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From the late Middle Ages onwards, many regions of Western Europe experienced heightened levels of inequality in the distribution of land, caused in many cases by the consolidation of property in the hands of various interest groups.What... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
This paper will mainly focus on the material culture surrounding the administration of the Lord’s Supper in the Reformed churches of the Dutch Republic. After a brief survey of the ecclesiastical setting for the service and the practical... more
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      Liturgical StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMaterial culture of religion
Although the history of automated archaeological object detection in remotely sensed data is short, progress and emerging trends are evident. Among them, the shift from rule-based approaches towards machine learning methods is, at the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRemote SensingMachine LearningLandscape Archaeology
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionReformation History
This paper examines the theory and practice of the maritime cultural landscape in general, and projects the theoretical concepts and aspects involved on the highly dynamic late medieval northeastern Zuiderzee region in the Netherlands.... more
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      HistoryGeographyArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
The late-Roman and early-medieval Netherlands witnessed major changes in landscape, economy, demography and also possibly climate. People had to adapt to increased flooding and changing river systems. Settlements were abandoned or... more
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      ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisGeoarchaeologyCultural Heritage
This paper considers large-scale erosion of late medieval peatland landscapes along the inland lagoon rims of the north-eastern Zuyder Zee area (today: Noordoostpolder, the Netherlands) and integrates palaeogeographical reconstruction,... more
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      HistoryPhysical GeographyPalaeogeographyArchaeology
This contribution provides methods for estimating developments in women's labor force participation (LFP) in the Netherlands, for both preindustrial and industrializing eras. It explains long-term developments in Dutch LFP and concludes... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesHistory of The NetherlandsFemale Labour Force Participation
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryWar StudiesSeventeenth Century
This article analyses China's strategic intentions and how these may ultimately project its violent or peaceful hegemonic rise. It maintains that, although it is difficult to define accurately China's future hegemonic role and general... more
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      U.S. historyHistory of The NetherlandsChinaBritish Empire
Osmanlı Rum cemaatinin 18. yüzyıl Avrupası ile kurduğu iletişim kanallarının en önemlilerinden biri olan ticarileşme, çoğu zaman milliyetçiliğin entelektüel altyapısının oluştuğu bir safha olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu yaklaşıma göre,... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Merchant diasporas have long attracted the attention of scholars through the narrow prisms of 'nations' and states. The history of Amsterdam's Greek Orthodox merchants, together with the other cases—who left the Ottoman Empire in the... more
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      Russian StudiesGreek HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East Studies
Protestantism took on a similar Calvinist cast among ascendent Dutch during the Reformation to the Puritans in America, and the Afrikaners in South Africa. These three societies developed, however, very different political systems. The... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionHistory of ReligionHistory of The Netherlands
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsHistory of Commerce
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      European StudiesPostcolonial StudiesIndonesian StudiesCaribbean Studies
ABSTRACT This paper presents a comprehensive view of the empirical research findings concerning rurban relationships in different European countries (Finland, France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Spain), through two types of rurban... more
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      History of The NetherlandsFranceSpainFinland
The gay/lesbian social movement has primarily been understood as an identity movement. This article contributes to expanding understandings of the gay/lesbian movement by following the advocacy of the Dutch Association for the Integration... more
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      Social MovementsSocial MovementGay And Lesbian StudiesIdentity politics
For no less than 300 years, c. 1550-1860 the Dutch way of fishing was the envy of neighbours in the North Sea area and looked upon as the undisputed best practice. This was a lasting consequence of the Dutch Golden Age in fishing... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Pierre Bayle's Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, a landmark in intellectual history, is a curious text. Originally intended as a collection of all errors, it became an encyclopedia of everything, enfolding rampantly growing footnotes... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryHistory of Science and Technology
In 1942, the Dutch weekly magazine Volk en Vaderland, which propagated the political opinions of the Dutch National Socialists in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands, published a comic strip, “Rare, maar ware commentaren” (Odd, but true... more
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      Jewish StudiesPropagandaComics StudiesAntisemitism (Prejudice)
The purpose of this book is to increase our understanding of the driving forces in pre-modern resource exploitation. Within this, the goal is to make distinction between human and natural impacts on the marine ecosystem through analyses... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
This article focuses on the maritime cultural landscape of the former Zuiderzee (AD 1170-1932) in the central part of the Netherlands. Since the large-scale reclamations from the sea (1932-1968), many remains have been discovered,... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
This article discusses the recent developments in imperial history in Great Britain and France and analyses the state of Dutch research in the light of these new approaches. Raben concentrates on three broadly defined topics – the webbed... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesImperial HistoryColonialismHistory of The Netherlands
Comparative analysis of the markets for land, labor, and capital in north-central Italy and the Low Countries in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period reveals that urbanization in itself was not the crucial variable in the... more
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      MarketsHistory of CapitalismHistory of The NetherlandsMedieval Italy
