History of Psychiatry
Recent papers in History of Psychiatry
After beginning his historical work in Switzerland in the 1950s and then continuing it in the United States at the Menninger Foundation, Henri Ellenberger (1905–1993) became the leading historian of " dynamic psychiatry ". This expression... more
"En esta recopilación inédita de ensayos Jean Starobinski gira en torno a la ‘conciencia del propio cuerpo’, desde «El filósofo acostado» hasta «Incierta presencia», que cierra el libro. El libro incluye, además de las aproximaciones... more
The history of the mental hospital in Delhi is a fascinating story. Set up in colonial times, the asylum in Delhi seems to reflect the tumultuous and chaotic history of the city itself. It was perhaps established in the early 19th... more
This paper aims at analyzing a specific aspect of Nietzsche’s self-proclaimed medical expertise, which is the very non-Freudian role he ascribes to dietetics in the treatment of “nervous” diseases. I first consider the philosophical... more
Pasando la mayor parte de las veces desapercibidas, aunque existen ya desde hace ya mucho tiempo, no es raro encontrar en los más diversos entornos asistenciales psiquiátricos, ciertas publicaciones, en formato de periódico, revista o... more
This paper examines the history and philosophy of a little-known psychological experience: depersonalization. It explores it as a phenomenal experience and as a disorder. It examines nosological debates over the condition, both past and... more
This book is OPEN ACCESS and available for download on JSTOR and other online repositories (see attached link to Cornell Press page and JSTOR DOI). Institutionalizing Gender analyzes the relationship between class, gender, and... more
History ofPsychiatry, vi (1995), 069-085. Pnnted In England nervosa, 10, 16, 22, 77 and non-clinicians who write with a perspective from social sciences and academic history. 12 Medical history has seen recent progress in its level of... more
After the Revolution, a number of the psychiatrists who were enthusiastic about reforms rose to top positions in the new Soviet medical administration. The new government, it appeared, gave them carte blanche to do what they had always... more
Article written for Robert Burns Lives! depository of Burns-related articles outlining the background to my doctoral research exploring the mental health of Robert Burns URL:... more
Proposition de contribution « Les féministes et le DSM : quelles stratégies face aux catégories psychiatriques ? » Dans le cadre des contestations de la psychiatrie, les catégories diagnostiques cristallisent de nombreux enjeux. Les... more
'Strangers amongst us. Migrants and ethnic minorities in Maandblad Geestelijke volksgezondheid [Dutch mental health monthly], 1946-1991' This article reviews and analyses the writings in MGv ["Maandblad Geestelijke volksgezondheid"; Dutch... more
with any questions.
This article analyses the activity of psychiatric hospitalization between 1896-2019 in four different times (stories) in a peripheric territory in Spain: Ourense (Galicia). In 1896 at the Provincial General Hospital (Hospital de As... more
The existence of pediatric applications of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the 1940s in Italy has been neglected by international literature. However, 2 case reports by Ferdinando Accornero and Mario Anderson, both assistants of Ugo... more
Aux origines du spectateur de cinéma. Entre 1880 et 1920, les champs de la médecine, de la psychologie, de la neuropsychiatrie et de la psychanalyse élaborent des théories de la subjectivité marquées par les phénomènes intrigants de la... more
"Dans l’ensemble, La fin de l’asile? Histoire de la déhospitalisation psychiatrique dans l’espace francophone au XXe siècle est de grande qualité et constitue un apport considérable aux études des transformations des services de santé... more
Paris, Alma éditeur, 2018, 317 p.
Purpose. To show the contribution of different psychopathological stances in shaping the concept of anorexia nervosa through history. Methods. Description of the most relevant observations of clinical cases, from XVIII to early XX... more
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
Louis Charland’s claim that DSM Cluster B personality disorders are moral rather than clinical kinds has recently triggered a lively debate. In order to deliver a reliable report of the latter, both (1) Charland’s arguments concerning the... more
Si spengono le luci e le immagini prendono vita sullo schermo. Era il 17 febbraio 1908 quando, a Torino, davanti a una comunità di scienziati veniva proiettata la Nevropatologia, una raccolta di ventiquattro quadri neuropsichiatrici, per... more
This biographical book originates as part of a broader research program on the history of medicine in Nazi Germany and the social context of the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trials of 1947, as well as questions on the forced migration of Jewish... more
Bruxelles, fondé sur les « principes modernes de la psychiatrie », B. Majerus écrit une histoire sociale de la folie à hauteur des patients.
Australian Book Review no. 386 (November 2016): 66.
Early in the twentieth century, Russia was experiencing a decadent period of cultural degeneration just as science was developing ways to identify medical conditions which supposedly reflected the health of the entire nation. Leonid... more
Au vu de l’augmentation des internements et des soins sans consentement, il semble nécessaire de repenser les cadres de notre prise en charge psychiatrique. À cet égard, l’histoire nous rappelle le rôle central de la famille et de la... more
24 octobre 1871, 3 heures du matin, maison de santé d’Evere. Laurent Dumoulin, interné la veille dans cet établissement destiné à l’accueil de ceux que l’on dit alors « aliénés », est pris d’un accès de fureur. Se sentant menacé par ses... more
Objekte wie Zwangsjacken, Gitterbetten und Fixiergurte prägen bis heute unsere Vorstellungen von psychiatrischen Einrichtungen und ihrer Geschichte. Es sind wirkmächtige Objekte, die oft stellvertretend für den historischen Ort der... more
This article is a book review of Andrew Scull's Madness in Civilization.
(I can't resist saying that I am not responsible for the missing comma in the first sentence of this review. I was never sent proofs, and the comma was removed without my knowledge! Do check out Baum's book; it's really worthwhile)
Benjamin Rush is considered by many as the father of American Psychiatry. In his book he presents a complex taxonomy of mental disorders where many criteria (including severity, course and causality) apart from the kind of symptoms shape... more
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el problema del hipnotismo en la ciencia y la cultura de Buenos Aires durante el último cuarto del siglo xix. Desde el momento en que la medicina argentina comenzó a interesarse teórica y... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
Quella di Asperger è una delle sindromi più celebri della storia della psichiatria novecentesca. Il suo successo è stato tale da oltrepassare i confini della clinica, tanto da essere oggi nota presso il grande pubblico come una variante... more