History of Translation
Recent papers in History of Translation
Co-edited by Christopher Rundle and Pekka Kujamäki Routledge Research on Translation and Interpreting History showcases cutting-edge research in English on the interdisciplinary dialogue between translation and interpreting studies and... more
RÉSUMÉ Le présent article décrit une série de tentatives – toutes échouées – par la Société Radio-Canada (SRC) et la Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) de produire des émissions de nouvelles traduites. Sur un premier plan, il... more
El 1948 una breu onada de permisos atorgats per la censura franquista va esperonar la represa de la traducció catalana. Establerts els precedents de les primeres autoritzacions, l'editorial Aymà va sol•licitar el permís per publicar la... more
The author studies the Latin American writers’ visits to the USSR from 1954 till beginning of 1960s realized via the Foreign Commission of the Union of Soviet Writers. After Stalin’s death, the activity of all departments of the... more
From the history of the Polish translations of Croatian literature. The fourth chapter of the book "Croatica. Croatian literature and culture in Poland between 1944 and 1989" about the second part of the whole period. The Words in the... more
The history of translation is seen variously as examining the role of translation in historical episodes or investigating the phenomenon or understanding of translation itself historically. These different historiographical perspectives... more
This% paper% aims% to% research% how% intercultural% exchanges% contributed% for% the% development% of% the% short% story% in% Portugal,% notably% to% consider% interference% especially% by% English<language% literary% systems% through%... more
Bu çalışma, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluşundan hemen sonraki süreçte, yeni Türk ulusunun inşası için geliştirilen politikalarda çeviri ve ideoloji konusunu incelemektedir. Cumhuriyetin kuruluş aşamasında hayata geçirilen birçok devrim... more
Paper presented at the Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison (WI), in the panel "Between topoi and the world: reading space in 16th-18th century India," organized by Talia Ariav. 10/13/2018.
https://thelicham.com/essay/indian_ocean_circulation_of_text_sound_padappattu/ This study concerns the Paṭappāṭṭu (War Songs) genre of eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, surviving among the Muslims of Malabar, ashore of the... more
By positing that translation is the main manifestation of “interliterarity” (in D. Ďurišin’s conceptualization) that brings to the fore the meta-creational capacities of the target literature, the present article attempts (1) to study a... more
"In the 1930s translation became a key issue in the cultural politics of the Fascist regime due to the fact that Italy was publishing more translations than any other country in the world. Making use of extensive archival research, the... more
This paper looks at specialized translation from the perspectives of the history of translation and Translation Studies academic publishing. Four aspects of specialized translation are discussed, namely its relationship with translation... more
کتابِ تحفه النظّار فی غرائب الأمصار و العجائب الأسفار، که امروز با نام سفرنامۀ ابنبطّوطه شناخته میشود، یکی از ارزشمندترین منابع تاریخی قرن هشتم هجری به شمار میرود. این کتاب دستآورد سفرهای جهانگردی از اهالی طنجه با نام ابنبطّوطه است... more
1. Einleitung Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt mehrere Ziele - manche davon entsprechen denen einer Geschichte und/oder Historiographie des Übersetzens, andere sind Prototheorien des Übersetzens. Ein erstes translationswissenschaftliches... more
Zheng Zhenduo, the Chinese translator, has made great contributions to the translation and introduction of Greek literature, and also put forward unique insights for the construction of Chinese translation theory. Based on Zheng Zhenduo... more
The classics of English children’s literature are works that have survived the test of time. These are wise and beautiful books that are simultaneously exceptionally challenging to translate. The eighty-year period of the “Golden Age” of... more
S in lugar a dudas, William Shakespeare es hoy en día el dramaturgo extranjero más integrado en el "campo" teatral español (siguiendo el concepto de Bourdieu). Así viene sucediendo al menos desde los años ochenta del pasado siglo, cuando... more
A majority of African student translators manifest weakness at two major levels: the conceptual and productive. From different perspectives, this is either termed 'language' or 'cognitive' problem. This dual view is a pointer to the tacit... more
本文討論流衍於晚清時際的兩組詞彙、概念:「群」/「群學」和「社會」/「社會學」。「群」與「群學」這組詞彙、概念,原是為回應晚清政治問題而形成,後又成為時人翻譯、引介來自西方,轉道日本的“society”、“sociology”,從而與「社會」/「社會學」交織為一複雜的語言、概念、思想論述的網絡。本文認為,當我們要脈絡化地思考新名詞、概念於晚清時論、思想界的問題時,或許得將之想像成一種複合體。晚清語境中的新語詞或概念,其意義內涵於各類論述裡的展演,皆是在與其它可能是舊的、意義相... more
L´article (en tchèque) présente le panorama des traductions poétiques tchèques des œuvres de Paul Verlaine. Parmi ses premiers traducteurs figuraient à la fin du 19e siècle de telles personnalités de la vie littéraire tchèques comme... more
This paper discusses some concepts and methods for the study of the role translations can play in the construction and distribution of cultural models.
Please note that the figures on the number of translators in Tibet's history as stated in this paper were later found to be incorrect. Please see my "Translation Archaeology in Practice" paper for more updated figures.
Предисловие к опубликованной библиографии
This article seeks to decipher the intricate relationship between translation, the translator’s ideology, the dominant ideology, and the use of pseudonym. It does so through analysing Liang Shiqiu’s Chinese version of George Orwell’s... more
Who Profits from Literary Translation? The article, originally inspired by the studies of Pascale Casanova and Pierre Bourdieu, attempts to answer the question who in Poland profits from literary translation. The concept of “profit” is... more
I need to say first of all that I like the English Standard Version (ESV). After all, the ESV is a moderate revision (about 6% I believe) of the Revised Standard Version (RSV, 1952), which itself was done by competent scholars. Like the... more
本文以清末嚴復、章炳麟兩本社會學的翻譯文本為中心,環繞著文本思想內容,描繪翻譯者的在翻譯工作上的取捨與詮釋,並從社會學的 思想論辯,勾勒出論爭中的政治意涵,析論其自清季衍生至民國的發展 軌跡,及至中國自由主義和馬克思主義的交鋒。由此可知,晚清民初所 譯介的社會學,實為知識分子展示政治思想、學術理論與傳統思想淵源 的重要場域。此一社會學傳統,是在馬克思主義盛行前,中國思想界最 盛行的社會理論。其中的演化觀念,一方面促成人們對馬克思主義的接... more
"Quote from article: "When we carry out research on translation history, we face a choice. Are we going to attempt to extrapolate the translation features we uncover in the historical context we are examining in order to contribute to... more
Chinese traditional wedding is a marriage ceremony established with a pre-arrangement between families involving a ritual procession. In this respect, this study deals with the semiotics translation of Chinese traditional wedding signs in... more
The articles concentrates on issued connected with the cooperation between literary translators and their editors. The issue of training for the job of editors as well as possible problems are presented and discussed. In Polish. The... more
Over the recent decades, a close relationship among linguistics, translation, and ideology has drawn the attention of many linguists and translators. The researches reveal that both source text (ST) and target text (TT) embody hidden... more
This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the... more
By focusing on the Enlightenment philosopher Christian Wolff, the article intends to shed light upon an author who both played an important role in the process of substitution of Latin with German as a means of scientific communication... more
This article reviews methods by which the censor made minor, standardized changes to translations of Western fiction in order to adapt them to the reigning communist ideology. Keywords: censorship of translation, political... more
As a crucial communication material, the brand name exhibits its growing importance in the worldwide communication. It is a special text with a strong function and a clear persuasive purpose. This paper aims to explore the translation... more