of ScienceBioethicsHistory and Philosophy of Biology
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      History of Science and TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryHistory of ScienceAgricultural History
For most of human history, the notion that paternity was uncertain appeared to be an immutable law of nature. The unknown father provided entertaining plotlines from Shakespeare to the Victorian novelists and lay at the heart of... more
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      European HistoryGeneticsU.S. historyFamily Law
Somatic hybridization is the particle collider of the biological world: where plant cells stripped of their cell wall are fused to create interspecific crosses containing a huge range of genetic information. This paper charts the origins... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyEnvironmental History
Race, Science and Skulls in the Green Desert of Mid-Wales
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      WelshHistory of ScienceWelsh HistorySociology of Science
By the summer of 1948, socialist Yugoslavia seemed determined to follow in the footsteps of its closest ally, the Soviet Union, and strike a decisive blow to “reactionary genetics.” But barely a month before the infamous VASKhNIL session,... more
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      MarxismHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of BiologyCold War
Esta tese tem por tema a constituição da Eugenia e da Criminologia na Universidade do Paraná, entre 1945 e 1964. A proposta visa historicizar a trajetória de produção da ciência eugênica e da ciência criminológica, compreendendo como... more
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      History Of EugenicsHistory of MedicineHistory of geneticsEugenics
Статья "Евгеника и генеалогия в отечественной науке 1920-х годов"
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      History Of EugenicsHistory of ScienceHistory of geneticsгенеалогия
Inauguración de la exposición "Antonio de Zulueta (1885-1971). Primer genetista de España" en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, lunes 20 de diciembre, 2021 [hasta el 28 de agosto de 2022]. Opening of the exhibition... more
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      GeneticsHistory of Natural HistoryHistory of ScienceNatural History
The name of Dr. Mengele is notorious for the 20 months he spent as "camp doctor" in the extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. There he collected twins, as well as whole families and and inmates with various bodily anomalies and... more
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      Nazi GermanyHistory of geneticsHistory of Science in Nazi GermanyNazi medical experiments
The first volume of Viaggiatori “Curatele” series seeks to recreate some scientific dialogues, namely meetings, exchanges and acquisition of theoretical and practical scientific knowledge, thus linking the cultural, historical and... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyModern HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
The indigenous populations of inner Eurasia—a huge geographic region covering the central Eurasian steppe and the northern Eurasian taiga and tundra—harbour tremendous diversity in their genes, cultures and languages. In this study, we... more
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      CaucasusHistory of geneticsAdmixtureHomeland
The indigenous populations of inner Eurasia, a huge geographic region covering the central Eurasian steppe and the northern Eurasian taiga and tundra, harbor tremendous diversity in their genes, cultures and languages. In this study, we... more
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      East AsiaCaucasusSiberiaHunter-Gatherer Archaeology
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      History of ScienceHistory of conceptsHeredityHistory of genetics
La historia de un triple redescubrimiento simultáneo de la obra de Mendel, ya presente en Correns y Tschermak, 1 encuentra su exposición clásica en Roberts. Según ella, el trabajo de Johann Gregor Mendel, que funda en 1865 el nuevo campo... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of BiologyHistory of genetics
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Nature B.V.. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGeneticsPhilosophy of Biology
Recent literature on the history of medicine in colonial Korea has revealed that Japanese medical scientists studied Korean bodies to expose racial differences between the Japanese and Koreans and justify Japanese colonial rule. Previous... more
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      History of ScienceKorean StudiesJapanese ColonialismEast Asian Studies
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      History of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of BiologyModel organismsDarwin
School science descriptions about Mendel and his story are problematic because several statements that are controversial among historians of science are repeated over and over again as if they were established facts. Another problem is... more
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      History of geneticsGenetics education
Barbara McClintock worked on genetics in corn (maize) plants and spent most of her life conducting research at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Laurel Hollow, New York. McClintock's research focused on reproduction and mutations in... more
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      History of BiologyHistory of geneticsPhilosophy and history of science
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryArchaeologyHistory Of Computing
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of ScienceCold WarHistory of Biology
The 'rediscovery' of Mendel's laws in 1900 was a turning point in modern research of heredity/genetics.
