History of Political Violence
Recent papers in History of Political Violence
SIMONA MORI, Polizia e statualità nel primo Ottocento: l'esperienza lombardoveneta e la cultura professionale italiana, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2017, 274 p. Il percorso attraverso cui si snoda il libro di Simona Mori è quello delle... more
Relações luso -brasileiras nas vésperas da República 11 Eduardo C. Cordeiro Gonçalves concretização de vários tratados e acordos sistematicamente ventilados em alturas de maior "zelo" luso -brasileiro, mas mais uma vez adiados. Em janeiro... more
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
This paper seeks to examine the relation between democracy and violence. It will first offer an historical overview of the emergence of democracy in relation to three major political events: the English civil war from 1640-1660; the... more
Loadenthal, Michael. “Cells, Communiqués and Monikers: The Insurrectionary Networks of Anti-State Attack.” In Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics, edited by Uri Gordon and Ruth Kinna, 326–40. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. Abstract:... more
During the past decades, the assassination attempt has been treated from different disciplines. Nevertheless, the mediatization of the assassination attempt or its treatment in images and audiovisual media has been widely neglected.... more
All too often, media outlets report on young men who entered Western European prisons as petty criminals and, over time, radicalized, eventually conducting terrorist attacks in the name of ISIS. Today, prisons are viewed as one of the... more
「白色恐怖」之為一種國家暴力,是解嚴後台灣社會揮之不去的集體記憶,同時也顯露了種種創傷的癥候。本文有意自一個比較的視野出發,著眼於戰後創傷經驗的可比較性、以及東、西方「見證」觀的互譯性,期能透過挖掘台灣「白色恐怖見證文學」獨特的表現/癥候、同時部份借助文學或文化理論的介入,有效地檢視並解剖其敘事,覺察並梳理其繼承;一方面建立白色恐怖創傷敘事的公共意義,另方面探尋白色恐怖成為台灣社會「文化創傷」的可能基礎。... more
The term terrorism is as value-laden a descriptor as one will encounter in the contemporary period. Though it evokes a strong image of an Orientalist, colonized, brown body enacting brutal, theatrical violence from behind a balaclava, the... more
Man möchte es nicht glauben, doch ist all das Schreckliche, was Mächtige dieser Welt im Zeitraum von nur 100 Jahren angerichtet haben, nichts als nackte Realität. Die Autoren der „Gesichter des Bösen“ gelangen zu einem traurigen Schluss:... more
This paper addresses the thorny issue of complicity with wrongdoing under conditions of systemic political violence, such as authoritarianism, totalitarianism or military occupation. The challenge of dealing with collaborators – those who... more
En el siguiente link, se encuentra la exposición de esta teoría, que tuve el honor de realizar en el evento TEDx USMA, Ciudad de Panamá, en el mes de mayo de 2015.
Ce livre retrace le dialogue de longue durée entre les extrêmes droites italiennes et françaises depuis le début des années 1960. De ces relations d'abord personnelles naissent de véritables réseaux qui bénéficient du soutien bienveillant... more
Partition of India in 1947, or to be more specific the division of Punjab is one of the darkest human tragedies mankind has ever experienced. Its impact was so deep and penetrating that it continues to haunt the psyche of those uprooted... more
This article argues for the importance of the Royal Indian Navy mutiny of 1946 in two key aspects of the transition towards Indian independence: civilian control over the Indian military, and a competition for power between Congress and... more
This article traces the rise and decline of the Somali jihadi-insurgent group al-Shabab from 2006 to 2014. Particular attention is paid to the group’s implementation of a philistine and coercive interpretation of Shariah in areas under... more
Abstract In a move away from overarching explanations of the Terror based on ideology, class or a ‘system of Terror’, historians have been investigating the web of connections between politics, ideology, tactics, emotions and the role of... more
Political violence and democracy, Violence and the assertion of political sovereignty in India
Vortrag vom 17. Januar 2013 in der Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Steinwache
Public Talk: Political Violence in the North of Dortmund at the End of the Weimar Republic,
held at the "Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Steinwache" at 17 January 2013
Public Talk: Political Violence in the North of Dortmund at the End of the Weimar Republic,
held at the "Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Steinwache" at 17 January 2013
Antifa's international networks, first noted by the Obama administration, remain largely unknown. The broad militant movement sweeping the United States in 2020 borrows heavily from foreign organizations, networks, governments, and at... more
On 18 May 1966, Paul Joseph Chartier blew himself up outside of the Canadian House of Commons in Ottawa. His target had been members of parliament, but he succeeded in killing only himself. The bombing received widespread attention at the... more
В современной Украине из Степана Бандеры и его организации делают героев, хотя на самом деле они были международными террористами, пишет Иван Качановский, пост-докторский сотрудник факультета политологии Торонтского университета, в своей... more
Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2013, p. 61-78.
Book review published by H-War at: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=38909
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
“Si la police peut paraître partout semblable jusque dans les détails, il ne faut pas finalement se méprendre : son esprit est moins dévastateur dans la monarchie absolue, où elle représente la violence d’un souverain qui réunit en lui... more
Paper presented at Notre Dame Student Peace Conference, "Expanding Circles: Peace in a Polarized Age?" (March 30, 2019) Though violence is typically a negatively viewed concept in regards to social disruptions and change, historically... more
5 Der »Röhm-Putsch« und der mythos vom homosexuellen nazi 225 Showdown 225 »Reichsmordwoche« 232 Konsequenzen 246 Dieses Buch ist auch als e-Book erhältlich. Die englische Originalausgabe erschien 2017 unter dem Titel »Stormtroopers: a... more
Bali has been regarded as a 'paradise island', 'island of thousand temples' and many other images to support the growth of tourism industry. In fact, the industry has been developed massively after a mass massacre of the leftists and... more
Chaos reigns—at least in the historiography of the Raj. It was once the consensus among historians that British imperial authority in the Indian subcontinent was secure for at least the century-and-a-half before the Second World War.... more
ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of ethnicity on the formation of the East African Federation; putting emphasis on the social aspect in Uganda. The study utilised a Descriptive cross-sectional survey design, and on the basis of... more
This booklet is the result of the First International Conference on Radicalisation and Political Violence, which took place in London on 17-18 January 2008. The purpose of the conference was to bring together policymakers, senior... more
"Deadwood fu protagonista di leggende e di dime novels, che ben rappresentarono le peripezie di un luogo così selvaggio. Oro, sesso, droga e alcool fecero da cornice a una vera e propria giungla popolata da “bestie locali”, immersa nella... more
This collection of thirteen articles from the Journal of the Sind Historical Society concentrates on precolonial and colonial Sind. These articles reveal much about Sindh’s past and historically showcase the region’s broad socio-cultural... more
This chapter briefly reviews and analyzes the key contributions on organized violence within historical sociology. It explores both the macro-and micro-level studies that have influenced recent debates within the field. The first section... more
Maoism refers to an ensemble of revolutionary ideas and practices inspired by the life and work of the Chinese political leader and philosopher Mao Tse-tung (1893Tse-tung ( -1976. Broadly, these ideas and practices seek to deploy... more
Edición y el prólogo de un documento histórico único y un testimonio humano conmovedor: el diario que, día por día, la barcelonesa Pilar Duaygües Nebot escribió desde 1935 hasta 1940 y que abarca, por tanto, toda la Guerra Civil.