History of Suicide

255 papers
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The history of suicide examines the social, cultural, and psychological factors influencing suicidal behavior across different societies and time periods. It explores historical attitudes towards suicide, the evolution of mental health understanding, and the impact of legal, religious, and medical frameworks on perceptions and responses to suicide.
It is intended that this work should contribute to the study of the original Italian poetry of Giacomo Zanella, through an overall view of it, in its historical context, with due regard to the findings of previous criticism. After a... more
Βιβλιοπαρουσίαση του Ποινική Εξουσία, Αντεγκληματική Πολιτική και τα Πολιτισμικά τους Συγκείμενα, Τρίτη 4 Μαρτίου 2025 - Αίθουσα Τελετών ΔΣΑ
Camille Gambi-Arnold et Isabelle Perreault (2023). Alexandre Baril: Undoing Suicidism: A trans, queer, crip approach to rethinking (assisted) suicide, Frontières,... more
REFERENCE: Baril, A. (2024). “More Openness Around Suicide Could Help Prevent It. The End of Life bill and the care for suicidal.” The Institute of Art and Ideas/IAI News, November 25. URL:... more
Book review of Undoing Suicidism in Disability & Society (2024)
Author: David Guignion
Book review of Undoing Suicidism in the Alive National Centre for Mental Health Research Translation blog (2023)
Author: Scott Fitzpatrick
Book review of Undoing Suicidism in the Publishers Weekly (2023)
REFERENCE: Baril, A. (2023). Undoing Suicidism: A trans, queer, crip approach to rethinking (assisted) suicide, Foreword by Robert McRuer, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 335 pages. Open access at... more
REFERENCE: Baril, A. (2023). Undoing Suicidism: A trans, queer, crip approach to rethinking (assisted) suicide, Foreword by Robert McRuer, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 335 pages. Open access at... more
REFERENCE: Baril, Alexandre (2023). Undoing Suicidism: A trans, queer, crip approach to rethinking (assisted) suicide, Foreword by Robert McRuer, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 335 pages. Open access at... more
Le suicide chez les personnes trans et les ressources d'aide. Entrevue avec Alexandre Baril, Radio Canada Dans la mosaique, 18 avril 2023.... more
B444 -BELLINI, M. I. B. P524 -PINHEIRO, H. A. Serviço Social e Saúde Pública em tempos sombrios: (in)certezas no presente e perspectivas para o futuro, Maria Isabel Barros Bellini e Hamida Assunção Pinheiro (orgs.). Manaus: EDUA; São... more
Ναυπηγική τεχνολογία κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού: Συγκριτική επισκόπηση των τεκμηρίων μέσω της Γραμμικής Β και των αρχαιολογικών καταλοίπων 16:10-16:30 Παπαμαρινόπουλος Σταύρος, Καθηγητής Γεωφυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών Γνώσεις... more
Numéro spécial « Sociologie du suicide » Actualités sociologiques du suicide Depuis l'étude classique d'Émile Durkheim il y a plus d'un siècle, les recherches sur le suicide se sont développées à mesure que cet objet devenait un problème... more
The right to life can be considered the primary human right, as it is the foundation on which all other liberties are constructed. However, this right has been continually violated and prohibited throughout history, in different forms and... more
This research paper aims at unraveling and underscoring enduring impact of historical narratives on contemporary Igbo identity through an analysis of Igbo Landing slave stories. The aim of this study is to further uncover the latent... more
“They blew sugar on it to make it hurt less...” Details of the use of sugar in folk eye treatment in the 18th-20th centuries The widespread sugar consumption started at the end of the 18th century thanks to the beet sugar industry.... more
A reforma psiquiátrica brasileira, através da anuência do nosso país na Declaração de Caracas de 1990, culminou com o advento da Lei N.º 10.216 de abril de 2001, mais conhecida por Lei Antimanicomial e, posteriormente, com a Resolução n.º... more
In the words of one of Hamas' key leaders, Khalil al-Hayya, the barbaric attack of October 7 should not be limited to a confrontation, but should serve to change the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Using the idea of the (im)predictability... more
As paixões são o húmus da obra de Camilo. Não as que ele conta, mas as que ele viveu, ou desejou viver". 2 1 A expressão é de Madre Teresa de Calcutá: "To love until it hurts". 2 Bessa-Luís, 1994:11. O sublinhado é nosso.
Recensione di due riviste, rispettivamente sulla situazione della Striscia di Gaza e sull'emergenza abitativa a Milano
Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a visão de Friedrich Nietzsche sobre o suicídio e suas implicações na sociedade moderna. Através de uma análise textual, busca-se compreender a perspectiva do filósofo em relação à morte... more
Diabeteksen hoito tunnekäytäntönä 1900-luvun lopun suomalaisessa psykosomatiikassa Psykosomatiikka on pieni luku lääketieteen historiassa, mutta siihen perehtyminen kertoo paljon kehon ja tunteiden vuorovaikutukseen kohdistuvista... more
La diosa maya Ixtab es mencionada como ‘diosa de la horca’ en la defensa del provincial fray Diego de Landa ante las acusaciones de haber provocado ahorcamientos durante los procesos inquisitoriales de 1562 en Yucatán. Este alegato ha... more
Schopenhauer repeatedly claims that suicide is both foolish and futile. But while many commentators have expressed sympathy for his charge of foolishness, most regard his charge of futility as indefensible even within his own system. In... more
Suicide is a product of social abnormality, and originates from social incapability and mental distress; it cannot be appropriately addressed under the orders of law. In India, day by day, thousands of individuals irrespective of gender,... more
Die Wissenschaftsgeschichte erklärt die im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert einsetzende Herausbildung des anatomischen Paradigmas zur epistemologischen Schnittstelle in der Begründung der naturwissenschaftlichen Medizin. Unter dem Postulat der... more
a proposta do nosso trabalho é refletir como a estética romântica comparece na obra de Ana Plácido (1831-1895). Contudo, antes apresentaremos uma pequena reflexão sobre as teorias do Romantismo. Por fim, demonstraremos porque Ana Plácido,... more
This work aims to map the change of reception of suicide and ways in which body of self-murderer was treated in the end of 18. and in the begining of 19. century. Main focus is put on the change of attitude towards self-murderers's... more
Since suicide became a medical, not an ethical problem in the West, it has been associated with pathology. The dubious statistic cited in the current literature is that over 90% of all people who kill themselves are mentally ill. But what... more
INTRODUCTION-Each and every activity on the surface of earth is motivated by the sole objective of sustaining life, improving its quality. Advancement, progress and development presupposes life but juxtaposed to the technical progress of... more
This study presents the cultural and theoretical consequences of galvanism, the significant scientific breakthrough of the 18th-19th centuries, and it is concerning especially the questions of human perception and the unity of... more
Artículo que analiza, una vez más, las directrices que diferencian y que asemejan las casas de la ciudad. En forma pionera discute sobre el simbolismo del tercer patio, tanto en casas privadas como en casas públicas.
From the ideological crucible of the Reformation emerged an embittered contest for the human soul. In the care of souls, the clergy zealously dispensed spiritual physic-for countless early modern Europeans, the first echelon of mental... more
For centuries, men were self-reliant and consumed typically the food produced on one's own territory. With advancing Industrial Revolution, development started also in the agriculture and food production set on a large scale, with cheap... more
In India 25.8 per 10,000 women are suffering from Breast cancer as per the Ministry of Health & Welfare, India. It is estimated by 2020 around 1.7 million women will be suffering from breast cancer. Awareness and early detection can curb... more