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In 1536, at the siege of Turin, French military surgeon Ambroise Paré changed surgical history. At that time, it was the custom to treat gunshot wounds by pouring boiling oil into them, often without removing the fragment or bullet. Paré,... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary MedicineMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Medicine and Healing in the Premodern West traces the history of medicine and medical practice from Ancient Egypt through to the end of the Middle Ages. Featuring nearly one hundred primary documents and images, this book introduces... more
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      History of MedicineAncient MedicineHistory of SurgeryMedieval Medicine
Capparoni, scoprirà nel 1910 nella Biblioteca Casanatense di Roma: un manoscritto della seconda metà del 1200 contenente testi di medicina e chirurgia dei più celebri autori del Medioevo quali Ruggero di Frugardo, Albucasis, Bingezla,... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of SurgeryHistory of PhilosophyHistory of Science and Medicine In Medieval and Renaissance Europe
In October 1548, Leonardo Fioravanti, a thirty-year old undistinguished surgeon from Bologna, faced a crisis moment in his life. A university dropout who had become disenchanted with traditional medicine, he had been practicing surgery... more
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      Early Modern EuropeEarly Modern ScienceSocial History of MedicineHistory of Surgery
This paper analyses evidence for the practice of surgery, as opposed to its theory, in the Islamic Middle East at the end of the first millennium. The inclusion in formal Arabic medical treatises of complex or invasive surgical procedures... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of SurgeryIslamic Medicine
Aslında cerrahinin tarihçesi ile tıbbın tarihçesini birbirinden ayrı düşünmek pek mümkün değildir. İnsanlık tarihi boyunca hastalıklar ya da yaralanmalar yaşamla içiçe olmuş, insanlar da bunlara yönelik çeşitli çözüm yöntemleri... more
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      SurgeryHistory of MedicineTurkish HistoryMedicine
The book furnishes a unique insight into the world of meanings and emotions associated with hospital life by including narratives from both patients and caregivers. The story is told in a dozen episodes which illustrate the transformation... more
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      Roman HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Medicine
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryDisability StudiesHistory of Medicine
In this clinical study hyperbaric ropivacaine in spinal anaesthesia for lower limb and hip surgery was evaluated and results obtained were compared with those using hyperbaric bupivacaine. Methodology: Two hundred patients scheduled for... more
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      Dental SurgeryOrthopedic SurgerySurgeryBariatric Surgery
Now that a fair amount of Anglo-Norman medical literature has been edited (most of it by the Oxford scholar, Tony Hunt), it is possible to give some assessment of the genesis of this unusually early corpus of vernacular medical writing.... more
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      SurgeryWomen's StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
a cura di Giuseppe Olmi e Claudia Pancino L'interrogativo intorno al quale ruota il presente contributo è apparentemente semplice: si può scrivere una storia sociale e culturale della sectio in Età Moderna che non predetermini il proprio... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of AnatomyHistory of Medical EducationHistory of Surgery
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      History of MedicineSocial History of MedicineMedieval Military HistoryHistory of Surgery
The thorough study of historical researches that reflect the radical appearance, the gradual formation, but also the multidimensional contribution of medical achievements, as if of their talented inspir-ers deterministically lead to the... more
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      Medical HistoryHistory of SurgeryAmbroise Paré
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      Scottish LiteratureMilitary HistorySurgeryMedieval Literature
In 1876 Theodor Billroth - the founder of modern scientific surgery - published a book in which he talked about medical education in German universities. It was a profound criticism of the Austrian university system which, within its... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of MedicineNineteenth Century Studies
On Saturday 21 st July 1403 the armies of King Henry IV and the rebel Henry Percy met in battle just north of the town of Shrewsbury. The royal forces were victorious, (Priestley 1979), but during the battle Henry IV's son, Prince Hal,... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of Medicine and the BodyHistory of Surgery
Das Meer als Transportweg für Mensch, Tier und Handelswaren wurde nachweislich bereits in der Antike mit Schiffen befahren. Und schon immer barg dies Gefahren für die Gesundheit. Sei es durch kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen,... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Medicine
This article examines the treatment of gunshot wounds used in the 16th century from the point of view of modern surgery. Instead of cauterizing the wounds with the aim of destroying the "gunpowder poison" (I.Brunswig, John. da Vigo) came... more
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      History of SurgeryAmbroise Paré
The aim of this paper is to examine the process of transformation of the midwives’ education in Spain, from the late eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century. With this objective, the circumstances which determined that midwives... more
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      MidwiferySpain (History)History of MidwiferyHistory of Surgery
[Article in English.] Au début du XXe siècle, l’impératif de renforcer et de défendre le gouvernement du Ganden Phodrang motiva les réformes tant médicales que militaires au Tibet. Mobilisant les mémoires de médecins tibétains ainsi que... more
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      Military MedicineHistory of MedicineTibetan StudiesHistory of Astrology
The volume publishes the critical edition of Teodorico Borgognoni's testamentary dossier, a group of seven documents drawn up between the first half of 1277 and the end of 1298. These include the will of 17 October 1298, in which the... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineMedieval StudiesHistory of Science
Cerrâhiyye-i İlhâniyye ve Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu'nun Sırrı. İlter Uzel Armağanı, Tıp Tarihinden Enstantaneler. Yay.Haz. Selim Kadıoğlu&Gülay Halidi, Karahan Kitabevi, Adana: 2021, 51-57.
