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      History of The Netherlands16th Century Netherlandish ArtHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg NetherlandsMichiel Coxcie
Table of Contents and English Abstract of my 1978 Hebrew University PhD-thesis
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      German LiteratureRefugee StudiesHistory of The NetherlandsHolocaust Studies
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsJazz History
| | e-issn 2211-2898 | print issn 0165-0505 Robert-Jan Wille, Mannen van de microscoop. De laboratoriumbiologie op veldtocht in Nederland en Indië, 1840-1910 (Nijmegen: Vantilt, 2019, 365 pp., isbn 9789460043796). Hoe... more
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      Science PolicyHistory of Natural HistoryHistory of ScienceColonialism
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsMerchant communities
The Netherlands have been an urbanized country since the Middle Ages. Over the last ten centuries a dense pattern of small, large, old and new towns emerged. How did this pattern develop and why do our towns look as they do? From... more
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      HistoryGeographyUrban GeographyCultural Heritage
This paper considers large-scale erosion of late medieval peatland landscapes along the inland lagoon rims of the north-eastern Zuyder Zee area (today: Noordoostpolder, the Netherlands) and integrates palaeogeographical reconstruction,... more
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      HistoryPhysical GeographyPalaeogeographyArchaeology
Entry on Dutch 19th century architecture and the architectural debate on the representation of national identity.
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      NationalismArchitectural HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsNetherlands
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawSocial SciencesSocial Studies Education
This short news paper article is not written by me, but describes a landscape walk through the northern Netherlands coastal clay area, the former terps area. Oscar Borsen and I introduce the landscape and point out the relics of a dynamic... more
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      Landscape HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsCoastal and Island ArchaeologyTerp (settlement mound) archaeology
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      Urban HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsAmsterdam HistoryAmsterdam
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      CalvinismHistory of The NetherlandsProtestantismChurch History
Hoewel de belangstelling voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog omvangrijk is en er sprake lijkt van een aanhoudende behoefte aan – vooral persoonlijke – verhalen uit de bezettingstijd, zijn bepaalde verhalen en thema’s prominenter aanwezig dan... more
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      Public HistoryHistoriographyHistory of The NetherlandsSecond World War
Chapter 8 Chapter  ‘Bewogen jaren. Zwolle in de Tweede Wereldoorlog’ [ A moving episode. Zwolle in World War II - A study of local experiences in the Netherlands under German occupation, 1940-1945 ] ISBN 90-400-9740-2
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      Local HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsSecond World WarDutch History
"Le territoire d’Amsterdam a plus que quintuplé entre 1585 et 1663. Cette croissance a, au travers des siècles, attiré l’attention des historiens comme des urbanistes. Ils ont passé au crible fin le développement de la ville au XVIIe... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryHistorical GeographyUrban Geography
Een voorvechter van tolerantie, gewetensvrijheid en alles wat Nederlands is, strijdend tegen de machtsbeluste Spaanse koning. Dat is het beeld dat we hebben van Willem van Oranje, onze Vader des Vaderlands. Een ideaalbeeld uit de... more
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      European History17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySpanishEarly Modern History
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      LiteracyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of The Netherlands
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      HistoryCultural HistoryAnthropologyEthnography
Geen abstract
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      History of The NetherlandsHistory of the Low CountriesMedieval Economic and Social HistoryHistory of Early Modern Nobility
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      Economic HistoryHistoriographyHistory of The Netherlands
The retail of alcohol was so central to the economy and society of the Cape of Good Hope during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that it earned the nickname “tavern of two oceans”. This retail business was organised on the... more
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      Business HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsHistory of Alcohol and Drug Use
Three small Medieval coin hoards, found in the Dutch towns Giekerk, Schagen and Zutphen.
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsCoins finds as archaeological artefactsCoin Hoards
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      Early Modern HistoryItalian (European History)History of The Netherlands
De kustzone van Holland wordt gekenmerkt door een afwisseling van parallel aan elkaar liggende strandwallen en tussenliggende strandvlakten. Op de oude wallen liggen de geesten, voor de Hollandse kust kenmerkende akkercomplexen. Ook in de... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyRural HistoryCultural LandscapesCoastal Geomorphology
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsWater History
Study on the effects of the so-called Tulipmania on the seventeenth-century Dutch society
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      History of The NetherlandsTradeTulip ManiaDutch Golden Age
Urbanization in the Netherlands. A thousand years of spatial development. (Paper in Dutch) The history of Dutch cities has been the subject of extensive research. Many themes and periods, as well as many individual cities, have... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyArchitecture
This article illustrates the development of government-nonprofit collaboration in The Netherlands. It first gives an overview of scope and structure of the non-profit sector and voluntary work and then explains the crucial steps in the... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesThird SectorNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Voluntary Associations
Summary In 1943 the Dutch government in exile in London formed a committee that had to make a plan for the social insurance after the war. The report of the Van Rhijn-committee published in 1945 has been considered as a watershed in the... more
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      History of The NetherlandsSocial HistoryHistory of the welfare state and social security
The Netherlands and Denmark housed Europe’s first two postwar homophile organizations, and by the 1960s, activists were already debating anti-homosexual laws in national media, and (in the Netherlands) demonstrating publicly; thus... more
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesTransnational HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsDanish History
Eerste revisie van mijn eerder verschenen boek uit 2016.