"How did painters and their public speak about art in Rembrandt’s age? This book about the writings of the painter-poet Samuel van Hoogstraten, one of Rembrandt’s pupils, examines a wide variety of themes from painting practice and theory... more
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      HistoryAestheticsIconographyArt History
Edited by Erika Kuijpers, Judith Pollmann, Johannes Müller, and Jasper van der Steen Many students of memory assume that the practice of memory changed dramatically around 1800; this volume shows that there was much continuity as well... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeHistory of The NetherlandsMemory Studies
The objective of colonial discourse is to construe the colonized as a population of degenerate types on the basis of racial origin, in order to justify conquest and to establish systems of administration and instruction. I am referring to... more
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      Indonesian HistoryGovernmentalityPoverty Reduction StrategiesHistory of The Netherlands
Tussen 1585 en 1685 groeide Amsterdam uit van regionale havenstad tot centrum van de wereldhandel. De snel stijgende vraag naar ruimte voor havens en industrie ging gepaard met een explosieve bevolkingsgroei. Dit alles leidde tot een... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic HistoryGeography
DURING THE EXCAVATION of the circular fortress of Oost-Souburg, the Netherlands, objects of bone and antler and sawn horn-cores indicating the use of horn were found. The finds, mainly combs, needles, spindle whorls, tridents, bone skates... more
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyMedieval ArchaeologyHistory of The Netherlands
Migration always played an important role in Dutch society. However, little quantitative evidence on its effect on economic development is known for the period before the 20 th century even though some stories exist about their effect on... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsImmigrationEconomic Growth
The Dutch seventeenth century, a ‘Golden Age’ ridden by intense ideological conflict, pioneered global trade, participatory politics and religious toleration. Its history is epitomized by the life and works of the brothers Johan... more
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      Intellectual History17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of The NetherlandsHistory of Political Thought
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      European StudiesPostcolonial StudiesCaribbean StudiesIndonesia
This paper sketches how late seventeenth-century Dutch anatomists used printed publications to advertise their anatomical preparations, inventions and instructional technologies to an international clientele. It focuses on anatomists... more
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      Visual StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ScienceEarly Modern Europe
This article seeks to historicize the deep-seated notion of 'emotional woman' and 'rational man' by means of research into the changing perceptions of sexual difference and emotions in the eighteenth-century. Texts from Dutch... more
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      Gender StudiesPublic OpinionEighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth Century History
The Netherlands housed a number of widely known, envied and emulated centres of accumulation during the early-modern period. Raw and manufactured goods passed through Dutch port cities, linking the country to global cycles of... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ScienceComputer Networks
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryRace and EthnicityNationalismCaribbean Studies
In pluralistic modern societies, moral dissent will, to an increasing extent, be an inescapable fact in our lives. Moral dissent, however, involves various serious dangers: escalation of conflicts, the use of violence, flourishing of... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsReligious PluralismLegal Pluralism
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsMigration History
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      Refugee StudiesJewish HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsHolocaust Studies
During the 1920′s and 30's, the Dutch colonial government worked together with the Dutch-owned shipping conglomerate Kongsi Tiga to control hajj maritime networks linking the Netherlands East Indies and the Middle East. This was a period... more
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      Transnational and World HistoryMaritime HistoryWorld HistoryTransnational History
The last decade has witnessed a rediscovery in international politics of the Atlantic slave trade and the slave systems of the Americas. This is not to say that the issue had been buried in the previous centuries. The memory of this... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryCultural HeritageAfrican HistoryHistory and Memory
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      Cultural HeritageIndonesian HistoryIdentity (Culture)Slavery
ABSTRACT. Folklore experts have shown that for a legend to be remembered it is important that it is historicised. Focusing on three case-studies from early modern Germany and the Netherlands, this article explores how the historicisation... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistory and MemoryHistory of The NetherlandsMemory Studies
Etienne Laspeyres (1834 – 1913) is today best known for the price index named after him, but arguably his main contribution to economic literature is his Geschichte der Volkswirthschaftlichen Anschauungen der Niederländer und ihrer... more
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      Legal HistoryLaw and EconomicsHistory of The Netherlands17th Century Dutch Republic
This essay provides a critical analysis of the Dutch euthanasia policy and practice. The research benefited from twenty eight interviews conducted in the Netherlands during the summer of 1999 with some of the leading figures who dictate... more
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      BioethicsDeath StudiesEnd Of Life StudiesPalliative Care
On the eve of the Beeldenstorm, a great number of churches in the Low Countries had a sacrament house, a shrine for the Corpus Christi, often metres high. These monstrance-like tabernacles were nearly all destroyed by iconoclasts between... more
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      History of ReligionReformation HistoryReformation StudiesIconoclasm
Comparisons and Connections: Women’s Labour Force Participation in the Netherlands and the Netherlands-Indies, 1813-1940 (in Dutch) Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk investigates the extent to which colonial ties between the Netherlands and... more
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      GenderHistory of The NetherlandsWork and LabourColonial History
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      History of ScienceHistory of The NetherlandsHistory of Philosophy
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryHistory of SlaveryJewish HistoryHistory of The Netherlands
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCourts