History of Sciences
Recent papers in History of Sciences
Investigamos aspectos para a inserção da história das ciências na es-cola básica durante o desenvolvimento de uma proposta didática que visa o aprendizado de conceitos relacionados à evolução biológica, segundo a concep-ção de Lamarck.... more
Diferentes aspectos da natureza das ciências podem ser debatidos em episódios históricos sobre a radioatividade. Com o intuito de levantar possibilidades para professores de física de diferentes níveis de ensino, apresentamos diferentes... more
Pertencem aos acervos do Museu do Azulejo, em Lisboa, e do Museu Nacional Machado de Castro, em Coimbra, vários azulejos que serviram em tempos para ensinar Matemática, Astronomia, Geografia. Sabemos, hoje, que foram criados para apoiar o... more
_The Physiology of Love and Other Writings_ is the first English annotated collection of Mantegazza’s selected works. In my extensive introductory essay, Mantegazza’s hybrid contributions from fiction, travel-writing, and ethnography to... more
The paper raises the following question: What are the fields of Tesla’s self-education and how can we ascertain these? In search of an answer, the paper offers consideration of Tesla’s major contributions, of the fields he studied... more
Un estudio de la astronomía, cosmología y iconografía andina con el fin de explicar el origen y organización del sistema de ceques de la ciudad del Cuzco. Con referencias a laimportancia del X de la via lactea y los centros radiales en... more
programme : International Conference of the History of Health Sciences
PECS 18th-19th May 2017 Hungary
PECS 18th-19th May 2017 Hungary
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
HSU Chi-Lin, Université nationale centrale, Taiwan LADRIÈRE Maxime, Université nationale de recherche « École des hautes études en sciences économiques » (Moscou) LAUGRAND Frédéric, Université catholique de Louvain MARRES Thierry,... more
Dans le cadre des relations entre art et science à la Renaissance, la question de la représentation picturale des phénomènes météorologiques s'avère paradoxale et soulève un certain nombre de problèmes. Alors qu'une solide tradition... more
Susannenstraße 21 20357 Hamburg -1 -1. Einleitung Mit aufgerissenen Augen schaut der Engel der Geschichte auf die Untaten der Menschen. Paul Klees Angelus Novus (Abbildung 1), den Walter Benjamin im Jahr 1921 ersteht, fixiert den Blick... more
Borlée (Denise) et Doucet (Hervé) dir., La plaque photographique. Un outil pour la fabrication et la diffusion des savoirs (XIX e-XX e siècle), Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, « Cultures visuelles », 2019, 474 p. Cet... more
Les montagnes ont longtemps été considérées comme des monuments terribles du sacrilège humain. Une transformation de cette perception s’opère dans le milieu intellectuel protestant britannique au XVIIe siècle. Les montagnes apparaissent... more
The idea of Dutch domesticity is deeply rooted in our imagination. The Dutch household of the burgher, the tidy housewife and the orderly 17th-century house from the Golden Age all come to mind. Dutch genre paintings seem to represent... more
Der umfangreiche Briefwechsel zwischen Hugo Schuchardt und Ferdinand Blumentritt entstand durch das gemeinsame Interesse an Kreolsprachen. Während Schuchardt sich in den 80er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts intensiv wissenschaftlich damit... more
The research contains a symbolic study in teaching History and Turkish lessons at 8th grades. The study aims to determine the effect of teacher’s role and provided directions during students studies on learning processes. In this... more
Numerous excellent works have been written on the formation process of ‘psychiatry’ and its concomitant impact on society and culture at the end of the eighteenth century and in the first three decades of the nineteenth century, in... more
William Kingdon Clifford is famous for statements that he made in 1870 to the effect that matter is nothing but ripples, hills and bumps of space curved in a higher dimension and the motion of matter is nothing more than variations in... more
The presence of Jewish astrologers in the Portuguese court of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries is frequently mentioned in the chronicles of the kings. In 1496, King Manuel I forced the Jews to choose between conversion to... more
ABSTRACT Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, Roger Bacon and the prolongatio vite. A Scientific Utopia? Roger Bacon is the medieval author who has written so frequently and extensively on the possiblity that the man’s life could be prolonged.... more
Le concept de biodiversité a été formulé pour populariser ce concept et la protection des espèces auprès du public via les médias. Si dans un premier temps, il a eu du mal à émerger, à partir de 2005, il a commencé à se répandre, mais... more
"Reformation and confessionalization in Bártfa The first part of this paper outlines the forming of the confessionalization theory, originating from Germany, and its main points. After that religious phenomena of towns at the beginning... more
Dans le cadre des relations entre art et science a la Renaissance, la question de la representation picturale des phenomenes meteorologiques s'avere paradoxale et souleve un certain nombre de problemes. Alors qu'une solide... more
This chapter explores Franco Basaglia’s relation with German psychiatry, from his early infatuation with the anthropo-phenomenological tradition to the disputes with the social psychiatric movement during the 1960s and 1970s. After an... more
Since 2012, I've created a partnership with several historians of education and health about the research on history of health education. Indeed, children's and teenagers' health has worried schools for almost two centuries. Starting in... more
Past & Present has uploaded all audiorecordings of our conference on Transforming Information: Record Keeping in the Early Modern World, 9-10 April 2014, British Academy: http://bit.ly/1wakqVW. All papers from the two days are now online,... more
India prides in ancient astronomy (which is all about the skies). She also has a sub-continent wide array of intact archeology. This find is the first that connects the full night span as being reflected on the ground. 27 prominent stars... more
Theophrastus' thought about metals according to his surviving fragments and to Greek, Latin, Syriac and Arabic testimonies. An inspection of Theophrastus' writings, namely his book «On stones» (De lapidibus ), his three major books and... more
Depuis le XIIe siècle et à l’époque moderne, au sein des cours princières et ecclésiastiques, des savoirs situés à la frontière entre le licite et l’illicite, tels que l’astrologie, la divination et la magie, ont occupé une place centrale... more
Nous nous intéresserons à l'utilisation de textes mathématiques anciens sur le thème de l'aire du rectangle et notamment à l'intérêt des différents équilibres entre nombres et grandeurs qu'ils offrent. Dans le cadre d'une analyse... more
The “Galileo case” is still open: John Paul II’s 1979 initiative to “recognize wrongs from whatever side they come” was carried out in an unsatisfactory manner. The task would have been easy had the Pontifical Study Commission created for... more
This study introduces the concept of vernacularization in the context of the literary history of Bohemia around 1800. National philologists, to some extent until today, examine this literature based on 19th-century national and aesthetic... more
223 Laurin, M. (2008). The splendid isolation of biological nomenclature. -Zoologica Scripta, 37 , 223-233. Recent arguments against phylogenetic nomenclature (PN) rest on the assumption that, generally, consensus about the meaning of... more
"En 1885 est créée la Société neuchâteloise de géographie (SNG). La jeune société réunit les notables locaux mais aussi certains des plus grands géographes de l’époque, dont Élisée Reclus et Léon Metchnikoff, réfugiés en Suisse en raison... more
"This paper would add a contribution to the “entangled histories” of the circulation of Sino‐European representations of landscape during the long 18th century. I will discuss a prime example of interaction, interpretation and... more
affinities that make the text seem at home in the second century) while emphasizing the cognitive aspects (ratiocinatio, mens) that more closely resemble ideas of later, Neoplatonic thinkers. Chapter 4 extends Siebert's argument and is,... more
Comment les savoirs sont-ils produits ? Comment se transmettent-ils ? Quelle approche adopter pour apprendre à les observer ? Qu’il s’agisse d’un laboratoire, d’une agora grecque, d’un jardin botanique, d’une table de travail ou d’une... more