History of Textiles
Recent papers in History of Textiles
Published in Voss, A. & Wilson, S. (eds.) (2017) Re-enchanting the Academy. Auckland & Seattle: Rubedo Press.
Viking Age textiles with interwoven gold threads are rare in Scandinavia. Two such textiles were found in a Viking ship grave at Gokstad in Norway. Apart from brief overviews, the materials, techniques and find context of these textiles... more
Hallstatt offers a unique situation for textile research: a major collection of textile finds, representing the period from the 16th to the 4th centuries BC, can be used to reflect the development of Central European textile expertise.... more
Our analysis suggests that the box from Burial Ц-301 contained three garments made from Chinese brocades. Two of them were probably gowns of Chinese manufacture, though they could have been made from Chinese cloth in Iran or the Byzantine... more
Die Wirtschaft der antiken Welt steht zunehmend im Mittelpunkt des Interesses der althistorischen Forschung. Obwohl seit Jahrzehnten vor allem um die quantitative wie qualitative Beurteilung des Handels in der Antike erbittert gerungen... more
Textiles produced by Tai-Kadai peoples are widely admired and much studied, but to date there has been no comparative survey of weaving techniques. Looms and techniques are transmitted between generations in a conservative manner, and... more
Buckley C (2017) Looms, Weaving and the Austronesian Expansion. In: Cultural Exchanges in Monsoon Asia: Andrea Acri , Roger Blench and Alexandra Landmann (eds), ISEAS, Singapore. Weaving plays an important role in Asian cultures,... more
MA thesis researching the socio-political dimensions of Mongolian attire in the Mongolian Empire and Yuan dynasty. I just can't get the appendices uploaded because of their size! Anyone interested, please drop me a note and I will... more
Summary Revised edition of an article originally published in 1986 in a journal for the history of textile industry. It deals with the policy of the Table of the Holy Spirit in 's-Hertogenbosch, the largest poor care board in this city,... more
The use of material culture methodologies within the historical discipline has prompted scholars to redefine how and what we might consider primary source material. Subsequently, objects and their ‘process of making’ have come to play a... more
The publication retains a catalogue-like structure already used for earlier books of “Lithuanian Religious Art” which is considered by the authors of this book to be the most consistent and convenient way to introduce the heritage of each... more
The kepse gol stands alone; there is no other Turkmen gol even remotely like it. This is enough to provoke questions about its origin and the author of this paper, Jack Cassin, delves into that issue and mystery.
The main problem hindering proper analysis and documentation of archaeological and historical textiles is the lack of co-operation between scientists dealing with different aspects of these objects -archaeological, artistic, historical... more
At the turn of the twentieth century, the sampling market is moving from a trade-based industry to a service-oriented contemporary of the rise of the consulting and advertising businesses. The Parisian economy in the clothing industry is... more
Catalogue co-authored in collaboration with Georgette Cornu (main author) and Alexandre Fiette.
This article is concerned with patterns of meaning, created by the assemblage of component parts, as inscripting topographies of racialised literacy. It argues that surfaces, either raised or recessed, tenured understanding to the... more
Article in "Business History Review" 80 (autumn 2006): 486-538.
Kyoto people have an expression, 'kidaore'. If you kidaore, you dress to destruction: you spend all of your money on clothing and fashion. How we dress and represent ourselves is integral to our cultural identity but dress is more than... more
Is the concept of craft losing its relevance within today's art community? has the definition of craft evolved since the founding of the Museum in 1983? Such questions have inspired critical debates here and around the country.
This paper compares three textile companies, who take different approaches to industry network organisations and are positioned in more central or peripheral sites within the industry cluster/s. It considers the difference in their... more
Paper develops a process for present an object in a manner to engage museum goers actively as part of the exhibit.
In the collection of Vatopediou Monastery (Mount Athos) there is a Late Byzantine vestment called by the monks the “Arabic stole” (arabikon ōmophorion). This quite unique vestment probably owes its name to two bands of embroidered Arabic... more
Textile Technology and Design addresses the critical role of the interior at the intersection of design and technology, with a range of interdisciplinary arguments by a wide range of contributors: from design practitioners to researchers... more
"Le genêt d’Espagne n’est actuellement qu’une plante sauvage, omniprésente dans les friches de notre région. Pourtant - les plus anciens d’entre nous s’en souviennent - il y a un peu plus d’un demi-siècle, ce même genêt était récolté pour... more
An interview between Sarah Scaturro and Sanem Odabasi about sustainable fashion, preservation, fashion and textile conservation, mending, and one's relationship to their clothes.
Did the collapse of the male-dominated wool industry and emergence of the female-dominant silk industry change how Florentine textile workers lived in and moved through their city? One fifth of mid-sixteenth-century Florentine households... more
Article in the "Journal of Design History" 21, no. 1 (2008): 75-99.