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      HistorySurgeryOttoman HistoryHistory of Medicine
Günümüze kadar ulaşan bazı veriler Antik Çağ’da tedavi konusunda bizi bilgilendirmektedir. Roma Dönemi’nde, köleleri, saray mensuplarını, imparatorları, asker ve gladyatörleri ve belediyeler tarafından görevlendirilerek yoksulları tedavi... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of Surgery
"Allianoi is located in Paşa Ilıcası, close to Bergama (Pergamon) in Izmir. Allianoi is under the threat of disappearing by the Yortanlı Dam. In this thesis, surgical tools which were unearthed in Allianoi between years 1998 - 2006 are... more
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      History of MedicineMetal Finds (Archaeology)History of SurgeryAllianoi
This bibliography was prepared in response to a New York Times article that appeared on 23 Nov. 2016 claiming that an "apparent case" of a successful Caesarean section had been found dating from 1337... more
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      ObstetricsSurgeryWomen's StudiesMedieval History
A question guaranteed to ignite a heated debate amongst medieval archery re-enactors is always: "What kind of war arrows did they use in medieval times?" Did they use barbed arrowheads or bodkin arrowheads? (Pictures 1 and 2) On one... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineMedieval WarfareHistory of Surgery
A Abbas, Haly (Ali ibn al-Abbas al Majusi) 547,
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      PhilologyHistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and Technology
🔗 Il volume pubblica l’edizione critica del dossier testamentario di Teodorico Borgognoni, un gruppo di sette documenti redatti tra la prima metà del 1277 e la fine del 1298. Tra questi spiccano il testamento del 17... more
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      Cultural StudiesSurgeryArchival StudiesMedieval Studies
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    • History of Surgery
We received so many biographies of women neurosurgery leaders for this issue that only a selection could be condensed here. In all of them, the essence of a leader shines through. Many are included as “first” of their country or color or... more
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      Medical SciencesNeurologySurgeryNeurosurgery
By the fifteenth-century firearms had spread all over Europe, but surgeons had no idea how to cure gunshot wounds. It was generally accepted that high mortality from gunshot wounds could be explained by some kind of 'gunshot poison'... more
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      History of SurgeryWound DressingAmbroise ParéGunshot wounds
Estudi del procés d'emergència social dels barbers fonamentat en la pràctica quirúrgica i en l'ús de la literatura mèdica en llengua vulgar, a partir de l'edició i exhaustiu comentari de l'inventari de béns 'post mortem' de Joan Vicenç (†... more
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      Catalan StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesSocial History of MedicineMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
SOMMAIRE - Une boite de lithotritie périnéale des collections du musée d’histoire de la méde- cine de Lyon (Philippe Lépine) - Dioptres ancêtres des grands speculums. A propos de deux représentations égyp- tiennes (Richard-Alain Jean)... more
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Joseph Maclise (1815–91), a gifted surgeon, anatomist, and medical illustrator of mid-19th-century Britain, left behind a corpus of brilliant, idiosyncratic anatomical images, and opinionated commentaries, but almost no evidence of... more
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      Queer StudiesArt HistoryVictorian StudiesHistory of Medicine
In 1536, at the siege of Turin, French military surgeon Ambroise Pare changed surgical history. At that time, it was the custom to treat gunshot wounds by pouring boiling oil into them, often without removing the fragment or bullet. Pare,... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of Surgery
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      Medieval HistoriographySocial History of MedicineHistory of Military MedicineHistory of Surgery
Abstract: This essay examines the circulation of Gerard of Cremona's twelfth-century Latin translation of the Surgery of al-Zahrawi (Albucasis), a work composed in Arabic in Umayyad Spain around the year 1000. Entirely invisible for the... more
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      SurgeryTranslation StudiesMedieval HistoryHistory of the Book
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of Surgery
Little is known about the role of surgery in pre-modern medical practice in general, and in the lands under Muslim dominance in particular. There is an acknowledged gap between theoretical knowledge and medical practice, but evidence of... more
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      History of MedicineOttoman History Of MedicineSocial History of MedicineBilad Al-Sham
Abstract: Viewing the history of science through its objects provides a practical and direct comprehension of its technical-scientific level and social-historical context. This approach is particularly useful in the study of Greek-Roman... more
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      History of SurgeryRoman Surgical InstrumentsGreek and Roman Medicine
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Karl Schuchardt (1901–1985) – dem wohl einflussreichsten Kieferchirurg in der Generation unmittelbar nach Georg Axhausen (1877–1960), Wolfgang Rosenthal (1882–1971) und Martin Waßmund (1892–1956), die dem... more
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      History of SurgeryDENTAL HISTORY
My aim here is to consider the evidence for both anatomical and surgical knowledge in the Middle East and Europe during the medieval period. A large body of excellent re-search exists that explores medicine at that time. However, some... more
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      History of AnatomyMedical HistoryHistory of Surgery
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      History of MedicineMesopotamian ArchaeologyAncient Near East (Archaeology)History of Surgery
La nueva sensibilidad social por todo lo relacionado con la salud y la enfermedad surgida en la Europa latina medieval con la difusión del nuevo sistema médico a partir de la transición del siglo Xlll al XIV, implicó la exigencia de... more
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      Catalan StudiesSocial History of MedicineMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)History of Military Medicine
This book examines the role of literate medicine in shaping women's access to medical learning and medical care in the high Middle Ages. At its core is a cultural history of the so-called 'Trotula' texts, including an analysis of the... more
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      Medieval HistoryWomen's HistoryHistory of MedicineWomen's Health
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      Plastic SurgeryFirst World WarAnatomical illustrationHistory of Surgery