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      BotanyChemistryAgricultural EconomicsHistory of The Netherlands
World history of the Netherlands and Flanders: about the (im)possibility of an open, global, and non-nationalist history for a wider audience Following the success of the Histoire mondiale de la France, 2018 saw the publication of the... more
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      Public HistoryHistoriographyNationalismWorld History
There is little literature surrounding the practicality of a cycling culture in the Netherlands and how this contributes significantly to a sense of national identity and pride. As this essay will demonstrate, cycling is completely... more
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      Popular CultureHistory of The NetherlandsNational IdentityUrban Cycling
The German invasion of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 was not only a tragedy for the Dutch people; it was also a tragedy for Dutch literature. In a few weeks time, the intellectual leaders of an entire generation would disappear.... more
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      Jewish StudiesPropagandaWar StudiesFascism
This article presents an overview of the long term trends in the trading patterns for salted herring in the area of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and their hinterlands in the period of c. 1600-1850. The market is defined as ‘the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Dutch Architects in the South African Republic Jaap Evert Abrahamse South Africa is one of the eight countries taking part in the Mutual Cultural Heritage programme, which was set up by the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
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      Indonesian HistoryHistory and MemoryJapanese HistoryJapanese Colonialism
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      History of The NetherlandsMedieval Low Countries
Women’s suffrage as a controversial issue among Dutch feminists, 1870-1900 Female suffrage was not the Dutch women’s movement’s central issue from the beginning, nor did contemporary social reformers conceive it as part of the... more
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      DemocratizationHistory of DemocracyHistory of The NetherlandsHistory of Feminism
A study dealing with princes of the House of Saxe-Hildburghausen and their relations to the States General of the Netherlands between 1680 and 1760. The article focuses on military and financial interactions.
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsSächsisch-Thüringische Landesgeschichte
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      Military HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsFirst World War
In dit fraai geschreven boek beschrijft Lotte Jensen negen vredesverdragen tussen 1648 en 1815. De Vrede van Münster vormt het startpunt. Nadat de Republiek door Spanje werd erkend als zelfstandige staat, werden er tal van lofdichten... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Th e schoolmistress and best-selling poet Anna Bijns was one of the few laypeople in the sixteenth-century Netherlands who was prepared publicly to fi ght for the Catholic cause. Th is article contends that Bijns's work, exceptional as it... more
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      European HistoryWomen's HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsHistory of Roman Catholicism
Études sur la sainteté et l'hagiographie-Studies on Sanctity and Hagiography HAGIOLOGIA Études sur la sainteté et l'hagiographie-Studies on Sanctity and Hagiography Des saints et des livres Christianisme fl amboyant et manuscrits... more
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      HagiographyRare Books and ManuscriptsCult of SaintsHistory of The Netherlands
Al met al bevredigt dit Indië-deel van de Drees-biografie niet helemaal. Omstandig wordt het Haagse aandeel in de Indonesische kwestie aan de hand van het rijkelijk aanwezige en ook zorgvuldig gebruikte bronnenmateriaal nog eens... more
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      History of The NetherlandsSecond World WarInterwar Period HistoryDutch History
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      CalvinismHistory of The NetherlandsProtestantismChurch History
'Zullen wij nog terugkeeren....' De jodenvervolging in Amersfoort tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. [Will we ever return.... A local study of the persecution of the Jews of Amersfoort , the Netherlands , under National Socialism during the... more
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      History of ReligionGenocide StudiesLocal HistoryJewish History
Op vrijdag 15 september 2006 vond in het Antillenhuis (Kabinet van de Gevolmachtigde Minister van de Nederlandse Antillen), ’s-Gravenhage, de presentatie plaats van de tweedelige geschiedschrijving en anthologie De kleur van mijn eiland.... more
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      Cultural HistoryCaribbean LiteratureColonialismCaribbean Studies
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      Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of The NetherlandsMedieval rural settlementMedieval ceramics (Archaeology)
Alloy of emergency coinage: coins from the Siege of the Dutch town of Haarlem 1572-1573 (XRF measurements)
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      NumismaticsNumismaticHistory of The NetherlandsEighty Years' War (1568-1648)