History of Work

264 papers
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The history of work examines the evolution of labor practices, employment structures, and the socio-economic conditions influencing work throughout human history. It encompasses the study of various forms of work, including agricultural, industrial, and service sectors, and analyzes the impact of technological advancements, cultural shifts, and labor movements on the workforce.
Anmerkungen zu Ute Richter´s »Die Wirklichkeit, die zum Gedanken drängt« Gestern Abend war ich bei der Filmvorführung von »Die Wirklichkeit, die zum Gedanken drängt«. Es handelt sich um eine Dokumentation eines, man könnte sagen,... more
Atti convegno Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo Il monaco lavoratore Il lavoro dalla romanità alle modernità con la evoluzione legislativa, teologca e sociale secondo la Regola. Interveni di: Fernando Rivas osb, Bernard Sawiki osb,... more
Στον τόμο: Ε. Αυδίκος (επιμ.), Ελληνική Λαϊκή Παράδοση. Από το παρελθόν στο μέλλον, εκδ. Αλέξανδρος, Αθήνα 2014, σελ. 475-489.
Some aspects of the first workers' demands in the textile sector of the city of Alcoi after the revolt known as the Petroleum (1873) are analyzed. On the basis of the documentation generated by the role of the City Council of Alcoi as... more
Intégralement en open access ici : Cet entretien croise les voix de deux chercheuses spécialistes des chantiers de construction : Mylène Pardoen (CNRS) est archéologue du paysage sonore et... more
Accompanying industrialization and urbanization, leather shoe production expanded in the 19th century. To fully grasp the significance of this development, it is important to remember that leather shoes were far from common in rural... more
A pesquisa busca encontrar resposta para o seguinte problema: como explicar a questão da procura por uma identidade nacional, no continente africano? O seu recorte temporal é o período pós-colonial da África. Depois da Segunda Guerra... more
This study delves into the activities of the Unione statistica delle città italiane (Statistical Union of Italian Cities; USCI). It explores their efforts in devising cost-of-living index numbers in the aftermath of the First World War... more
Hacia 1850, en Buenos Aires, la costura era una actividad que realizaban diferentes personas en sitios diversos. Podía ser parte de un oficio artesanal, una labor femenina, un castigo productivo o una de las tareas que se esperaban del... more
This book explores how workers moved and were moved, why they moved, and how they were kept from moving. In particular, it examines the junction of mobility and coercion, thereby merging insights from two very different but in many ways... more
Écrire une histoire des femmes en Europe impose des approches nuancées, croisées et complémentaires. En partant d'une sélection de documents d'époques et de natures différentes, connus ou inédits, des historiennes et historiens analysent... more
A finales de los cincuenta en España existía un gran debate sobre el futuro del servicio doméstico y los cambios que se estaban produciendo en él. El servicio doméstico era un sector en el que se podían percibir modificaciones... more
Humanizing the Experience: Greek Gastarbeiter Memories From Living Away From Home. International Conference. University of Gdansk
Basic industries are critical to the global economy, providing essential raw materials and goods that support a wide range of sectors including agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and energy. This journal explores the significance of... more
En este capítulo se analizan las aportaciones del prof. Santos Julià a la historia de Madrid. La capital de España comenzó siendo un desastre tras la guerra de la independencia pero la fisonomía de la ciudad comenzó a cambiar desde la... more
This chapter discusses the role of artisans in Portuguese medieval cities, highlighting that they could work alongside members of their household, such as spouses, children, apprentices, or other dependents. The crafts with the highest... more
This book explores how workers moved and were moved, why they moved, and how they were kept from moving. In particular, it examines the junction of mobility and coercion, thereby merging insights from two very different but in many ways... more
Court records and the history of the early modern period go hand in hand. Court records are crucial for our knowledge of the period and are the most important set of data for several fields of scholarship. In this article we study how... more
Recension-Les hommes lents Marco Dal Pozzolo est doctorant et ATER à l'Université de Bourgogne. Il prépare une thèse intitulée Le pathologique et son milieu : perspectives... more
Artigo de opinião publicado no Diário As Beiras de 13/7/2024.
Few building projects reveal as unusual a trajectory as the Golconde dormitory does. Realized between 1935 and c.1948 at Pondicherry, India, this impeccable-looking modern structure has intrigued architectural experts due to its formal... more
El objetivo general de este artículo es analizar el impacto de los procesos de modernización productiva en las identidades ocupacionales de las operadoras de la empresa Teléfonos de México, SA de CV (Telmex); así como abordar las... more
Reseña / book review / Resenha de Cécile Vidal, dir. Une Histoire sociale du Nouveau Monde. París: Éditions EHESS, 2021, 340 pp.
Care for the sick and femininity are often linked almost as a matter of course. However, gender relations in urban charitable institutions of the late Middle Ages were much more complex. Using the city of Strasbourg as an example, the... more
Starting from a singular case about a late seventeenth-century maid, who disobeyed her mistress and took her to court, this article discusses the place of microhistory in the wider eld of historica ...
