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Modern ethnic processes in different groups of Enets occur, depending on the specific ethno-demographic situation. In the northern (tundra) group of weak processes of cross-breeding with Caucasians, but actively mixing with the Nenets.... more
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      Indigenous StudiesArctic Social ScienceIndigenous PoliticsInterracial Families
During the XIX-early XX century, the authorities deliberately pursued a policy aimed at leveling position of the Siberian Tatars and their adjustment to the Russian peasants. This occurred through the development and implementation of... more
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      Russian StudiesGovernmentRegional and Local GovernanceGovernance
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      ForestryHistory of ScienceTransformation of University SystemsIntangible cultural heritage
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Великие реформы Александра II знаменовали собой вступление России в совершенно новую эпоху, изменившую роли государства, общества и личности, по-новому расставившую задачи самодержавия. Правящие круги, стремившиеся с помощью либеральной... more
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      History of SiberiaHistory of Russia
The article reflects the results of an ethnosociological study of the situation with ethnocultural education in the south of the Tyumen region. The analysis of historical processes showed that in the 20s–40s of the 20th century in Tatar... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSiberiaLinguistics
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      History of SiberiaSiberian Studies
Предлагаемая монография содержит документы по истории организации и проведения Приполярной переписи на Ямале в 1926-1927 г. и первичные материалы, собранные участниками Уральской экспедиции, представляющие собой уникальный комплекс... more
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    • History of Siberia
В книге на основе документальных материалов рассказывается об истории общины сибирских татар и бухарцев города Тобольска с XVII в. по настоящее время. Особое внимание уделено религиозной жизни мусульман Тобольска, взаимоотношениям... more
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      EducationIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesSiberia
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      DemographyRussian HistoryHistory of Siberia
Baron R.F. von Ungern-Sternberg (1885–1921) is almost a legendary figure. He was General of the Russian White Army fought against the Reds in Civil War after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. He participated in the Civil War in... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesMilitary ScienceChinese Studies
The article deals with the problems of preservation of their native language by the Siberian Tatars at the present stage of historical development. The brief overview presents the stages of studying the Siberian Tatar language from the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeSiberiaIndigenous Peoples
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      History of SiberiaHistory of Russia
Данная работа представляет собой исследование живущей на северо-востоке КНР малоизученной монголоязычной народности. Основу книги составили полевые исследования автора, а также российские и зарубежные источники. В книге рассматриваются... more
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      HistoryEthnohistoryRussian StudiesAnthropology
Religious practices of Siberian Tatars in the South of the Tyumen region are considered. Particular attention is paid to the types of voluntary alms sataka. Some texts bagyshlau are posted at the end of the article. Рассматриваются... more
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      ReligionIslamic PhilosophySiberiaIslamic Studies
This is the account - in Danish - of Axel Ancker life in Siberia, escape after the revolution, and thereafter life in Estonia and escape back to Denmark in the late part of WW2. I work on getting the text translated into English.
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      World War IIHistory of EstoniaEstonian HistoryHistory of Siberia
Sen Jermaka (1895)* W dorobku literackim Marii Konopnickiej znajdują się cztery utwory o tematyce zesłańczej: dwa poetyckie i dwa prozatorskiewszystkie z okresu 1889-1895. Najwcześniejszym z nich jest wiersz liryczny [O miasto! Kiedy ja... more
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      SiberiaHistory of SiberiaAltaiIvan the Terrible
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      HistoryEthnohistoryRussian StudiesAnthropology
Drawing on archival materials, the article explores biographies of members of the family of Siberian Tatars – the Kulmametevs. From the end of the 17th to the first third of the 19th century they occupied the position of the head of the... more
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      Military HistoryFamily studiesGenealogyFamily
The article deals with insufficiently studied issues related to education reforms among the Siberian Tatars. Peculiarities of the development of education in Tobolsk District (County) in 1918–1930 are brought to light for the first time.... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsSoviet HistoryTeacher Education
Transformation of the views of Mongolian authorities on the status of Tuva (Uriankhai) after the proclamation of independence of Mongolia in 1911 is discussed in the context of relations between Mongolia, Tuva and Russia. The lack of... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesRussian PoliticsCentral Asian StudiesMongolian Studies
В статье дается новое прочтение надписи на карте «Чертеж всех Сибирских городов и земель» из «Чертежной книги Сибири» С.У. Ремезова: «До сего места Александр Македонский доходил и ружье спрятал и колокол оставил». Кроме того в данном... more
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      SiberiaRussian HistoryHistory of Siberiaистория России
Изучению деятельности приказных людей, в разное время руководивших Албазинским острогом посвящен ряд работ российских ученых и краеведов. На современном этапе изучения истории этого Административного центра встала задача по раскрытию... more
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      Russian HistoryXVII centuryHistory of Siberia
Статья посвящена слабоизученной проблеме происхождения названия «юраки», которым русские, а также энцы и нганасаны называли группу самоедоязычного населения, кочевавшую по северным окраинам Западной Сибири в XVII-первой половине ХХ в. На... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArctic Social ScienceSiberia
Монография посвящена эволюции судоустройства и судопроизводства в Западной Сибири во временных рамках XIX — начала ХХ столетия. Рассматриваются процесс преобразований и вопросы устройства судебной системы, ее кадрового потенциала,... more
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      Russian HistoryHistory of LawHistory of Siberia
The atlas contains plans, maps and their fragments to the history of one of the oldest cities in the south of Western Siberia - Kuznetsk (now Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region).