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      History of geneticsMendelism
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      Philosophy of BiologyHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of Biology
O caso Lysenko foi emblemático na história da ciência e teve seu auge no cenário de profundas disputas políticas e ideológicas da Guerra Fria. O agrônomo Trofim D. Lysenko sustentou na URSS a teoria pró-lamarckista de Ivan V. Michurin,... more
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      History of Biology (History)History and Philosophy of BiologyHistory of geneticsLysenko
Dean’s Teaching Fellowship, Johns Hopkins' Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Spring 2015
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      BioethicsDisability StudiesDisability HistoryHistory of genetics
This article examines the interaction between human population genetics and the reconstruction of national identities and histories. Since the first use of mitochondrial DNA analysis of human origins in 1987, scientific research on... more
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      MulticulturalismHistory of ScienceKorean StudiesRace and Ethnicity
Según la "historia oficial", el trabajo de Johann Gregor Mendel funda en 1865 el nuevo campo de la genética, aunque dicho trabajo permanece en general desconocido o bien se lo entiende mal, hasta que en el año 1900 es "redescubierto",... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of BiologyHistory of genetics
Le Lettres de M. de Maupertuis, qui riproposte nella loro traduzione settecentesca italiana (dal titolo originale: Lettere filosofiche del sig. di Maupertuis, Traduzione dal francese di Orazio Arrighi-Landini, Venezia 1760), furono... more
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      EnlightenmentHistory of BiologyHistory of geneticsEvoluzione
Two books recently published abroad by prominent historians of biology on Lysenkoism acknowledging the revival of interest in this phenomenon among the international scientific community are considered. The first book in two volumes, The... more
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    • History of genetics
The article will focus on the mutagenesis programme in agriculture implemented by the Italian Atomic Energy Commission, starting from 1955, through the establishment of a specific technological and experimental system: the so-called... more
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      Cold War Science and TechnologyHistory of geneticsHistory of AgricultureNuclear History
The story of Mendel's research remains one of the most intriguing narratives in the history of science. It has become a scientific legend. In 1865, after eight long years of careful, timeconsuming and laborious experiments with Pisum... more
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      EpistemologyAlchemyJungian psychologyHegel
After World War II, blood groups became a symbol of anti-racial science. This paper aims to shed new light on the post-WWII history of blood groups and race, illuminating the postcolonial revitalization of racial serology in South Korea.... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesHistory of ScienceKorean StudiesJapanese Colonialism
Según la "historia oficial", el trabajo de Johann Gregor Mendel, que funda en 1865 el nuevo campo de la genética, permanece en general desconocido, y cuando éste no es el caso, se lo entiende mal, hasta que, en el año 1900, es... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of BiologyHistory of genetics
The publication includes Mark B. Adams’s letters to Theodosius Dobzhansky regarding the history of Russian genetics and evolutionary biology. Mark B. Adams is a historian of biology, and Emeritus Associate Professor at the University of... more
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    • History of genetics
This article explores a scientific technology—mitochondrial analysis—that underlies contemporary technoscientific phenomena such as genetic ancestry tests, ethnic diversity projects, and national genome projects. The article focuses on... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural StudiesGender StudiesHuman Evolution
Este libro recorre la trayectoria de formación histórica del concepto de herencia biológica desde la modernidad temprana hasta el siglo XX, y propone una manera de ver y entender ese proceso que ubica una serie de elementos claves para... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of Biology
The article will focus on the mutagenesis programme in agriculture implemented by the Italian Atomic Energy Commission, starting from 1955, through the establishment of a specific technological and experimental system: the so-called... more
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      Cold War Science and TechnologyHistory of geneticsHistory of AgricultureNuclear History
Since a working draft sequence mapping of the human genome was published in 2001, the variety of the national genome projects has been initiated in South Korea. One of the rationales for such projects is that "the Korean genome database"... more
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      History of ScienceKorean StudiesRace and Ethnicityscience and technology studies (STS)
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      GeneticsBiographyHistory of geneticsMendel
Metaphors are ambivalent and powerful tools of science and used and reflected as such since Baconian times. There is a consensus not only within this anthology but also espoused within philosophy, psychology, science and technology... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
The Anglo-American reaction to the Lysenko affair has been treated primarily either from the point of view of the political Right or Left, or as a consequence of post-WWII international relations. None of the accounts have considered the... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyGeneticsRussian StudiesPhilosophy of Science
This paper aims to illustrate the influence of Franz Unger’s (1800-1870) and Carl Wilhelm Nägeli’s (1817-1891) anatomical and developmental works on Gregor Mendel’s (1822-1884) use of numerical ratios in biological inquiry. All hypotheses... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of BiologyCell BiologyHistory of genetics
I explore and offer critical reflections on the widespread practice of attributing negative value to “vital forces” in debates on health and disease, as the direct result of the extensive dissemination of genetics and its implications... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthHistory of geneticsPhylosophy of Biology