Nach Studium und Promotion erfolgte die bibliothekarische Ausbildung an der UB Freiburg und der Bibliotheksschule Frankfurt/Main. Sechs Jahre Leitung der Wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek der Anhaltischen Landesbücherei Dessau (sowie der... more
Το πλοίο «Κολοκοτρώνης» ήταν ένα από τα τέσσερα επιβατηγά πλοία που η Ιταλία παρέδωσε στην Ελλάδα το 1952 στο πλαίσιο των πολεμικών επανορθώσεών της. Λίγους μήνες μετά την έναρξη των δρομολογίων του, το «Κολοκοτρώνης» εκτελούσε και το... more
Il presente contributo si propone di analizzare lo stretto nesso che intercorre tra lavoro e ozio nel cristianesimo antico mediante l'adozione di una prospettiva di genere e scegliendo, dunque, come laboratorio privilegiato d'osservazione... more
This report of the Annual Conference 2023 of the German Society for Household Economics was written by Melanie Speck and Lynn Wagner. The keynote speech was done by Thera van Osch. Speck M, Wagner L (Hrsg.) (2024): Für Nachhaltigkeit... more
Un annuaire des membres de la Communauté et Académie de Saint-Luc pour l’année 1753 vient d’entrer dans les collections de la Fondation Custodia. Ce document, a priori banal, est en fait une précieuse mine d’informations pour l’histoire... more
Agradecimentos À Tânia, pela confiança, pela orientação e pelo exemplo profissional. Ao Sírio, referência acadêmica e ética. Ao Jonas pelo diálogo e apoio. Ao Ilari, à Inge, ao Raja pelas sugestões durante o curso. Aos professores que... more
exchange with nature and the gods, and thus helped them partake in a supra-human order. hence, farming as a source of physical exercise was greatly esteemed, even if it literally meant working up a sweat. heroes ploughed furrows,... more
(Un plan détaillé figure à la fin du manuscrit) INTRODUCTION. DU CONTRAT AU CODE DU TRAVAIL POLYNÉSIEN Chapitre 1. La prédominance originaire des liens interpersonnels Chapitre 2. La subordination juridique du premier Code Pomare à nos... more
On the following pages the actual state of the research concerning the fate of mentally ill people in the psychiatric hospital of Klagenfurt am Wörthersee during the national socialistic era is described. Sterilisations based on the... more
Este artigo objetiva discutir como as identidades de escravos e de seus descendentes foram construídas nos meandros do tráfico negreiro e para além dele. Assim, discute como aspectos relacionados à raça, à etnia, à origem, à ocupação e à... more
Unser Verständnis von Arbeit ist einem starken Wandel unterworfen. Zunehmend werden mit Jobsharing, Homeoffice und Teilzeitarbeit flexiblere Modelle gefordert und erprobt. Zugleich nimmt weltweit die Zahl der sogenannten working poor zu -... more
Markers of identity operate in a fluid continuum both in antiquity and nowadays: each identity is a label we ascribe to ourselves (emic) and others (etic). In the contexts of work and crafting, aspects of class, rank, race, age, gender,... more
Questo è il numero 01 di EX Series, una collana multilingue interamente dedicata al cinema sperimentale. Esplora il film Decasia: The State of Decay (Bill Morrison, 2002), un'opera cinematografica unica che, attraverso vecchi film... more
"O que, no âmago, queremos afirmar é que antes de ser negociador, ou um consumidor, seletivo da modernidade, o que veio, com o colonialismo, a ser chamado de “África” faz parte do elenco dos produtores principais da modernidade!"
Problem ciężarnych robotnic przymusowych stanowił szczególne wyzwanie dla niemieckiego systemu pracy niewolniczej. Jedną z metod jego rozwiązania była organizacja placówek, w których umieszczać miano odebrane im dzieci. „Żłobek dla... more
I live in a depleted city (Sydney), in a deindustrialized region (Cape Breton Regional Municipality), on a marginal island (Cape Breton), in a have-not province (Nova Scotia). As recently as the mid-1960s, the city, region, and island... more
A presente tradução se configura como um dos produtos do projeto de pesquisa "Política de reconhecimento territorial indígena no Brasil: atores, instituições e processos", coordenado pelo professor Dr. Leonardo Barros Soares no âmbito de... more
Kepler’s intricate trajectory, his self-reflective comments about the conditions of production of knowledge in his time, and the wealth of materials preserved make it possible to reconstruct a whole set of regimes of scholarly work around... more
Indígena Eduardo Viveiros de Castro « Indígena » designa uma pessoa ou uma comunidade originária de um lugar determinado, que ali vive ou a ele está ligada por um laço imanente; que se sente uma « propriedade » da terra antes que... more
Anhand des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projekts "Digitalisierung des Darmstädter Tagblatts" (DDAT) wird ein Workflow für die Digitalisierung komplexer und umfangreicher Periodika vorgestellt. Das Projekt... more
2 1 grudnia 2011 r. w Ratuszu Miejskim w Stargardzie odbyła się prezentacja książki połączona z projekcją filmu-wywiadu z p. Edwardem Woltmannem z Poznania, którego ojciec był robotnikiem przymusowym w zakładzie wulkanizacyjnym w... more