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    • History of Siberia
The article is based on field materials of the author. It is considered the ethnic composition of the population Taz region of the Yamal - Nenets Autonomous District and its changes during the XX century. The documents relating to the... more
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      Arctic Social ScienceInterracial FamiliesSiberiaArctic Anthropology
В XVII веке, когда границы между уездами вновь присоединенных к Русскому государству территорий Сибири не были жестко определены, кочевые ясачные люди с легкостью мигрировали из одного региона в другой. В свою очередь стремление воевод и... more
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      Russian HistoryXVII centuryHistory of Siberia
Имекина Д.О., Падюкова А.Д., Агджоян А.Т., Балаганская О.А., Схаляхо Р.А., Юсупов Ю.М., Сабитов Ж.М., Лавряшина М.Б., Балановская Е.В., Балановский О.П. СТРУКТУРА ГЕНОФОНДОВ ТОБОЛО-ИРТЫШСКИХ И БАРАБИНСКИХ ТАТАР ПО ДАННЫМ О ПОЛИМОРФИЗМЕ... more
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      GeneticsHuman GeneticsPopulation GeneticsCentral Asian Studies
Scientific data from different researchers on the funeral rites Siberian tundra Nenets give a general idea of ​​the kinds of Nenets traditional burials. They imply that the cemetery in Nenets located in the high places, burials in wooden... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArctic Social ScienceEurasian Nomads
From 1975 to 2015, archaeological research was carried out in the southwestern part of the Verkhneangarsky Basin (North Baikal), in which scholars of various scientific divisions took part. At the moment, 17 archaeological sites are known... more
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      History of SiberiaArchaeology of Siberia
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
Empire building in Asiatic Russia in the late tsarist empire encompassed a complex set of measures. Yet its most fundamental component was about surveying and allotting land to both native residents and incoming settlers, a procedure... more
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      Russian StudiesSpatial PracticesImperial HistorySiberia
The article first attempts to generalize information about the family of merchants and fish industrialists Mameyev, who lived on the coast of the Taz Bay in the second half of the 19th – first half of the 20th century. It is revealed that... more
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      Indigenous StudiesArctic Social ScienceSiberiaArctic Anthropology
В  статье  анализируются  изображения  Албазинской  крепости  из  рукописных атласов  С.У.  Ремезова  с  целью  выявления  ее  конструктивных  особенностей  и основных приемов, использовавшихся при ее возведении.
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      Russian HistoryXVII centuryHistory of Siberia
The monograph is devoted to rural community organization Tobol-Irtysh Tatars. On the basis of a wide range of sources, the author gives the characteristic forms of community, reconstructing its structure. Particular attention is paid to... more
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      GovernmentSelf-OrganizationCommunity DevelopmentVillage Studies
The article describes the censorship rules and practices of main provincial journals in Siberia, basing on research of publication policy o f main provincial journals, newspaper and archival material. The governor’s attitude to a... more
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      History of SiberiaRUSSIAN PERIODICALSCensure
Крушение Цинской и Российской империй в начале XX в. привело к экономическому и политическому хаосу на значительной части евразийского континента. В Байкальском регионе фактическое отсутствие государства спровоцировало многочисленные... more
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      BuddhismHistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyMigration StudiesUpper PaleolithicPaleogenetics
Ethnographer in a changing field. Overcoming stereotypes
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      Indigenous StudiesArctic Social ScienceEurasian NomadsSiberia
В статье анализируются практики взаимоотношений между двумя высшими государственными инстанциями и главными акторами политического процесса на востоке России во время Гражданской войны: Верховным правителем адмиралом А.В. Колчаком и... more
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      Russian HistoryRussian Civil WarHistory of Siberiaистория России
In article government measures of the period of the late empire for involvement of officials to Siberia and to stimulation of their work in the region are considered. The comparative analysis allows to conclude about fundamental... more
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      History of SiberiaHistory of Russia
The authors investigate migration reasons of the Low Volga Tartars to Tobolsk province in XVII — early XX c., showing places of their resettlement, population dynamics, particulars of ethnocultural development and interaction with... more
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      Anton ChekhovHistory of SiberiaRussian Old BelieversHistory of the Russian Church
Biographies and activities of prominent representatives of the Tobolsk merchant class from among the Siberian Tatars and Bukharans, merchants of the second guild - Tukhtasyn Aytmukhametov and Mukhamet Safar and Khujatulla Chembaev for the... more
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      SiberiaCommerceAntropología SocialHistory of Siberia
In this report we will address the issues of resettlement Kryashens in Tobolsk province, their adaptation to the new conditions, present some features of ethnic culture. When writing a message, we used archival material stored in the... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsEthnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology)SiberiaInternational Migration
Traditional medicine is an essential element of life-support system and a part of the traditional culture of any nation. Traditional medical knowledge is a complex, which includes the presentation and skills of sanitation and hygiene, the... more
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      Traditional MedicineSiberiaMedicineHerbal Medicine
In 2014, I.M. Mirgaleev published a part of the work of Цtemish Hajji’s Continuator. This part is devoted to the history of the Siberian Shibanid dynasty whose activity is known only by very few written sources. So, the... more
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      SiberiaHistory of Golden HordeHistory of SiberiaHistory of Mongol Empire and Juchi Ulus (Golden Horde)
В статье уточняется дата создания и назначение единственной сохранившейся до настоящего времени городовой печати XVII века – печати Албазинского острога. Кроме этого, приводятся сведения о печати приказчика Албазинского острога И. С.... more
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      SiberiaRussian HistoryHistory of Siberiaистория России
Forest Nenets settled in forest-tundra and taiga zone of Western Siberia. They are divided according to the places of residence of seven local groups. Most of them are living on the territory of the Pur region of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArctic Social ScienceIndigenous Health